Official Heroes Season 2 Post

"Stings like a %$%@@ doesn't it?"

Elle is soooo fine
Elle vs Claire will be

Hope there's a bed involved

And the return of sylar
wth is up with the ashes? and why is peter always losing, his powers are too strong for him to always be takin an L...wheres sylar at in all this?.. hes noteven relevant to season 2..and the twins they were weak...
Yes elle is defintely hot. What I would do to her when she was in that chair. So vunerable.

Episode was dope. But how are they going to tie in the twins and muscle mimic girl.

maybe it was just me, but i cracked up when west said

"you know him? (bob)"
"yes. he's the head of the paper company (serious look)"

I just got done watching season 1. I aint think heroes was that good but I got bored one night and with itunes and 50 dollars later I saw the seasson 1. Wherecan I watch season 2 at it's not on itunes yet and I work on mondays till 12
. But this show is def
. Idk%%+* I was thinking watching 24 last season def coulda been watching this heat rock
This episode was good. Next week will be good with Elle versus Claire.

I think the whole reason Adam's blood wasn't used as a cure because they didn't realize it can heal others thru transfusion. When The Company foundthis out, he had already escaped with Peter.

That's my theory . It could be wrong.

Adams powers are not only immortality but much more. I am sure his powers evolved 20x since living for 400 yrs.
Also, if I remember correctly he caused Genocides and what not...gotta double check what Bob said to Nathan again.

HRG = One of the best characters. He should of shot stupid *** Mohinder. I loved the ending had me on my feet
and thought HRG was dead and then we see him in bed with his eye regenerating

I just hope HRG does something to Mohinder I hate his character... he is useless. Papa Suresh is probably
in his grave.

Also...Elle still gets me everytime with her cute sadistic self.

I liked Mohinder at first I thought he was one of the true good guys until Bob corrupted him

Let's hope he gets back on the path of righteousness

It's good to see HRC is on that path though..kinda
Cot damn this show is picking up nicely!!!!!

And did you see my boy Muggles staying calm and cool even at gun point?!?!?

And his doggy bath was the Elle-stopper!!!
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Cot damn this show is picking up nicely!!!!!

And did you see my boy Muggles staying calm and cool even at gun point?!?!?

And his doggy bath was the Elle-stopper!!!

I was especially impressed by his performance in consoling Ms. Bennett!
Originally Posted by JCASH DA KID

I just got done watching season 1. I aint think heroes was that good but I got bored one night and with itunes and 50 dollars later I saw the seasson 1. Where can I watch season 2 at it's not on itunes yet and I work on mondays till 12
. But this show is def
. Idk%%+* I was thinking watching 24 last season def coulda been watching this heat rock

bro just watch it on NBC's website and save your $$
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