Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Bruh that trailer...


March has to hurry up and move along... :sick:
At the 28 second mark someone is atop the ship with what I'm assuming is the golden company. Any thoughts or ideas on who that is?

I don't think it's Jaime because he would most likely be wielding Widow's Wail and that sword doesn't look like Widow's Wail. My guess is it's a rando or whoever ran the Golden Company in the books (I forgot the name).
Binge watched all the epiodes last summer because everyone kept telling me I was missing out. Now can't wait for season 8 to start.
Y'all don't think it's a cop-out finish if the NK wins?

Cop-out? I think it would be the greatest finish in TV history.

Death always wins, real life, death is undefeated. If they finish this show with Jon on the throne, or Cersi, or Daneryus, or Arya, whoever, the whole point is, what? They live happily ever after? There are no more wars, ever? Their story is over, or the story we are watching is just over?

If the Night King wins.......and the world dies. EVERYONE is dead. It's a planet of undead. That's how you fade to black. **** everyone's happy endings, their tearful triumphs, all that, no, everyone dies. Just like life. Thee end.

If HBO has balls, that's how you close it down. My guess, they don't, and it will be exactly that, a happy stupid ending, with everyone assuming the rest of the story etc. How's that a fitting close to what we've gone thru? Everyone dies. Let them. Gimme the Night King for the win.
Trailer was good, not all that epic, just cause we waited so long, we are killed with anticipation. 7/10 at best cause we know so much will be revealed this season without revealing too much in the trailer.
Cop-out? I think it would be the greatest finish in TV history.

Death always wins, real life, death is undefeated. If they finish this show with Jon on the throne, or Cersi, or Daneryus, or Arya, whoever, the whole point is, what? They live happily ever after? There are no more wars, ever? Their story is over, or the story we are watching is just over?

If the Night King wins.......and the world dies. EVERYONE is dead. It's a planet of undead. That's how you fade to black. **** everyone's happy endings, their tearful triumphs, all that, no, everyone dies. Just like life. Thee end.

If HBO has balls, that's how you close it down. My guess, they don't, and it will be exactly that, a happy stupid ending, with everyone assuming the rest of the story etc. How's that a fitting close to what we've gone thru? Everyone dies. Let them. Gimme the Night King for the win.

I don't want a happy ending either with the Starks + Jon + Khaleesi on the throne.
I wonder if that scene with Dany, Jon, Drogon & Rhaegal is after or before the battle of winterfell. Seems like before not entirely sure.
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