Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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That’s how they kill Cersei???
Aw hell nah
I’m really heated
Wtf these show runners doing
How hbo allow them to **** up GOT like this
I ain’t watching no damn prequel show
I’m telling u now
i woulda liked to see them throw it back to when cersei was ready to poison herself too

and i woulda liked to see grey worm vs mountain cuz of the scene with her and lady sand snake in the dungeon talkin about oberyn and how good he was with the spear

olenna called it between jaime and cersei, wish she woulda had a scene with brienne maybe around the castle she catch her looking at jaime or something
We were annoyed by her character from day 1 because she's always been a self-centered ***** who thinks she's better than everyone and spends every waking minute looking for reasons to justify whether she should murder or save people by the thousands.
Before this ep, when has Dany ever looked for reasons to justify murdering ppl by the thousands?

Kinda just made this up in your head cuz you dislike the character.

Dudes literally are using blanket arguments to excuse poor storytelling :lol: with the caveat lie of its been this way since day 1.

Spare me.
Currently at season 4 on my rewatch. Dany and Jon's arc up, until the Mance Rayder stuff, was trash. No wonder the show got weak around the season 5-6 mark.
King's Landing has always been in need of being rebuilt. It started off as a little fort on a hill for Aegon. People started building little hovels and hastily built gates and walls around it and it quickly became a city with thousands and thousands of people without the infrastructure or planning to handle the sudden growth. Because the central city planning involved with the construction of the city (or the lack thereof) was so poor, the city eventually became the ugly, inefficient city that it is now, with crooked cobbled streets that are too narrow, wooden shacks built on top of each other, and a huge sanitation problem. It's the youngest major city but has the worst sewage, so bad that Olenna always comments that you can smell **** from miles away. The pipes carry **** from the Red Keep to the river, but the pipes overflow during rains and the **** literally floods flea bottom. Cities like Old Town and the cities in Essos put King's Landing to shame in terms of architecture, wide paved roads/streets, sanitation, sewage systems, clean drinking water, market squares, and overall management of their population, etc which is pretty bad for the capital of the seven kingdoms.

Now, whoever that takes the Iron Throne can rebuild from scratch.
:rofl: @ Dany's reason for torching the town being hey we needed to build a new infrastructure from scratch. I just came from Essos and they're cities look way better

**** Cersi b. She was using the citizens as a shield. She just came off an ep killing Missandei.

How does it make sense to try and make her sympathetic before she dies? Forget anyone person killing her why does she get to die in the arms of Jamie? And in this ep we're suppose to buy in to Dany killing innocents cuz?

Why is falling rocks a suitable death?

So again, is Dany burning innocents without justifiable cause a decision that you think is justified or is this a Dany that has snapped and gone mad?

Cuz from this post you seem to think its a decision she's made off of the fact that she thinks the ppl wont love her, won't bend the knee, and since she's been using violence as an option since Qarth its okay for her to assume the citizens wont love her and to just burn them all alive.

That jump was not earned on the show. There's a huge leap there where a few of you are acting like that makes sense from a storytelling perspective.
If you were really taking a deep dive in to cersei...what are truly her cruel and vile acts...
Moat of the things she did she did to prottect herself basically and unlike aa man in the show she could hack and slack her problems.
She felt bad about bran never wanted to have that go down.
She had lancel pour stronger wine for robby b kinda his fault he drank so much.
We found out she had nothing to do with Jon Arryn.
Joffery is the one who tried to have tyrion killed not her..
She actually had a bit of sympathy for sansa.
Basically for every decent thing she didm. She kinda did an undecent thing as well. But its not like she was all evil all the time.
The 2 worst things she did imo is blow up the sept. And kill the sand snake daughter in front of her daughter (and that was justified imo. Cuz they killed marcella)

So yes its ok. To me if the show wants to give her a cleaner death than someone cutting her throat.

As far as dany is concerned. I wont be o e of the ones to say the signs been there since season 1. And i didnt believe she did that to fleabotttom. With her i understand the why. But like everyone is is saying. Where did the motivation come from.
It wasnt a Mad thing to mem. It was more this isnt her city. She said shed break the wheel and root out everyone... Thats what she did. Im not so sure she should have not burned the city considering what she was trying to accomplish...
That one tho i think will be better explained next ep. Be patient and we'll find out
this is psychology 101.

Ned was possibly the most upstanding man alive. Raised his children right to handle adversity and stress.

Nobody did that for Dany. Mix in her delusions and persecution complex and access to WMDs and it's pretty reasonable that she would snap.

But people saying she would’ve gone crazy anyway because her dad was and with targaryens it’s usually 50/50 or whatever they say.
true. she's more of a narcissist or borderline personality than a psychopath. loves people intensely until she doesn't, at which point it's hate/paranoia.

Which is why i’d rather her just keep acting like an a-hole like she’s always been instead of this mad, oh she’s crazy now stuff.
:lol: What if Bran never even plays any role in the final ep.

he could’ve told them dany was going to destroy king’s landing or the people.

he could’ve also not told jon and told sam to keep his mouth shut as well about being a targaryen to let him keep enjoying dany’s guts.
this perfectly sums up my thoughts (have to click the to see entire thread)

Absolutely nailed it. The reason Endgame was able to pull off this method so well is cuz they only have to get some characters to ths finish line while they got to keep watering others. But with GOT it all needs to be wrapped up at the same time. Tough to do with so many loose ends.
If you were really taking a deep dive in to cersei...what are truly her cruel and vile acts...
Moat of the things she did she did to prottect herself basically and unlike aa man in the show she could hack and slack her problems.
She felt bad about bran never wanted to have that go down.
She had lancel pour stronger wine for robby b kinda his fault he drank so much.
We found out she had nothing to do with Jon Arryn.
Joffery is the one who tried to have tyrion killed not her..
She actually had a bit of sympathy for sansa.
Basically for every decent thing she didm. She kinda did an undecent thing as well. But its not like she was all evil all the time.
The 2 worst things she did imo is blow up the sept. And kill the sand snake daughter in front of her daughter (and that was justified imo. Cuz they killed marcella)

So yes its ok. To me if the show wants to give her a cleaner death than someone cutting her throat.

As far as dany is concerned. I wont be o e of the ones to say the signs been there since season 1. And i didnt believe she did that to fleabotttom. With her i understand the why. But like everyone is is saying. Where did the motivation come from.
It wasnt a Mad thing to mem. It was more this isnt her city. She said shed break the wheel and root out everyone... Thats what she did. Im not so sure she should have not burned the city considering what she was trying to accomplish...
That one tho i think will be better explained next ep. Be patient and we'll find out
Wow. A Cersi apologist wasn't expecting that.

It doesn't matter if Cersi felt bad for Sansa ir Bran.

You talk as if "protecting yourself" is a justifiable argument for using wildfire to kill a room full of ppl cuz a few enemies and a handful of ppl who arent allies were in the room.

You talk as if using innocents as your shield is jist okay.

That **** is high class cowardice.

Miss me with what You actually thought was justified :lol:

:rofl: @ hoping for a good explanation next week for why Dany killed all those ppl and destroyed most of the town. Ok I guess.
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TDizzle forever wildin’

Run your victory lap with Jon ending up a fucboi like you always claimed, but cersei? Deserving of an actual happy death feeling protected and embraced by the only person alive that loved her.....NAH.
Absolutely nailed it. The reason Endgame was able to pull off this method so well is cuz they only have to get some characters to ths finish line while they got to keep watering others. But with GOT it all needs to be wrapped up at the same time. Tough to do with so many loose ends.
But that so isn't true, they have 6 episodes to get everyone to the finish line. Chances are we won't see Sam or Touron in the last episode, yet they reached the finish line. I think it was mishandling of the characters and that is an excuse. Mae Sundae made it to the end as well as Varis but they won't be in episode 6.
I need this guy to make a delivery to the throne room and notice everyone is gone. He then sits on the throne and the Hot Pie era begins. First of his name, maker of pies that are hot, creator of savory gravy.
Wow. A Cersi apologist wasn't expecting that.

It doesn't matter if Cersi felt bad for Sansa ir Bran.

You talk as if "protecting yourself" is a justifiable argument for using wildfire to kill a room full of ppl cuz a few enemies and a handful of ppl who arent allies were in the room.

You talk as if using innocents as your shield is jist okay.

That **** is high class cowardice.

Miss me with what You actually thought was justified :lol:

:rofl: @ hoping for a good explanation next week for why Dany killed all those ppl and destroy most of the town. Ok I guess.
You kill your enemies. Rhaegar was supposedly a great guy. Robby B smashed his face in.
Ned killed kingsguard. Though they were doing their duty.
Karstark killed them kids...
People die everyday B
She did what what she did in a "woman's" way.
Not an apologist for cersei...but again many people wanted her head.
She died pregnant , vulnerable, crying and scared to death.
Having arya' jamie, dany kill her didnt matter to me. She died with fear and thats justified enough for me, for her.
I understand others wanted her throat cut but o well. We wanted jofferys throat cut too but he died by poison. Not what people wanted but he died crying like a *****.
Ibdont know what else yall really wanted with cersei except physically seeing her head pop off
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