Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Another good episode.

Ygritte's thirst has finally been quenched lol. 

I liked how Jaime was venting to Brienne, really shows he's not as douchey as he's been portrayed so far.

And as a person who hasn't read the books yet, I was kind of surprised that the Hound survived against Beric. Totally expected him to get pwned cause of his little fire phobia.

I was happy Cersei was put in her place by Tywin again, hate that b****. She was all happy about what was happening to Tyrion until her dad told her he had the same thing planned, the look on her face was priceless.
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So no one is gonna mention how Brienne was looking sexy in the tub. I'll climb that tree any day.
Looks better from behind.. That's for sure.

Kingslayer.. What a great character. I loved his scenes and story of the Mad King.

Jon sleeping with Ygritte was spoiled for me but that's fine.. Great scene anyway. I was dying when she started to say "you know nothing Jon Snow..." guess he knows something. :lol:
Tywin! My dude straight ethered cersei. Dude showing who's the smart one. :wow:
Always one step ahead.
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I was wondering if Rose Leslie was going to show everything but the boobs were nice :smokin :smokin.

The wildlings have nice sex caves.

The fetus jars in the room of Stannis' wife :x.

Jaime's dialogue in that scene was great. A lot of people looked at him differently after this episode. He saved King's Landing from burning to the ground and the only one who knows it is Brienne. People despise him form dishonoring his Kingsguard position and call him Kingslayer but it was a tough dilemma to be in.

I've always pictured Thoros of Myr being black for some reason.
Steph Curry made me miss it. :lol:

I love that Lord of Light prayer. That's just awesome in prayer form. Every part of Ser Beric is awesome to me. My favorite new character easy. I mean, a ******g flaming sword? Are you kidding me? :smh: :nthat:

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...his scars... :wow: :x

Cancel the season, replace it all with flashbacks of Brotherhood without Banners.

And you never coulda told me, one day Jon Snow gonna be the big Stark on campus. Even Bran was lapping him at one point. He don't deserve that cave of dreams. :smh: Ygritte. :evil:

And after last season, you never could've told me that Jon Snow beyond The Wall, the Iron Islands AND Dany across the sea would all step up and be worth watching. Those jars. :x His daughter....does every family have their own private Vale of Arryn going on? And the Unsullied have been so much more awesome and well realized than I ever thought they'd be. And is Barristan really trying to tell Jorah to step off?

And as great as watching Theon's downfall was last season, Jamie's stretching that same suit out now. He's looking to get himself an Emmy nom. I mean :wow:...with just words, that was one of the best scenes in the entire series. All the Lannisters getting exposed these days.

Every part of this show is clicking and not a scene is wasted or tired. That's 3 'classic in different ways' episodes in a row. And you could chalk up the first 2 as just checking in with and reminding you of everyone. So far, it's been the best season of the show yet and it was already damn good.

And it's a shame the seeds of the Tyrells' downfall just got planted. They got caught out in the lion's den. Ser Loras. :smh:
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Can someone summarize what Jamie was saying please? I got distracted at that part.

So Sir Beric can’t die?

What’s the deal with Stannis daughter?
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Can someone summarize what Jamie was saying please? I got distracted at that part.

So Sir Beric can’t die?

What’s the deal with Stannis daughter?

Basically why he killed Aerys. Aerys placed wildfire under King's Landing and planned to burn the entire city for Tywin/Robert. Also asked Jaime to bring him his father's (Tywin's) head. So Jaime killed him.

Beric can die, Thoros just resurrects him.

Stannis' daughter had greyscale as a child.

Greyscale is a disease that can leave flesh stiff and dead and the skin cracked and flaking, mottled black and grey and stone-like to the touch. The tongue and lips turn to stone.[1] It generally affects children especially in cold damp climates. The victims are disfigured but could not be touched by the rarer mortal form of the affliction or the grey plague. The wildlings consider people who survive Greyscale unclean.

The maesters say its progress could be stayed by limes, mustard poultices, and scalding-hot baths. Septons insist that prayer, sacrifice and fasting are the cure. It is also colloquially believed that severing any affected appendages may stop the disease from spreading, but this treatment is not always effective.
Can someone summarize what Jamie was saying please? I got distracted at that part.

So Sir Beric can’t die?

What’s the deal with Stannis daughter?

Jaime was talking about when he earned his nickname the Kingslayer. Until now all we know is he killed the Mad King(who he was sworn to protect) while his father was sacking the city. Everyone just assumed he was doing it to help is father and to save his own ***. The Mad King had plans to set the entire city in flames and burn it down with wildfire. Jamie killed the pyromaster and the King to prevent this. He explained/talked about more but those were the main points.

Can die, and has several times now, but Thoros can resurrect him.

Her daughter has some disease that turns her skin into what we saw.
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