Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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This is an all-time head scratcher as to
Why they cut this scene from the show. It’s an absolute atom bomb of a discovery. It’s well acted, had really good scenery. Shows another side of Tywinn also. But yeah Maester was fakin the funk and Tywinn wasn’t with the BS.
Oh of course.... watch it again and slow it down..... like a breakdown video.
Got it.

Honest question. Do you feel the same way about the excerpts from WoW that GRRM released and how people break those done and theorize?
Watching it again because you didnt catch stuff or everything went by fast doesnt make it a break down video. Stop it fam. If i watch something twice im not trying to theorize the entire season with it.

2. Did not read those chapters wouldnt spoil myself like that... The Arianne chapter came out like 2 years ago. And wasnt evem the entire chapter..
So yes breaking that down is mad corny too
I feel like the NK will win at the end because his army will only continue to grow or get replenished with those he fights against.
I feel like the NK will win at the end because his army will only continue to grow or get replenished with those he fights against.
I don't think NK is going to win or at least win in the sense of taking over the planet. GRRM has said from the jump that the story has a bittersweet ending. Assuming that D&D follow the same format, they'll probably be a lot of deaths and possibly some sort of truce or ceasefire that will allow life to go on.

I also had another idea. A lot of people think that the show will end with Sam as an old maester writing A Song of Ice and Fire. What if what we're watching is the origins of a powerful religion in Westeros based on Jon. However, in the future, Jon's origin story and subsequent religion is used to oppress the masses. What if Jon's story does end on a somewhat good note but that eventually leads to a religion far more oppressive than The Faith Militant. Or maybe I need more sleep.
I don't think NK is going to win or at least win in the sense of taking over the planet. GRRM has said from the jump that the story has a bittersweet ending. Assuming that D&D follow the same format, they'll probably be a lot of deaths and possibly some sort of truce or ceasefire that will allow life to go on.

I also had another idea. A lot of people think that the show will end with Sam as an old maester writing A Song of Ice and Fire. What if what we're watching is the origins of a powerful religion in Westeros based on Jon. However, in the future, Jon's origin story and subsequent religion is used to oppress the masses. What if Jon's story does end on a somewhat good note but that eventually leads to a religion far more oppressive than The Faith Militant. Or maybe I need more sleep.

"Probably be a lot of deaths" Probably he says :lol:
I feel like the NK will win at the end because his army will only continue to grow or get replenished with those he fights against.

Remember last season they showed that when a white walker is killed all the wights under his charge die as well...Killing a walker can take out large groups of wights at one time...Thinking if the Night King himself is killed then his entire army is just deaded right then...Killing walkers ~ the Night King is easier said than done though :lol:...

That’s why that dragon glass is so damn important...

Prediction...Night King and his army overrun all of Westeros before he’s stopped...Whoever takes the iron throne does so over a completely devastated Westeros that’s left in complete shambles...
This is exactly why I rock with trailer breakdowns. Would have never picked up on Lord Friendzone with Sam's sword Heartbane :pimp:

We also know now that the NK has a specific target :nerd:

I'm sure I'm hella late with this, but I've recently started my rewatch to lead up to the final season & noticed the older Tommen was played by the same kid who was Martyn Lannister ins eason 3.
Yup I recognized him on my first 4 season rewatch. Edmure is soo trash lol. Why would Tywin give a damn about those 2 kids.
Hey do you guys know like who will be the "final boss"?

Like who the good guys will have to battle (Jon and Dany) vs

Also, was it ever discuss like will they fight the zombies first or will it be Cercei and the last or second to last episode will be either Night King battle or Cercei at her castle or a battle at the sea against that bootleg Jaime and Euron?

Not sure how this will play out this season of will the Night King be the final boss or will it be Cercei and company.
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