Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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I want Bran to meet Arya and be like "Hello Arya....... A girl has been busy. Why are you wasting time here looking to reunite with family? Go to King's Landing and kill Cersi already. Go on, off you go.

Dany talks hot **** but she ain't war ready.

In order for the dragons to empty the clips she's gonna have to ride one and she ain't built for that.

Yea she has dragons but it ain't like she has generations of knowledge to go off of. She's still a rookie.
Man those dragons are 30 now in Dragon years and she's been riding them for what 5 years?
Rookie my ***.
She gets back on one of them Dragons and it's RIP RIP RIP to whoever wants it.
It was especially great coming right after she was getting smart and giving attitude :lol:
That advice was on point. She thought she couldn't be taught anything and just be complimented or told what she alreary knows.

When he said that she was like sheeiiit that's how you do it?
I was wrong, I'm here to eat crow,

Dany ain't playing checkers while Cersei is playing chess, no.

No, she's playing Candy Land.

This ***** is out of her depth. She doesn't have a single advisor or commander that can QB armies and outmaneuver her enemies the way Jaime can. She doesn't know how to engage in siege warfare. Her dothraaki fodder are scared of swimming pools, and her unsullied have dwindled in numbers and now face a war of attrition.

At least she wised up and has allowed the bastard to mine his dragon glass.

She's not beating Cersei. Period. Only way Cersei loses is if, or rather when, Jaime kills her.

Tune in next week for more of Dany the dragon ***'s misadventures.
Great episode.

Dany catching so many Ls.
Bran came to back winter fell but no emotion :lol:
Davis with "This is Jon Snow" and pretty much all you need to know :lol:
Urine with the instant transmission :lol:
From the start Dany was a threat because of her dragons much like Aegon was. Aegon didn't have enough soldiers to be a threat but he had 3 dragons and 2 other sisters to ride those dragons. Those were the great equalizer and that's precisely why Queen of Thorns told her to act like a dragon. She can't win playing Cersei's game.
Has it ever ended up well for whoever's racked up W's early in the season?

Things never go so smoothly...
Jeez this was great. Tyrion looking really funny in the light to Dany too.

100% think those scrolls have important info on them
Tyrion's plans aren't horrible, but theres not much you can do against god level ambush and teleportation skills. **** a dragon
Man wouldnt that be convenient! Not like it hasnt happened before :lol:

Sam should have been expelled for what he did. The maester also believes what Sam told him about the White Walkers. This maester might be lowkey trying to help Sam without drawing unnecessary attention.
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