Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Cersei hates Tyrion. She wants him dead because she believes he's the one prophesied to kill her. He also killed her father, and her mother died giving birth to him. He's also the current hand of a queen who has come to throw her down off her throne. There is no situation in which Cersei just lets bygones be bygones and welcomes Tyrion home with open arms. She's just not built like that and Tyrion isnt stupid enough to believe that she is.

EDIT: Forgot to mention him joining forces with the woman who killed her daughter.
All fair points.
was waiting for Jamie to pull out that sword and slit olenna after she was tolmbout Yung Jof
I would've swore Tyrion's plan was to have Yara escort both of them back home so they both could command their armies to move in on KL.

I highly doubt a message on a raven would be enough to command either army. This aint like the real world where you can be a continent away and launch missiles.

At the time they made the plan they weren't on different fronts. The Cornish and Martells all went with Dany to Dragonstone.

I mean they did communicate before all these modern technology we got now.. doesn't mean the general has to go and run around and be everywhere to give orders

One must assume that lady oleanna had someone senior in her party to send with a message.. hell we've seen it happen throughout GOT before

it works for the story since they need to speed up some things.. but it don't make sense when you have ravens and we've seen messages delivered with house sigils giving orders
More plausible theory. Cersei finds out that it wasn't Tyrion who killed Joffery, all is forgiven and he's given an opportunity to change sides. Sees how the war is going and takes it

She wants Tyrion dead no matter what especially because of Maggy The Frog's prophecy. The show might have left out the part about Cersei's little brother killing her (the valonqar) but it's the main thing that drives her hatred of Tyrion. Tyrion by that same token could never forgive her for wanting him punished/executed for a murder he didn't commit. And definitely, Tyrion's not naive enough to think that his siblings are going to forget that he killed their father (although at this point Cersei did kill their cousin and uncle).
She wants Tyrion dead no matter what especially because of Maggy The Frog's prophecy. The show might have left out the part about Cersei's little brother killing her (the valonqar) but it's the main thing that drives her hatred of Tyrion. Tyrion by that same token could never forgive her for wanting him punished/executed for a murder he didn't commit. And definitely, Tyrion's not naive enough to think that his siblings are going to forget that he killed their father (although at this point Cersei did kill their cousin and uncle).

cersei will never get along with tyrion
if anything, better chance having jamie turn on her

we got cersei supporters on here now?

I mean they did communicate before all these modern technology we got now.. doesn't mean the general has to go and run around and be everywhere to give orders

One must assume that lady oleanna had someone senior in her party to send with a message.. hell we've seen it happen throughout GOT before

it works for the story since they need to speed up some things.. but it don't make sense when you have ravens and we've seen messages delivered with house sigils giving orders

I think the episode proved that sending a raven would have done nothing considering lady tyrell was at high garden and still got marched on by one of her houses most loyal bannermen

I think I figured it out bruhs...

LF is Bran in his human form.

How else can LF have such grand knowledge more than anyone... ever... of all time.
Cersei's been stunting this season but I kinda feel like the writers gave everyone on her side a huge power boost. If I remember correctly in the books High Garden had the largest army during the War of Five Kings, and the only real battles they participated in was ambushing Stannis. They should have at least been able to force the Lannister to a drawn out siege of the castle.
we got cersei supporters on here now?


Supporters? Heh. More like a handful of us who actually know better than to put our faith behind Dany the millennial.

More like being intellectually honest about what's unfolding really. Like I said, Cersei will die. At Jaime's hand (pun intended). Not because of anything Dany does.

Winter is coming, Dany has to make a decision. Help the bastard and table her aspirations, or, hasten her demise and attempt to take the irone throne now with an army of dothraaki fodder and three overgrown pigeons.

Wildfire, walls and scorpions (giant crossbows) await her.

Either way she loses. After fighting the white walkers she won't have enough remaining forces, even with the north's help to take kings landing, and without the norths help right now she's not taking kings landing.

It's a lose, lose situation.

When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. Dany is a loser. Maybe the coming war will bring her to her senses, let go of her foolish aspirations and she'll avoid death. Cersei will die. Jaime will likely take his own life or will have been mortally wounded before killing Cersei, subsequently dying.

As for who takes the throne. That is still anyone's guess.
This thread has had Stannis supporters, then Ramsay supporters now Cersei supporters. I guess when Cersei dies, Night King supporters?
Right, Tyrion isn't purposefully misleading Dany. Again, he's just woefully out of his depth and utterly predictable.

Think about it, you're Cersei, you know Tyrion is the hand of Dany the verbose. Where do you think he's going first?

I mean a child could've worked that one out.

She's not going to extend the olive branch to Tyrion either.

This. The plan doesnt make much sense for a few reasons. Attacking Casterly Rock is pointless, you'd have to devote manpower to keep it when it has no real value besides pissing off Cersei. He also overestimated how much Cersei cares about Casterly Rock.

They sail past Sunspear to Dragonstone, only to send part of their fleet back to Sunspear to meet up with the Dornish troops. Hustling backwards.

They control the bay into King's Landing but decide to split up their fleet to send ships to Sunspear and Casterly Rock on the other ******* side of the continent thus giving up that tactical advantage.

They don't want to harm the people of King's Landing, so instead of attacking the Red Keep, killing Cersei and ending the war as soon as possible, they'll starve all of Kings Landing.

The most heinous one, they won't use the dragons. Aegon didnt conquer Westeros by keeping them around as large, scaly pets. When he started his conquest he had a damn pitiful army. The dragons were the great equalizer. They are the atomic bombs of Westeros. One of them is equivalent to thousands of men.

Tyrion has a great mind for politics, but is showing that he's not so adept at war.
This thread has had Stannis supporters, then Ramsay supporters now Cersei supporters. I guess when Cersei dies, Night King supporters?

For the record, I was team Night King when they axed Jon. But now that he's back the Nights King is my backup QB.
This thread has had Stannis supporters, then Ramsay supporters now Cersei supporters. I guess when Cersei dies, Night King supporters?

I'm still a strong Jon Snow supporter but I can't deny that Cersei is the Michael Jordan of this game of thrones
I was wrong, I'm here to eat crow,

Dany ain't playing checkers while Cersei is playing chess, no.

No, she's playing Candy Land.

This ***** is out of her depth. She doesn't have a single advisor or commander that can QB armies and outmaneuver her enemies the way Jaime can. She doesn't know how to engage in siege warfare. Her dothraaki fodder are scared of swimming pools, and her unsullied have dwindled in numbers and now face a war of attrition.

At least she wised up and has allowed the bastard to mine his dragon glass.

She's not beating Cersei. Period. Only way Cersei loses is if, or rather when, Jaime kills her.

Tune in next week for more of Dany the dragon ***'s misadventures.
Wait hold on :lol:

You do know the only reason Dany has racked up these Ls is cuz she listened to her advisors and her hand to take KL with a show of force by Westerosi soldiers, not kill the citizens as collateral damage, and not be seen as a foreign invader right?

If it was up to her she'd just lay siege with her dragons before Cersi had anytime to build any weapons.

**** is a bit predictable.

Next week is looking like Dany's ppl will jack the gold Cersi was gonna use to pay off the bank.

I see Dany taking some small loss to push her to attack full force. They kill one dragon at best or maybe just wound it. Dany goes mad Targ, starts roasting all of KL. Cersi can't handle this and probably goes back to her kill everybody with wildfire well and then Jamie kills her.
Oh yeah guys also forgot lord friendzone I saw was casted for another show on starz I think too so looks like that great militant mind dany needs will be gone.
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