Official Heat vs Celtics Thread. The Wagon Lives On. Choo Choo!

@ the thickness of the hate in this thread. Especially the "Laker" fans. Defending the friggin Celtics!!!! I don't believe it! Their biggest rival in history over a team they have no rivalry whatsoever as of yet. And on top of that defending Paul Pierce! The same guy who they were absolutely outraged by after the 08 finals. I knew the Heat were hated, but not this much. You must either

A: Hate the Heat as if they gang raped your mother and sister and made you watch, or
B: Be flat out SCARED of meeting the Heat in the finals

I think it's a little bit of both. The bottom line looks to be

Heat lose: They weren't good enough/haters rejoicing after the big 3 teaming up didn't produce a championship
Heat win: It's all refs

Cry me a river, losers. The Celtics were flat out out-intensified last night and the right team won. The Heat would be leading 1-0 whether Pierce stayed in the game or not.

The reason Paul Pierce got ejected was because he couldn't keep his cool. Look at those fouls by Rondo and Garnett in the first quarter. Clear flagrants. Neither went after the ball. Especially Rondo's foul on the fast break. Did the Heat players complain? Paul Pierce tried to do a @!*#% move to draw a foul by jumping into the defender, a move that there's usually such solidarity on this forum about how it shouldn't result in a trip to the line. James Jones shouldn't have went that hard after him though, and he did flop after Pierce's headbutt, which wasn't as strong as can be seen on James' reaction, but was a headbutt nonetheless. Later on, Pierce opened his mouth out of frustration because they were so far behind. If the Celtics were leading or it was a close game, I assure you that he would've been much more cool about the situation. But that was pure frustration out of knowing that they would lose in the end.
Nice win! 1-0 feels nice! Miami doesn't need to celebrate yet! The series isn't over! GO HEAT!!!!!!
Nice win! 1-0 feels nice! Miami doesn't need to celebrate yet! The series isn't over! GO HEAT!!!!!!
--I'm not trying to defend Wheelchair, but thats a bad call no matter what jersey the player was wearing.
--Its the playoffs. They gotta let these guys play.
--I'm not trying to defend Wheelchair, but thats a bad call no matter what jersey the player was wearing.
--Its the playoffs. They gotta let these guys play.
That second T was a bad call but Pierce deserved it after that first T. He jumps into James Jones and gets mad when he fouls him? It wasn't even a hard foul and then he gets in his face (knowing that nothings gonna happen since its the playoffs). I'm sure the ref saw Pierce get into two scuffles back to back and was like "this guys team is losing so he's just trying to start trouble now, lemme get him out here."
That second T was a bad call but Pierce deserved it after that first T. He jumps into James Jones and gets mad when he fouls him? It wasn't even a hard foul and then he gets in his face (knowing that nothings gonna happen since its the playoffs). I'm sure the ref saw Pierce get into two scuffles back to back and was like "this guys team is losing so he's just trying to start trouble now, lemme get him out here."
Originally Posted by mgrand15

That second T was a bad call but Pierce deserved it after that first T. He jumps into James Jones and gets mad when he fouls him? It wasn't even a hard foul and then he gets in his face (knowing that nothings gonna happen since its the playoffs). I'm sure the ref saw Pierce get into two scuffles back to back and was like "this guys team is losing so he's just trying to start trouble now, lemme get him out here."
Pierce got techs because of his mouth, he did verbal taunts "cursing, swearing"

He got himself kicked out. The refs don't want no fights breaking out and he was the they eliminated him.
Originally Posted by mgrand15

That second T was a bad call but Pierce deserved it after that first T. He jumps into James Jones and gets mad when he fouls him? It wasn't even a hard foul and then he gets in his face (knowing that nothings gonna happen since its the playoffs). I'm sure the ref saw Pierce get into two scuffles back to back and was like "this guys team is losing so he's just trying to start trouble now, lemme get him out here."
Pierce got techs because of his mouth, he did verbal taunts "cursing, swearing"

He got himself kicked out. The refs don't want no fights breaking out and he was the they eliminated him.
Do people really think refs are saying "Hmmm was that a head-but or did he just angrily rub his face onto his opponent"
Do people really think refs are saying "Hmmm was that a head-but or did he just angrily rub his face onto his opponent"
Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by enrique23

Pierce shouldn't have been ejected

oh well. +#$% the heat and +#$% the celtics

Pierce got ejected because of what he said.  
You can't say certain things to either the player or league officials.

Pierce digged his own grave this game.

He deserved the first one, but this is just ridiculous. It doesn't matter what he said. You can't throw him out for that
Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by enrique23

Pierce shouldn't have been ejected

oh well. +#$% the heat and +#$% the celtics

Pierce got ejected because of what he said.  
You can't say certain things to either the player or league officials.

Pierce digged his own grave this game.

He deserved the first one, but this is just ridiculous. It doesn't matter what he said. You can't throw him out for that
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