Official Heat vs Celtics Thread. The Wagon Lives On. Choo Choo!

Originally Posted by EAGLE 0N


I'm guessing he deleted this tweet already.
Originally Posted by ncjamn

Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by enrique23

Pierce shouldn't have been ejected

oh well. +#$% the heat and +#$% the celtics

Pierce got ejected because of what he said.  
You can't say certain things to either the player or league officials.

Pierce digged his own grave this game.

He deserved the first one, but this is just ridiculous. It doesn't matter what he said. You can't throw him out for that
It doesn't matter if he "deserved to get thrown out for that". He deserved to get a tech for it, as did Wade. He already had a tech and 2 is an AUTOMATIC toss.
Originally Posted by ncjamn

Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by enrique23

Pierce shouldn't have been ejected

oh well. +#$% the heat and +#$% the celtics

Pierce got ejected because of what he said.  
You can't say certain things to either the player or league officials.

Pierce digged his own grave this game.

He deserved the first one, but this is just ridiculous. It doesn't matter what he said. You can't throw him out for that
It doesn't matter if he "deserved to get thrown out for that". He deserved to get a tech for it, as did Wade. He already had a tech and 2 is an AUTOMATIC toss.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

@ the thickness of the hate in this thread. Especially the "Laker" fans. Defending the friggin Celtics!!!! I don't believe it! Their biggest rival in history over a team they have no rivalry whatsoever as of yet. And on top of that defending Paul Pierce! The same guy who they were absolutely outraged by after the 08 finals. I knew the Heat were hated, but not this much. You must either

A: Hate the Heat as if they gang raped your mother and sister and made you watch, or
B: Be flat out SCARED of meeting the Heat in the finals

I think it's a little bit of both. The bottom line looks to be

Heat lose: They weren't good enough/haters rejoicing after the big 3 teaming up didn't produce a championship
Heat win: It's all refs

Cry me a river, losers. The Celtics were flat out out-intensified last night and the right team won. The Heat would be leading 1-0 whether Pierce stayed in the game or not.

The reason Paul Pierce got ejected was because he couldn't keep his cool. Look at those fouls by Rondo and Garnett in the first quarter. Clear flagrants. Neither went after the ball. Especially Rondo's foul on the fast break. Did the Heat players complain? Paul Pierce tried to do a @!*#% move to draw a foul by jumping into the defender, a move that there's usually such solidarity on this forum about how it shouldn't result in a trip to the line. James Jones shouldn't have went that hard after him though, and he did flop after Pierce's headbutt, which wasn't as strong as can be seen on James' reaction, but was a headbutt nonetheless. Later on, Pierce opened his mouth out of frustration because they were so far behind. If the Celtics were leading or it was a close game, I assure you that he would've been much more cool about the situation. But that was pure frustration out of knowing that they would lose in the end.
, they wrapped lebron up, now if they would have wrapped him up then threw him to the floor then a flagrant, but they're trying to stop the ball, shut your dumb %*+ self up
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

@ the thickness of the hate in this thread. Especially the "Laker" fans. Defending the friggin Celtics!!!! I don't believe it! Their biggest rival in history over a team they have no rivalry whatsoever as of yet. And on top of that defending Paul Pierce! The same guy who they were absolutely outraged by after the 08 finals. I knew the Heat were hated, but not this much. You must either

A: Hate the Heat as if they gang raped your mother and sister and made you watch, or
B: Be flat out SCARED of meeting the Heat in the finals

I think it's a little bit of both. The bottom line looks to be

Heat lose: They weren't good enough/haters rejoicing after the big 3 teaming up didn't produce a championship
Heat win: It's all refs

Cry me a river, losers. The Celtics were flat out out-intensified last night and the right team won. The Heat would be leading 1-0 whether Pierce stayed in the game or not.

The reason Paul Pierce got ejected was because he couldn't keep his cool. Look at those fouls by Rondo and Garnett in the first quarter. Clear flagrants. Neither went after the ball. Especially Rondo's foul on the fast break. Did the Heat players complain? Paul Pierce tried to do a @!*#% move to draw a foul by jumping into the defender, a move that there's usually such solidarity on this forum about how it shouldn't result in a trip to the line. James Jones shouldn't have went that hard after him though, and he did flop after Pierce's headbutt, which wasn't as strong as can be seen on James' reaction, but was a headbutt nonetheless. Later on, Pierce opened his mouth out of frustration because they were so far behind. If the Celtics were leading or it was a close game, I assure you that he would've been much more cool about the situation. But that was pure frustration out of knowing that they would lose in the end.
, they wrapped lebron up, now if they would have wrapped him up then threw him to the floor then a flagrant, but they're trying to stop the ball, shut your dumb %*+ self up
Originally Posted by Gottips3

smh....So know since the heat are winning the nba is rigged.....WOW.

So no one took into the fact that lebron was fouled the same exact way that jj fouled pierce TWICE, by Rondo and kg , with the wrap around foul? I dont care if it was a shot or a lay up the fact that they did it to lebron TWICE in the first quarter. he then got into jj's face, causing a double tec...from there own out Pierce should have kept his cool, but what did he do, he went and said some %$* to dwade after a foul that was clearly on WADE, he knew he fouled him and it was called.

So all this the heat get away with anything is bs. The celtics are most physical team in the nba, I mean did you guys see what they did to kobe in 08 when they won the chip?

Get out of here with all the stupid bs.
Okay so why would that be a double tech on jones, he didnt do anything after the play. It should have either been flagrant and a tech on pierce or a tech on pierce and nothing else, and the foul was on wade not pierce, wade got in pierces face, not the other way around.
Originally Posted by Gottips3

smh....So know since the heat are winning the nba is rigged.....WOW.

So no one took into the fact that lebron was fouled the same exact way that jj fouled pierce TWICE, by Rondo and kg , with the wrap around foul? I dont care if it was a shot or a lay up the fact that they did it to lebron TWICE in the first quarter. he then got into jj's face, causing a double tec...from there own out Pierce should have kept his cool, but what did he do, he went and said some %$* to dwade after a foul that was clearly on WADE, he knew he fouled him and it was called.

So all this the heat get away with anything is bs. The celtics are most physical team in the nba, I mean did you guys see what they did to kobe in 08 when they won the chip?

Get out of here with all the stupid bs.
Okay so why would that be a double tech on jones, he didnt do anything after the play. It should have either been flagrant and a tech on pierce or a tech on pierce and nothing else, and the foul was on wade not pierce, wade got in pierces face, not the other way around.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Paul Pierce tried to do a @!*#% move to draw a foul by jumping into the defender, a move that there's usually such solidarity on this forum about how it shouldn't result in a trip to the line. James Jones shouldn't have went that hard after him though, and he did flop after Pierce's headbutt, which wasn't as strong as can be seen on James' reaction, but was a headbutt nonetheless.
Why not? He was wrapping him up to make sure he didn't get the shot up and possibly a 3 pt play. Same %!%$ people do on layups.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Paul Pierce tried to do a @!*#% move to draw a foul by jumping into the defender, a move that there's usually such solidarity on this forum about how it shouldn't result in a trip to the line. James Jones shouldn't have went that hard after him though, and he did flop after Pierce's headbutt, which wasn't as strong as can be seen on James' reaction, but was a headbutt nonetheless.
Why not? He was wrapping him up to make sure he didn't get the shot up and possibly a 3 pt play. Same %!%$ people do on layups.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Paul Pierce tried to do a @!*#% move to draw a foul by jumping into the defender, a move that there's usually such solidarity on this forum about how it shouldn't result in a trip to the line. James Jones shouldn't have went that hard after him though, and he did flop after Pierce's headbutt, which wasn't as strong as can be seen on James' reaction, but was a headbutt nonetheless.
Why not? He was wrapping him up to make sure he didn't get the shot up and possibly a 3 pt play. Same %!%$ people do on layups.
Wade does that 2x as much as anyone in the NBA, I have nothing wrong with that tho its smart but wade is a beast at that move and he does it consistently
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Paul Pierce tried to do a @!*#% move to draw a foul by jumping into the defender, a move that there's usually such solidarity on this forum about how it shouldn't result in a trip to the line. James Jones shouldn't have went that hard after him though, and he did flop after Pierce's headbutt, which wasn't as strong as can be seen on James' reaction, but was a headbutt nonetheless.
Why not? He was wrapping him up to make sure he didn't get the shot up and possibly a 3 pt play. Same %!%$ people do on layups.
Wade does that 2x as much as anyone in the NBA, I have nothing wrong with that tho its smart but wade is a beast at that move and he does it consistently
I am rooting against the Heat solely because of Lebron.  I hope Lebron never wins a ring.  Dude is arrogant as hell and cares more about his brand than he does basketball.  Dancing on the sidelines during games?  "The Decision"?  
He epitomizes what I despise about the new era of the NBA--dudes that are more concerned with Tweeting, hobnobbing with the celebs, being a part owner of Liverpool??  He's getting paid millions of dollars by the organization to goof off and clown around?  I've never hear or see him talk about adding to his game or improving his skill set to be a better player.  He's an embarrassment to people in the NBA who work their %%!$% off, hit the gym every day, and still don't get any burn. Even if he is that talented, and can get away on his sheer athleticism alone, his sheer buffoonery over his career makes me want him to fail tremendously.  The hate from me is strong
I am rooting against the Heat solely because of Lebron.  I hope Lebron never wins a ring.  Dude is arrogant as hell and cares more about his brand than he does basketball.  Dancing on the sidelines during games?  "The Decision"?  
He epitomizes what I despise about the new era of the NBA--dudes that are more concerned with Tweeting, hobnobbing with the celebs, being a part owner of Liverpool??  He's getting paid millions of dollars by the organization to goof off and clown around?  I've never hear or see him talk about adding to his game or improving his skill set to be a better player.  He's an embarrassment to people in the NBA who work their %%!$% off, hit the gym every day, and still don't get any burn. Even if he is that talented, and can get away on his sheer athleticism alone, his sheer buffoonery over his career makes me want him to fail tremendously.  The hate from me is strong
Bottom line is, SERIES IS OVER
KG is too old and Rondo can't handle the big stage.

I don't even think this series makes it to 6 games, The Celtics are just outmatched. Period
Bottom line is, SERIES IS OVER
KG is too old and Rondo can't handle the big stage.

I don't even think this series makes it to 6 games, The Celtics are just outmatched. Period
Originally Posted by ThEPoiNTGoD

I am rooting against the Heat solely because of Lebron.  I hope Lebron never wins a ring.  Dude is arrogant as hell and cares more about his brand than he does basketball.  Dancing on the sidelines during games?  "The Decision"?  
He epitomizes what I despise about the new era of the NBA--dudes that are more concerned with Tweeting, hobnobbing with the celebs, being a part owner of Liverpool??  He's getting paid millions of dollars by the organization to goof off and clown around?  I've never hear or see him talk about adding to his game or improving his skill set to be a better player.  He's an embarrassment to people in the NBA who work their %%!$% off, hit the gym every day, and still don't get any burn. Even if he is that talented, and can get away on his sheer athleticism alone, his sheer buffoonery over his career makes me want him to fail tremendously.  The hate from me is strong

Son, get that hate outta your heart.
You sound ridiculous.
Originally Posted by ThEPoiNTGoD

I am rooting against the Heat solely because of Lebron.  I hope Lebron never wins a ring.  Dude is arrogant as hell and cares more about his brand than he does basketball.  Dancing on the sidelines during games?  "The Decision"?  
He epitomizes what I despise about the new era of the NBA--dudes that are more concerned with Tweeting, hobnobbing with the celebs, being a part owner of Liverpool??  He's getting paid millions of dollars by the organization to goof off and clown around?  I've never hear or see him talk about adding to his game or improving his skill set to be a better player.  He's an embarrassment to people in the NBA who work their %%!$% off, hit the gym every day, and still don't get any burn. Even if he is that talented, and can get away on his sheer athleticism alone, his sheer buffoonery over his career makes me want him to fail tremendously.  The hate from me is strong

Son, get that hate outta your heart.
You sound ridiculous.
U heat fans are happy they won only one game so far in this series... They haven't won anything yet. It's the first team to win 4. There are gonna be plenty of games left with the celtics and heat in this series . The celtics just
Gotta steal ONE in Miami and that's it.
U heat fans are happy they won only one game so far in this series... They haven't won anything yet. It's the first team to win 4. There are gonna be plenty of games left with the celtics and heat in this series . The celtics just
Gotta steal ONE in Miami and that's it.
the foul was on wade not pierce, wade got in pierces face, not the other way around.

I've been trying to avoid this abortion of a thread as much as possible, but cosign.

Calling a double technical is a copout in almost every situation. Call a tech on the instigator and that's it. Wade threw the shoulder into Pierce and walked towards him. It's no different than the technical they called on Delonte in the first half for tossing the ball to Chalmers, followed by the two of them exchanging words. There was only a tech on Delonte and rightfully so.

Bottom line, Pierce should've done a better job of controlling his emotions, but the second tech was bogus.
the foul was on wade not pierce, wade got in pierces face, not the other way around.

I've been trying to avoid this abortion of a thread as much as possible, but cosign.

Calling a double technical is a copout in almost every situation. Call a tech on the instigator and that's it. Wade threw the shoulder into Pierce and walked towards him. It's no different than the technical they called on Delonte in the first half for tossing the ball to Chalmers, followed by the two of them exchanging words. There was only a tech on Delonte and rightfully so.

Bottom line, Pierce should've done a better job of controlling his emotions, but the second tech was bogus.
Originally Posted by AF1 Beast

Originally Posted by ThEPoiNTGoD

I am rooting against the Heat solely because of Lebron.  I hope Lebron never wins a ring.  Dude is arrogant as hell and cares more about his brand than he does basketball.  Dancing on the sidelines during games?  "The Decision"?  
He epitomizes what I despise about the new era of the NBA--dudes that are more concerned with Tweeting, hobnobbing with the celebs, being a part owner of Liverpool??  He's getting paid millions of dollars by the organization to goof off and clown around?  I've never hear or see him talk about adding to his game or improving his skill set to be a better player.  He's an embarrassment to people in the NBA who work their %%!$% off, hit the gym every day, and still don't get any burn. Even if he is that talented, and can get away on his sheer athleticism alone, his sheer buffoonery over his career makes me want him to fail tremendously.  The hate from me is strong

Son, get that hate outta your heart.
You sound ridiculous.

Acting like Bron hasn't changed much of his game this year alone.
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