Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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There's plenty of material in the world of ice and fire to do spin offs or movies, but this particular story will come to an end.
If the post about the salaries a couple pages back is true, then Cersie makes it out alive this season...
we never do see Ramsay dead on screen. imagine he is brought back with half a face and half-eaten flesh. that would be amazing. the ultimate villain. he'd roam around with his pack of dogs. half the time they'd feed off his flesh, the other half off his enemies. he could roll with the white walkers.
Please dont get my hopes up like this 

This would be so grand
It's going to end with Jon, Dany and Tyrion at an inn. A dude rocking a shirt with a White Walker on the chest pocket walks past Jon Snow to take a piss outside. Scene ends with Jon looking up and screen goes black.
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i don't think it'll end with a cliffhanger. just that it won't end happily ever after. we'll resolve whether dany makes it to the iron throne and whether white walkers take over, but there will be just as much strife and uncertainty as when the show started.
Dude shouldnt help someone else do it either.

Why not? If he feels that a certain individual is best qualified; I can see him backing them.

lol First of all, I'm a lady and I happen to like little finger :smile: and secondly, does no one else like him?
My bad, ladies on NT are extremely rare. LF is a trickster & a swindler and he does have a couple of admirers here, but the general consensus is **** him.
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no way there's happy endings with people running off to retirement.

it's going to end open ended. might end with dany taking Kings landing but another force scheming to take power (varys vs littlefinger?) or we may end with a hint at the next generation of key players who will be involved in playing this game. although are any of the starks, lannisters, or targaeryeans having kids? what if all those bloodlines dry up.

Varys has been working to get Dany onto the throne since season 1, Little Finger though? Yeah, he'll always be scheming to climb the ladder.
pretty sure the series is gonna end with white walkers/wights/ice spiders just demolishing everyone in their path. Cant wait for winter to hit kings landing 

"A dream of spring" yea its a dream cause that ish never coming 
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Varys has been working to get Dany onto the throne since season 1, Little Finger though? Yeah, he'll always be scheming to climb the ladder.

LF about try and cut a deal with the Knight's King. Going to get himself appointed No. 1 wight. LOL.
Wonder if the night's king can still speak. Would be weird to see him start talking trash to Jon.
What if the night's king touches one of the dragons and becomes one of them and starts blasting blue fire. A song of fire and ice [emoji]128561[/emoji]
There's no way in hell this series ends on a cliffhanger
Word y'all buggin.

GRRM said it would end bitter sweet so I expect D&D to give us a definitive ending where Jon dies a hero even if that theory is true, Sansa dies, Arya is wardeness of the North, Bran stays behind the wall stuck in a new old GOD tree, so that will be bittersweet end for anybody rooting for them :lol:

All Lannister are dead except for Tyrion running the fam and maybe Jamie survives but he ends up quadriplegic after Bran (or Arya) takes his legs, so that's that for anybody rooting for Jamie.

Margery is left to run House Martell. I don't think anybody cares about Dorne so who knows how things wrap up there. Robin Aryn probably survives unless they spring a new or respectable character to take over. Yara either runs the Iron Islands or dies and Theon the cockless is forced to rule (could be a good thematic end given that's what he sort of originally wanted but now he's lost so much to end up with it. Plus no heirs too). All Freys probably die this season or by next seaso. :lol:

Dany is running ****, Lord Friendzone is leader of the stonemen who act as a bunch of bodyguards protecting her in the shadows. Somebody like Grayworm or Missandei will probably die in the big battle.

Not sure if Varys dies. Dunno if Littlefinger gets killed during the big battle or after when he schemes to take the Iron throne. If he makes it that far he'll have a challenge trying to kill or marry Dany especially if Varys is alive along with Tyrion.
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**** that. You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain. Mad Snow finna pop off. Jon Snow finally has had enough of catching L's and teams up with the White Walkers to take over the world. #TinfoilSquad
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