Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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I don't hate story buildup. I hate writers creating whole seasons that are set in one place and NOTHING happens except for 1 or 2 episodes per season. Why do we need to watch 4 episodes of Rick hallucinating about Lori? 95% of the show is filler. Waiting 8 episodes to see something significant happen isn't suspense, it's basically a MTV reality show
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didnt know that people hated story buildup.. if you want PURE action and nothing else, then go watch an action movie.. 
Doesn't have to be pure action it's iust too many filler eps. Believe me ima fan of the series it's just that they drag the story out too much.

GOT doesn't have action every episode, but it moves the story for most part. The whole governor story could've been done in the season before.
I ain't even gonna touch on this TWD vs GOT comparison. Carry on...

It hurts my soul. I mean there's nothing wrong with liking TWD, but some of these dudes are true believers.

They'll tell you it's on BB's level, complaints are just haters gon hate, and it's always better than it's ever been right when you ask.
Let's not feed the troll guys
And if he ain't trolling, God bless his soul.

When fans counter criticism and say a show is good because of a couple of individual episodes in a +4 season series, it says a lot about the overall quality of the show.

HBO has set the standard so damn high between GoT, The Wire, and Sopranos. Shows that are more or less mediocre become outright terrible in comparison.
:lol: @ Comparing TWD to Thrones. The Walking Dead is elementary in every aspect in comparison, and I LOVE TWD.

Let's be real though. From the storyline to the overall quality of the show The Walking Dead loses.:lol:
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I didn't realize how bad TWD was until I started watching GoT. There is no comparison. I recommend watching TWD but it can't be compared to thrones

Last time I reply about this because everytime I post it becomes a spectacle for the next few posts.

Please remember I'm posting from a casual viewer's perspective about this show. I don't know each and every character's name so I describe them from how I remember them from the show. I didn't read the book this show was based on, or any of the other stuff fans of this show does to know so much about it... I just watch it when I can on putlocker. I don't go back and revisit seasons or episodes like some do in here to know all that you know about the show and when my girl is watching episodes to catch up I might look or glance at what she's up to.

You guys are acting like these people have simple memorable names like Bob, Susie, Mike, Rick, etc. no they don't... they have those old time names that don't stick on me as easily, but the one's with simple names I do remember like Jamie, Little Finger, Joffey, Ned, Rob Stark, and Jon Stark. And as for the places I don't know or remember any of them besides Winterfall and King Landing and I don't know how time works on this show so I'm not sure how and when things take place I just try to read and learn what I can from you guys.

Another thing is this show isn't like a TWD or BB or some other shows where it is one set of people and/or characters and it follows them throughout the entirety. GoT is all over the place they're constantly adding in new people and killing them off quickly and there are so many different story lines and it jumps all over the place back and forth and sometimes they don't go back to a story line for 2-3 weeks.

I'm asking and discussing the same thing everyone else in the thread is, but I just don't know some of the characters by name so I describe them from how I remember their significance on the show and I get bashed and told I'm mentally ******ed and other crap.

If you don't want to reply what I type that's cool you can just scroll on by instead of the next 10-15 posts about trolling, trying to be funny (I said two quirky things one was the red witch lady with the smoke monster vagina from Lost, and they other was King Joffy Joffer) so I don't understand how I'm tying to hard... I'm not trying anything I just added in two quirky jokes because those two things reminded me of those quirky things I said.

I'm trying get better with the names because I'm not trying to mess up you guys beloved thread and beloved show, but not everyone is going to be as knowledgable as some in here because some go beyond the show and read and get into other elements of the show.

I just got into this show because people kept telling me it was worth watching and now since TWD is done until October I wanted start watching something else. I guess the habit of nicknames also came from all the shenanigans of the Draya Michelle thread maybe.

cmpunk cmpunk this show is alright I think you should give it a try. I'm a big fan of TWD although many bash it in the TWD thread. Both shows have their cons so don't be led to believe that this show is doesn't have faults and is perfect. Word of advice learn the characters names and their level hp because if not then the elitists will jump on you every chance they get.

did not read
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I enjoy both TWD and GoT. Can't really compare both tho.

PIW: IMO, I feel like if you've seen 30+ episodes you can get their names right. It's really not that difficult.
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To be nicer about it.. you should know these names a bit better. Sure.. the names aren't Bob or Susie.. but is it THAT much harder to know the name Cersei or Varys? Yeah, they're not normal names, but so what?

Just try to keep the names in mind when you watch a scene. Whenever you see Cersei on screen, just say to yourself "Okay, she's Cersei.." It sounds dumb, but whatever to help you with the names. The location names can be a bit difficult, especially since it's not like they flash the name big on screen whenever you change locations. Just try to keep in mind which characters are in these locations. So whenever you see anything with the Lannisters, you're probably in King's Landing. If you see Jon Snow, you're either at Castle Black or beyond the wall, and so on..
cmpunk cmpunk about two weeks before the current season started I was talking about the show to one of my boys from work. He said no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't get into the show. He would start watching the first episode and half way into it he would fall asleep. This was on the first season mind you. I told him to stick with it, it gets better. He finally decided to sit down and actually watch it.

He's now caught up to the current episode. He's super into the show now, even talking about reading the books. So to answer you question, yes, it's good.
lol i was the same i saw the first episode like 3 times cuz i kept trying to watch it really late at night and i ended up falling asleep. Now i'm caught up and hooked.

wow son really comparing TWD to GOT??? It is like comparing those weatherman foams to the classic royal foams. :smh:

Only thing both series got in common is how they like to drag things out. :tongue:
The dropoff in quality from Season 1 of TWD to Season 2 is the biggest falloff in the history of TV.

If TWD maintained its Season 1 quality all the way through it would be comparable BB and GOT.

I stopped watching it at the Season 3 break and I don't know if I'll ever finish it.
The dropoff in quality from Season 1 of TWD to Season 2 is the biggest falloff in the history of TV.


As soon as season 2 started and the sheriff dude started speaking in that struggle southern accent, I knew it was all downhill from there :smh:

I watched half of that episode then never watched the show again.
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I couldn't even finish the past season of TWD,it just felt like a chore to sit down through an entire episode of little to no story progression. It doesn't even belong in the same breath as BB or GoT
I...did not know this:

[h2]Tracking A Dance with Dragons[/h2]On January 24, 2006, GRRM's site gave the first major update on ADWD in a while. At this point (following several months of promoting AFFC), he's completed twenty-two chapters in 542 manuscript pages, plus another 100 to 150 pages of partial chapters. He expects the book to be between 1200 and 1300 manuscript pages. These numbers confirm a 50% completion rate.

To sum, all we can do is wait. We waited five years for A Feast for Crows and I don't believe we'll have to wait that long for A Dance with Dragons. We will monitor any updates from GRRM and report them here. Hopefully that will be enough to dissuade you from e-mailing GRRM about ADWD. For that matter, there's probably no reason to ask us either because, if you've read this article, you already know everything we do.


July 2006: Obviously, May passed without an update from GRRM. On June 30, GRRM wrote of ADWD on his blog, "I still hope to deliver it this fall, or by the end of the year at the latest." He did not detail his progress on the book.

December 2006: With the new year fast approaching, GRRM admitted on December 6, that ADWD would not be finished in 2006. He decided against giving further estimates on the book's completion, as missed deadlines have only added to his--and fans'--frustration.

January 19, 2007: Alongside the announcement of HBO's adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire, Variety reported: GRRM "has nearly finished the fifth installment, but won't complete the seven-book cycle until 2011." :wow: :rofl:

February 15, 2007: On his Official Website, GRRM reiterated that he will not provide ADWD progress reports: "The truth is, these updates do make me feel like a twelve-year old trying to explain to teacher why he isn't turning in his essay, and knowing she isn't going to buy the 'dog ate my homework' ruse any more than you guys do."

November 26, 2007: In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, GRRM insisted, "I'm working on it as hard as I can. Writing is tough sometimes, and it doesn't always go as fast as you want it to. [Sighs] One thing I've learned is to stop trying to predict when it's going to be done."

February 8, 2008: GRRM wrote on his Official Website, "If I can just finish DANCE this spring, there's even a chance the book itself might be on sale in Calgary." Calgary refers to the World Fantasy Convention, which takes place October 30-November 2.

February 19, 2009: In a response to his skeptics on Not a Blog, GRRM admitted that he's been too optimistic on his projected release dates. He added that he hopes to have ADWD finished by June and released as early as September.

June 23, 2009: On Not a Blog, GRRM again broke his self-embargo on ADWD updates and said he sees "a glimmering that might just be a light at the end of the tunnel." Also the first explicit reference to GRRM's "Meereenese knot."

August 1, 2009: GRRM's editor Anne Groell said she expected to have ADWD in her hands by November and suggested a February/March 2010 release date.

October 9, 2009: Via Not a Blog, GRRM said ADWD had crossed 1100 manuscript pages with "considerably more in partials, fragments, and roughs."

:lol: :lol: :lol:

So everything makes sense now. When HBO started making the show in '06, he told em, all 7 books'll be done by the 1st season..
They saying 2015 or 2016 on the 6th book. He won't even be finished by the time the last season comes out.

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Welcome to the world of his book readers. Delays and speculative release dates. Dude writes so much but has to edit it a ton as well. Plus they have to make sure there's no inconsistencies with previous books. We're crossing our fingers to get book 6 by 2015.
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