Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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best show by far. the hour goes by so fast everytime and Im so effing hyped at the end of each episode! Never any struggle acting, never any pointless characters, never a dull moment. show is too epic, had a damn battle near the beginning and I couldn't care less about that, the trial is whats up!
The Imp just put in his bid for the Emmy.  Damn shame that his chick flipped on him like that, can't trust these Lorath thots smh
Tyrion with that work. :nthat:
His speech though had me hyped :smokin.

Tywin is such a POS. I would put him on the same level as Joffrey in terms of characters I absolutely loathe.

Prince Oberryn seems like an interesting character especially how during the trial he was actually trying to get to the truth. I also want to see him fight already because it seems like everyone is talking about how his fighting skills are legendary yet all he's done is stab one dude in the hand. :stoneface:
Prince Oberryn seems like an interesting character especially how during the trial he was actually trying to get to the truth. I also want to see him fight already because it seems like everyone is talking about how his fighting skills are legendary yet all he's done is stab one dude in the hand. :stoneface:

Just be patient. He's a sword swallower through and through. Word to Olenna
true... but if he knows he is gonna die, might as well do it in combat in front of everyone.. he knows whats going on at the wall...
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Just watched it. Epic cliffhanger.

Literally couldn't help but scream out "OH ****" at the end.
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Yeah he let the dogs go, it was implied because he said 'Hope you like to run.' And the next shot was them running back to the boats.

How vicious were these dogs? Yara had an axe and had 2 other guys with her that had swords and shields. They couldn't put down those dogs and slice ramsay's head off? A few dogs sent these ironborn running.
SPOILER(kinda sorta)
There is ZERO reason to say "non-book reader" in your post unless you know for a fact that the statement your about to "presume" is from the book. So whats the point in pretending you predicted the outcome. I haven't read books either, but I know who the champions are, not going to just spoil it for everyone.
Just realized that HoC and GoT are almost the same plot, just in different times :rofl:. Frank Underwood > Tywin Lannister.

Easily. Frank started from the BOOOOTTTTOOOMMMMM. NOW HE HERE!!!! That last ep had me giggin' in my room like he was my ***** or something. I was like "We made it! We major!"

:pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

I've never rooted so much for a bad guy in all my life :lol: :lol:

**edit, if he nominated for best supporting it should be in the bag then. Nobody touching him IMO.
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I hate frank underwood more than I hate anyone in GOT. I love Claire though even if she's also evil. Would want Rachel as my paramour.
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