Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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I guess we saw yesterday why Aegon's conquest won't be a prequel. It would virtually be a series full of Westeros Lords either bending the knee or seeing their houses and armies incinerated. The burning of Harrenhal would probably similar or worse than what Dany did to King's Landing. I doubt we see another Dragon on any of the GOT prequels for many, many years.

Do we know how far back are they going?
Yo was acting like the one dude in the crew that all of a sudden don’t know how to act when y’all go outta straight wildin kicking cop cars n trying to grab every booty that passes by in the street :lol: :smh:
:rofl: :rofl:

Gotta abandon that *****

:smh: What happened to this quality of writing?

Why couldnt this same level of writing be applied to Dany's descent in to madness and GW's despair after losing Missandei?
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It's an entirely different show.:smh::smh::smh::smh:

I've been trying really hard not to add to the D&D hate because they did contribute to s1-s4, but these two clowns deserve every bit of it for the recent abominations. I'm glad I don't care about Star Wars lol.

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Awww hell nah
Tyrion a sucka
***** *** ***** snitched on Varys :smh:
Not to mention it’s wack how he went out
Varys waaaaay smart enough then to be told on by Tyrion
Plus him going up to Jon like that to tell him
He should be king ain’t even his style
I’m mad trash *** writing
It's an entirely different show.:smh::smh::smh::smh:

I've been trying really hard not to add to the D&D hate because they did contribute to s1-s4, but these two clowns deserve every bit of it for the recent abominations. I'm glad I don't care about Star Wars lol.

I'm saying.

these clowns D&D been seriously trying to gaslight people in those after episode segments.
He get Varys killed
But helps Jaime and tryna help Cersei escape
Man **** that ***** I’m mad
I don’t even wanna continue this episode
I’m surprised yal even care about Varys. Dude been a complete waste since not freeing Ned.. What has he accomplished thus far? He sneaked around for 8 seasons while really getting nothing done at all. In the name of the realm lmfao
Yo and why they made dude of the Golden army seem like he was dope
Gonna our in work
And all he did was die
I’m mad
**** trash
I’m surprised that this show has gone this far honestly.
I love it and don’t mind the whacky writing at the end. These dudes prolly wanted to move on by now and tryna wrap things up.

Also real crazy that many of these actors if not all have not left the show since the beginning.
I would of thought we would of heard of more ‘negotiations’ or someone had to be killed off because they didn’t want to continue.
How long after the series ends before we hear cast members express dissatisfaction with the final season?
King's Landing has always been in need of being rebuilt. It started off as a little fort on a hill for Aegon. People started building little hovels and hastily built gates and walls around it and it quickly became a city with thousands and thousands of people without the infrastructure or planning to handle the sudden growth. Because the central city planning involved with the construction of the city (or the lack thereof) was so poor, the city eventually became the ugly, inefficient city that it is now, with crooked cobbled streets that are too narrow, wooden shacks built on top of each other, and a huge sanitation problem. It's the youngest major city but has the worst sewage, so bad that Olenna always comments that you can smell **** from miles away. The pipes carry **** from the Red Keep to the river, but the pipes overflow during rains and the **** literally floods flea bottom. Cities like Old Town and the cities in Essos put King's Landing to shame in terms of architecture, wide paved roads/streets, sanitation, sewage systems, clean drinking water, market squares, and overall management of their population, etc which is pretty bad for the capital of the seven kingdoms.

Now, whoever that takes the Iron Throne can rebuild from scratch.
Hol up
Hol up
Hol up
They really got the mountain
Lookin like death Vader :smh:
This show so damn trash
The fall off is epic
:rofl: These memes are wild.
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