Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Varys's death was the least impactful death on the show this far. Nobody is even talking about it.
Cersei didnt need to die by any one person. Her still dying should have still been somewhat satisfying for the fans. But its also not the first time u hate her. But then have a bit of sympathy for her. (Tywin telling her she had to marry loras...marcella dying...shame ep...)

**** Cersi b. She was using the citizens as a shield. She just came off an ep killing Missandei.

How does it make sense to try and make her sympathetic before she dies? Forget anyone person killing her why does she get to die in the arms of Jamie? And in this ep we're suppose to buy in to Dany killing innocents cuz?

Why is falling rocks a suitable death?

She explained it tho. No one loves me. And cersei made sure that the people wouldnt love her by offering them fake protection.
Dany knew no one would want ro bend the knee in KL. Why should she not burn them?
She's been daring her conquer with fire and blood line since qarth.
And also talked about taking out cersei root and stem. Dany hasn't been innocent since season 1. No one expected her to go that far. But she was always atleast going to burn the red keep
So again, is Dany burning innocents without justifiable cause a decision that you think is justified or is this a Dany that has snapped and gone mad?

Cuz from this post you seem to think its a decision she's made off of the fact that she thinks the ppl wont love her, won't bend the knee, and since she's been using violence as an option since Qarth its okay for her to assume the citizens wont love her and to just burn them all alive.

That jump was not earned on the show. There's a huge leap there where a few of you are acting like that makes sense from a storytelling perspective.
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People really on here mad cuz villains didn’t get what they deserved? Whatever this show was or has become, it was never that.
What are you talking about?

Everyone on Arya's list got what they deserved except for the handful she spared/took off the list. Even those she didn't get to kill got brutal deaths.

Pedophiles have been tortured, traitors maimed/flayed, rapists eaten alive, so many have been burned alive, children have been killed just to hurt murderers, etc.

I'd say only Cersi, Jamie, Littlefinger, and Mountain didnt get what they deserved so far. Although I guess there's an argument the mountain died and was made in to a frankenstin's monster zombie thing which is kind of its own hell. Cant recall if he was still capable of rape though.

What show have you been watching?

**** Cersi b. She was using the citizens as a shield. She just came off an ep killing Missandei.

How does it make sense to try and make her sympathetic before she dies? Forget anyone person killing her why does she get to die in the arms of Jamie? And in this ep we're suppose to buy in ti Dany killing innocents cuz?

Why is falling rocks a suitable death?

So again, is Dany burning innocents without justifiable cause a decision that you think is justified or is this a Dany that has snapped and gone mad?

Cuz from this post you seem to think its a decision she's made off of the fact that she thinks the ppl wont love her, won't bend the knee, and since she's been using violence as an option since Qarth its okay for her to assume the citizens wont love her and to just burn them all alive.

That jump was not earned on the show. There's a huge leap there where a few of you are acting like that makes sense from a storytelling perspective.
I don’t know the reasoning behind her flip, but I wonder if she legit just lost all faith in her advisors and just said **** it imma do what I feel.

If that is the case, it was subtly hinted at over the coarse of the last 2 seasons, but not enough for the flip.

Loosing Messandei really did a number on her, apparently...
I don’t know the reasoning behind her flip, but I wonder if she legit just lost all faith in her advisors and just said **** it imma do what I feel.

If that is the case, it was subtly hinted at over the coarse of the last 2 seasons, but not enough for the flip.

Loosing Messandei really did a number on her, apparently...
My thing isn't the material isnt there. It just wasnt used or executed good enough. If it wasn't for the acting i'd say the writers did less than the bare minimum.

Jorah's and Missandei's deaths should've hit much harder for her but there was no time for that. Instead we're told Dany hasn't eaten for a day or two and refuses to see anyone.

Also that's suppose to be that final nail in the coffin for Varys betraying her :smh:
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My thing isn't the material isnt there. It just wasnt used or executed good enough. If it wasn't for thr acting i'd say the writers did less than the bare minimum.

Jorah's and Missandei's deaths should've hit much harder for her but there was no time for that. Instead we're told Dany hasn't eaten for a day or two and refuses to see anyone.

Also that's suppose to be that final nail in the coffin for Varys betraying her :smh:
One thing that doesn’t sit well with me over time is how Varys got caught up. Sure, he trusts Tyrion but it’s not like him to throw all his eggs in one basket.

To also go straight to Jon when he just landed and basically ask him to commit treason for no legit reason other than his claim was dumb and out of character too.

Dude was legit pullin tight strings for 7.5 seasons and then this happens...
If we think back to how much Tyrion, the spider and John wanted Dany to do the right thing and save the people. She simply had to burn that city after finding out they all betrayed her. Zero Fs giving at that point. She didn’t go until that bell sounded!! That was basically a screw yal moment.
Grey worn already knew that was coming, that’s why he actually guarded Dany from John when he came to talk.
The direction they went in in terms of trying to make the audience care about saving Kings landing civilians was so odd

They really made that a plot point. The whole episode Tyrion was begging everyone to call it off after the bells ring. Why should we care about them so much? Was very poor and no investment there
Re-watching the episode...didn't realize that was a North soldier that Jon had to stick. That ***** was wildin. Why would he flip on Jon like that? I can see if he was Dothraki or Unsullied.
Yo was acting like the one dude in the crew that all of a sudden don’t know how to act when y’all go outta straight wildin kicking cop cars n trying to grab every booty that passes by in the street :lol: :smh:
One thing that doesn’t sit well with me over time is how Varys got caught up. Sure, he trusts Tyrion but it’s not like him to throw all his eggs in one basket.

To also go straight to Jon when he just landed and basically ask him to commit treason for no legit reason other than his claim was dumb and out of character too.

Dude was legit pullin tight strings for 7.5 seasons and then this happens...
All I can think is he knew he was out of time. He knew once Jon got there the attack was on and he wanted to prevent what happened.
If I were to put on my tinfoil hat on, between D&D wanting to do a what if Slavery was still legal tv series in America, the clear presence of MAGAfell, trashing all the goodwill they had going with their women taking charge on GoT, etc. I'd almost say D&D down with the alt-right.

Re-watching the episode...didn't realize that was a North soldier that Jon had to stick. That ***** was wildin. Why would he flip on Jon like that? I can see if he was Dothraki or Unsullied.
I said it before, the North ALWAYS been filled with scumbags.

We just spent a few eps in MAGAfell.

Dont get it twisted, dudes like Jon and Ned are the exception.

Most dudes are like Theon pre-Reek and Roose Bolton. Look at House Glover.
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One thing that doesn’t sit well with me over time is how Varys got caught up. Sure, he trusts Tyrion but it’s not like him to throw all his eggs in one basket.

To also go straight to Jon when he just landed and basically ask him to commit treason for no legit reason other than his claim was dumb and out of character too.

Dude was legit pullin tight strings for 7.5 seasons and then this happens...
Its almost as if Varys wasnt battling it out with Littlefinger to see who was the better puppetmaster for 4 seasons.

All that wisdom and slyness from their talks forgotten and he's over here making insane rookie mistakes. Talking to Jon in clear view of everyone? Varys use to arrange secret meet ups, had eyes everywhere.

And the sad thing about it is its not even like Tyrion outsmarted him. Fam just told on him and it was over.

I'm left to wonder if that scene with that little girl will lead to anything.
I guess we saw yesterday why Aegon's conquest won't be a prequel. It would virtually be a series full of Westeros Lords either bending the knee or seeing their houses and armies incinerated. The burning of Harrenhal would probably similar or worse than what Dany did to King's Landing. I doubt we see another Dragon on any of the GOT prequels for many, many years.
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