Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Just to play Devil's Advocate I could easily see Friendzone taking the dwarf back to King's Landing. A big reward will be had by the man who brings him back to Cersi. From there he can build some influence and possibly power

If Friendzone took the dwarf back to Khalesse, what exactly would she do with him? Wasn't Varys taking the dwarf to see Khalesse in the first place? 
Yes, but he doesn't know that. He does know that Danny hates the Lannisters for betraying her father, so he's thinking maybe she'll forgive him or something if he delivers the half-man to her.
Lord Friendzone is obviously gonna take him to Dany, hoping she will let him back in the circle.  Probably gonna be the death of him to going back there.

Feel bad for Tommen, he aint built to be king of the 7 realms, dude is way too nice. hopefully he wont catch any work from whoever comes into power next.

still patiently waiting for Jon and Dany to meet up, I see them ruling together.
Yes, but he doesn't know that. He does know that Danny hates the Lannisters for betraying her father, so he's thinking maybe she'll forgive him or something if he delivers the half-man to her.
Friendzone is similar to Varys, he knows everything and all the current happenings. I fully believe he is aware of Cersi's bounty

Either way I could see him bringing him back to Khalessee just as much, again though, wasn't Varys taking him to see her in the first place? 
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Lord Friendzone is obviously gonna take him to Dany, hoping she will let him back in the circle.  Probably gonna be the death of him to going back there.

Feel bad for Tommen, he aint built to be king of the 7 realms, dude is way too nice. hopefully he wont catch any work from whoever comes into power next.

still patiently waiting for Jon and Dany to meet up, I see them ruling together.
Hopefully he'll get to smash it a few more times before someone comes for him. 
Lord Friendzone is obviously gonna take him to Dany, hoping she will let him back in the circle.  Probably gonna be the death of him to going back there.

Feel bad for Tommen, he aint built to be king of the 7 realms, dude is way too nice. hopefully he wont catch any work from whoever comes into power next.

still patiently waiting for Jon and Dany to meet up, I see them ruling together.
Dude is drowning in some A1 cat right now, he'll be alright.

I've always wondered, is there a kingdom of dwarves in the GoT series?
What Ned did wasn't rash at all. The man deserted the nights watch. He didn't go to castle black to warn them about what he saw. He just ran.... Also even if he gave him the chance to get his story out he would have just told Ned White Walkers killed his boys and he ran. What is Ned suppose to do then? Send a raven to CB and ask if they got White Walkers chillin around there? Even if Ned believed it he still would have had to take his head, so it didn't matter. NW are suppose to protect the realms of men. You can't just run when there's an actual threat. 

Robb Stark on the other hand was rash, but still he kind of had to do it. I think it was the mistakes he made before the beheading that made the result a lot worse. 
I don't blame ned for what he did.. I just think he should have actually listened and taken dude seriously (something had to have dude THAT spooked).. eventually you cut his head off (or more likely after the information is found to be correct, you just throw dude in jail)

just seems like no one is taking that threat seriously.. I get after the war broke out them ignoring the letters with everything that is/was going on (hell stanis seems to be the only one in power who actually read them and that took davos bringing it to his attention.. and melisandre signing off on it)

but given all the crazy shhhhhh that they all should/would have seen.. ned would have been a better voice of reason to try and get the kingdom as it stood at the time more organized to try and fight what was potentially coming or at least check it out.. or take it seriously
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Sansa supporters.... lol
are there people who don't blame her for ned's death???!!!


I get being sympathetic for a little girl being put in a terrible situation.. but geee.. I mean girl was siding with joff over her own sister (and at the expense of lady)
Sansa was young and naive and being lied to. Ned and Robb and Cat all did dumb naive **** too. It's the flaw of the Starks. While everyone else is scheming they're out there being noble and naive.

If you REALLY look at it, the only reason Sansa is even alive right now is because she sided with Joff that time otherwise he prob woulda shot her with the crossbow too if he'd come to power.

The only Starks still alive are the smart ones creeping in the shadows and doing dirt. The loud stubborn noble ones all lost their heads.

They'll have their revenge. My guess is at the end of the story everything returns to the status quo.
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It actually is tho. She went an told Cersei of Ned's plan to send Arya an her back to Winterfell cause her dumb *** was simping for Joffrey
Margery with the Ether Cersei was one more snarky comment away from plunging a dagger into Margaery's face.

"I wish we had some wine for you, it's a little bit early in the day for us"

yea.. they all were planning on leaving.. ned told his daughter's to pack up there stuff and get ready to go..

sansa ran back to cersei because she didn't want to lose joff
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I'd say it was 50/50. Ned @!@!@! up by telling Cersei be knew about her children, not listening to Renly and Littlefinger, etc. Don't get me wrong though, I hated Sansa at first, but now I just feel bad for her
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- Cersei vs Margery is some amazing television right now, always on the edge of my seat when they're in the same scene together

- made me happy to see Arya not throw Needle away

- also liked how we had 0 Danerys this episode, no need for that stale plot

- Jon Snow did what needed to be done, but part of me feels like he's not built for this Lord Commander role. I wish he would just take up Stannis on his offer but I doubt it

- I'm hoping maybe Theon (Reek?) makes a play and teams up with Sansa to make a move against the Ramsays, but again I don't have much hope for it

- No idea why but Podrick is one of my favorite characters, always enjoy his scenes

- I'd think Jorah is taking Tyrion back to Danerys to win / prove back his loyalty to her

- Hopefully we get some Jaime / Bronn next week, those 2 going on a quest together should provide some great theater

- And I hope we get a lot more Dorne scenes in the future eps
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- made me happy to see Arya not throw Needle away

She hid it underneath a rock. She did not throw it away.

I also feel the opposite about Jon Snow. Hes born to be a leader/soldier but not couldnt handle being in the game of thrones. Being unable to bend when it comes to honor killed his father and his brother and he is more honorable than his brother. And in terms of being a soldier/leader he is in between the two. Better than his brother but not as good as his dad.
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some points:

- Tyrion is smart but he's at the point of not caring anymore. I anticipate Lord Friendzone will give him a chance to speak so that Tyrion can explain that he's the only hope Friendzone has of getting on Khaleesi's good side (but he'll never get back in her inner circle, and never ever get inside her).

- Isn't Littlefinger the Lord of the Vail now? That likely guarantees his financial stability.

- The beheading in my mind proved that Jon Snow can lead, and Stannis is impressed by it. Jon knew how to play the game and set it up so that he could publicly humiliate and kill his enemy while winning over everyone's support, especially that other guy who he beat for Lord Commander. Brilliant in every way.

- Similarly, while we all hate Sansa for being a stupid ***** early on, she turned the corner last year. The way she smiled and played along when she met the Boltons shows that she's scheming. I don't think she's underestimating the Boltons either. She's seen the worst of people her whole life. It's just a matter of buying time at this point and cashing in her support.
- Cersei vs Margery is some amazing television right now, always on the edge of my seat when they're in the same scene together

- made me happy to see Arya not throw Needle away

- also liked how we had 0 Danerys this episode, no need for that stale plot

- Jon Snow did what needed to be done, but part of me feels like he's not built for this Lord Commander role. I wish he would just take up Stannis on his offer but I doubt it

- I'm hoping maybe Theon (Reek?) makes a play and teams up with Sansa to make a move against the Ramsays, but again I don't have much hope for it

- No idea why but Podrick is one of my favorite characters, always enjoy his scenes

- I'd think Jorah is taking Tyrion back to Danerys to win / prove back his loyalty to her

- Hopefully we get some Jaime / Bronn next week, those 2 going on a quest together should provide some great theater

- And I hope we get a lot more Dorne scenes in the future eps

the greatest squire ever.
- Isn't Littlefinger the Lord of the Vail now? That likely guarantees his financial stability.
the vale is more of a strong point.. because of it's location and narrow entrance way, you're pretty much safe from any army there..

dragons are a different story though, obviously
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