Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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I'll change that, I hate the president the most in house of cards. One of the biggest beta males i've ever seen on tv. Even Bran would've stood up for himself unlike that sorry excuse for a president.
i guess they disabled the embeding ability of the last video posted.. anyways, hopefully this works

here are the links:


shae's testimony and speech: 

rest of the trial: 
To those talking about the episode went by quickly you're definitely right, but it's because they don't start it until like 9:02 give or take then the long intro comes on and previous backstory recap before the actual episode begins probably around 9:08 or so.

When I was catching up on putlocker I would have to skip to like almost the 3:00 minute mark before the actual episode began and that doesn't include the HBO promo's and then they end it around 9:50 so in actuality the episode is like 40-45 minutes give or take.

I was wondering about that old dude that said that tyrieon had broke into his store and stole all of the ingredients needed to create poison concoction why he was doing that and turning on him because Tyrione never did him anything. I understand why his Dad hates him because he's a dwarf/imp and his sister probably couldn't get the D so she didn't like him from jump, but why does everyone else seem to be so against him... he's no real threat to the throne.

Also, when Tyrione stopped the bald head guy Varys and asked him what he did I thought it was going to be some point to it, but nothing came of that I guess.

Non Book Reader... but it would be awesome if Tyrion could pick a champion and he picks Prince Oberyn and the crown selects The Mountain to fight for them. :x

Oberyn is the guy who is a judge on the trial I'm assuming... If so I was thinking that too watching him up on the trial smirking that Tyrion would choose him to fight, but they already went that route when he chose his now protector to fight for him when he was held by the Starks before.

true... but if he knows he is gonna die, might as well do it in combat in front of everyone.. he knows whats going on at the wall...

When Jaime went and spoke with his dad about Tyrione joining the wall and him giving up his spot he's in now I was like that's not a bad deal because the wall isn't that bad, but then I thought that Tyrione being the type that likes to screw floosies and drink until the sun comes up that would be like a death sentence for him. Not to mention all the flack they give Jon Snow for just being a bastard imagine the ridicule they're going to give him being an imp/dwarf :smh:

Starting to like Jaime more as time goes on... and as I said dudes like Little Finger are the ones that prosper just like in real life because they know how to work the system and more importantly people's minds... wouldn't be surprised if him and Vary's is plotting together.
^ watch this video to see what tyrion does to pycelle:

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Pycelle is Cersei's informant/puppet, has been since season 1. Tyrion found that out when he was King's Hand, and regardless if Tyrion did anything to him afterwards, he would be up there preaching whatever Cersei told him to.

Other than Shae no one really "betrayed" Tyrion. Even Varys just went up there and spoke the truth of what he recalled and answered the questions he was asked. Shae went up there and straight up lied.
^ watch this video to see what tyrion does to pycelle:

Yeah thanks now I remember, but I don't think he went through with chopping his manhood off or anything but I see now why he is against him and it seems that he's always been loyal to cersee.

Seeing that clip with Little Finger reminded me of how much stuff he's been behind... I forgot he was the reason Ned Stark got killed... and later I found out he was in love with Ned's wife... now he looks like he's trying to capture Sanza in his little spider web... I eem mad though.

edited just in case
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The speech was great

Can’t wait for next week

Lol at the spoilers on the low

Glad I read the books
:lol: at the theories "non-book readers" just pop out of thin air throughout this whole season.  I mean even if you havent read the books, at least give the websites you read your  theories off of some credit.  :smh:
Non Book Reader... but it would be awesome if Tyrion could pick a champion and he picks Prince Oberyn and the crown selects The Mountain to fight for them. :x
Obvious troll is obvious. Oberyn and the Mountain? If you really didn't read the books your guess would've been Jamie or his right hand man for Tyrion's pick. Aint no reason to assume now he'd pick Oberyn.
Ever since watching CBG19's Lannister History video I've viewed Jaime differently with all the **** he put up with during the Mad King's reign.
This thread is a landmine for spoilers. Hard to figure out who's saying spoilers and who's just guessing.
Yea a few of these "theories" are a little too fitting to come from "non-book readers" and delve deeper into spoiler territory...
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My theories are discussions with coworkers who are non book readers as well. I don't go on websites that discuss GoT expect for this thread. Plenty of people post their predictions on here but alright my bad.
damb I think Tyron's scene really overshadowed what Davos accomplished with the iron bank.

am I the only one who doesn't countdown my workdays to the weekend, but rather to the next game of thrones episode? :lol:

Edit* I really hate discussing what Happens in the coming episodes, I'd rather just be surprised. Like I don't even watch the previews or the recap at the beg. Of each episode.
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Not saying that all of you guys specifically are posting spoilers,it's just that 1 or 2 predictions are a little too on the money to be random guesses imo
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I'm not a book reader and Oberyn vs the mountain was my guess. In the trailer for this season it shows them fighting then in the preview for next week they show the mountain.
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