Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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I had a massive heart attack on July 5. My heart stopped for 93 minutes (one of the longest recorded times to ever get a heart started again). After that, they froze me to save my brain functionality and I was placed in a coma for 5 days. Today, my heart has officially recovered 100% (doctors consider it a miracle) and I am back to my normal life of working full-time as an Electrical Engineer. Got this tattoo today because I have always wanted one and I thought it is VERY appropriate.

Edit: Did I mention I turned 24 last week?

View media item 383090

I had a massive heart attack on July 5. My heart stopped for 93 minutes (one of the longest recorded times to ever get a heart started again). After that, they froze me to save my brain functionality and I was placed in a coma for 5 days. Today, my heart has officially recovered 100% (doctors consider it a miracle) and I am back to my normal life of working full-time as an Electrical Engineer. Got this tattoo today because I have always wanted one and I thought it is VERY appropriate.

Edit: Did I mention I turned 24 last week?

View media item 383090


this is dope.

don't know if this was posted or not
but if yall gonna rep your houses based off sigils here they are:
View media item 380518

Wish I coulda bought this ...

The dude that did these designed the USA basketball jerseys as well.
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Haven't started watching this season. Any Armeca sighting so far? 
I love when Tywin puts Cersei in check..

SO MANY characters :lol:

Their was 1 name Ayra was listing off and I can't remember who it is. Joffrey, Cersei, the hound, the guy with no tongue and ______? :nerd:
Think it was Ser Meryn of the Kingsguard.

That was one of the more emotional episodes. I didn't think they'd show Shireen but that was a great two scenes with her :frown:
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Tywin got father of the year on lock.

He sees his children as nothing more than chess pieces that he can use at his whim.

I was wondering how they'd portray Shireen's affliction on the show; based on the books I thought she would've looked worse.

The Ygritte nude scenes were appreciated.

Ser Loras and ole boy not so much.

Props to Jon Snow for getting dem wilding yambs.

Enjoyed the scenes with the The Brotherhood without Banners. From the fight between the Hound and Beric, and Thoros and Beric explaining all of Beric's resurrections with Arya.
We are half way through this season :frown:

Trying to figure out where this season is going to end. Book suppuse to be split in half, I assumed it would be the Wedding would be finale, but looks like it will be sooner. Then again they could just that storyline out for 2-3 episodes.
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We are half way through this season :frown:

Trying to figure out where this season is going to end. Book suppuse to be split in half, I assumed it would be the Wedding would be finale, but looks like it will be sooner. Then again they could just that storyline out for 2-3 episodes.

yea, I was thinking that too.

theres no way they can wait 5 mroe episodes to have the red wedding. id say 2-3 tops. So im guessing theyll end with Jon defending the wall
We are half way through this season

Trying to figure out where this season is going to end. Book suppuse to be split in half, I assumed it would be the Wedding would be finale, but looks like it will be sooner. Then again they could just that storyline out for 2-3 episodes.
yea, I was thinking that too.
theres no way they can wait 5 mroe episodes to have the red wedding. id say 2-3 tops. So im guessing theyll end with Jon defending the wall
The wedding takes place in ep 9
Finally happened for Jon Snow or should I say Ygritte finally got that D. She been fiending for it since last season. I still can't get into the Stannis stuff but his daughter and the scene with the Onion Knight was really nice. Jamie finally had his rant to Brienne getting tired of people calling him Kingslayer for all those years lol. Tywin laying the rules down for Cersei and Tyrion, pretty smart old man. Arya asking if you can bring back a man without a head. The Grey Worm and Khaleesi :smokin

So what happens now with Robb? You sorta don goofed and your gonna try and get help from Walder Frey? Like father like son I guess.
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