Official Heroes Season 2 Post

the episode was enh.
Too much of the boring Sylar and Maya storyline but I guess they had to finally do it and kill of Alejandro eventually. The best part of this episode was Hirogoing back to 1977 and seeing young Kaito, Adam and Victoria Pratt.

What was Claire talking about at the end? She is going to try to expose the Company now?
Uh, if she got in through the second story window...why would Monica want to leave through the front door?

is that even logical?

But wow..Hiro v Peter?
Looks like Monica about to gang-raped.

She went through the roof but couldn't escape that way? Stoneface.

Btw, Sylar is the man.
tonights episode didnt impress me at all like last weeks, I guess they saving it all for next week
Micah with the strong right on his cuz after he got beat up

Its kinda weak that Mohinder is the one that saved HRG but that just mean hes still (())
Claire talkine reckless with that exspose her powers issh. Im convinced that she's dumb like not as dumb as a cheerleader but that I think Im smart dumball her plans be stupid. Jumpin off broken windmills n tapin it, cuttin off her pinky toe, the list goes on
Hiro putttin his time travellin powers to work it seems he has complete controlof them now. Is it me or does young Kaito sound EXACTLY like old Kaito?

Adam/Kensei is one sly dude G move with the bullet to the back of the head with the weak exscuse to Peter. Like whow come NOBODY ever takes the option of aiminat the legs???
Sylar a G dont even wanna smash just wants to control
. Killed Alejandrowith ease, 1 down.
Peter bout to be owned, he dont got control of all his powers and I know Hiro aint gonna really just charge him he gonna be teleportin everywhere. Adam/Kenseimanipulated Peter easy its less convincing than what Sylar did to Maya

My picks for the 2 deaths:
Nikki gets shot by one of them NOreleans "gangstas"(runs with the theme of death by gunshot in that family)
Maya dies right after Sylar regains his powers(he might smash to
Good episode.

I hope this season's finale isn't as dissapointing as last's seasons

Sylar's a straight up G
, looks like Season 3 is gonna revolvepredominantly around him like Season 1

Maya is a straight bird, letting Sylar manipulate her and tear her apart from her brother.

I hope she's one the heroes that dies, just worthless.

I agree with ya'll who complained about Monica not just simply going back through the window. What the hell kind of weak plot-hole was that??

Also, them Nawlins bustas are soft.
If I'm in my crib and I look up and see "spiderman" on my ceiling, I'm letting off so many shotstowards the air that people would think it's the 4th of July.

My main problem with the Peter vs Hiro "fight" is why won't Hiro just take/tell Peter to go back in time and see for himself what Adam is REALLYabout?

Another thing I wish is that the writers of the show were creative enough to just give Peter some powers from random people he encountered. Leaving us (theviewers) to wonder "damn,
where'd he get that x-ray vision from??" would be dope. They teased it with the electricity early in the season.But that turned out to be Elle. You're trying to tell me that every power Peter gets HAS to be from someone who eventually ends up on the show?

It also would have been more interesting if they had made it so that Peter only has the powers of a person he comes in contact with for a short time (alaRogue). Having it forever only means that the writers will probably have to eventually kill him off.

I predict Peter and Sylar will both be dead by the end of the second arc.

The cohesiveness of this season is totally off. Still don't know how Sylar got saved by illusion girl (Candace). Or how the Haitian caught the virus(we're assuming the Company injected him with it as an experiment). Or what any of the OG parents' powers are/were (except Parkman's dad akaBoogie/Nightmare man and Bob aka goldfinger).
word. this writers strike riuned what could have been a awesome season. season 3 will probably have its share of flashback episodes or the writers willprobably work it like Lost.
what im wonderin is how come peter didnt read adams mind to find out whos telling the truth
Episode was okay.

Those New Orleans thugs bout to run train. SMH

I predict the Finale will be a let down.
I predict Peter and Sylar will both be dead by the end of the second arc.
Just to come back in the following season
, this will gojust like a comic book some type of retcon and just like that they are back.

Can Peter still get ya power if a hero has the virus? I'd like to know cuz my theory on the OG Heroes showing no pwers except for Maury is that they allcaught some strain of the virus(its a possibility) and can't use their powers cuz Mama Petrelli not showing her power yet is crazy and Victoria Prattcouldve atleast used her power before she died.

Only other thing I can think of is that the OG Heroes are something sorta like the movie The Covenant and they dont use their power cuz it uses up too muchof their life energy and if they do their death comes closer.

Shuges Peter does have a gang of powers that we technically don't know of but I dont think he knows either. Im assuming back when Sylar was serial killingppl with powers that when he met Peter, Peter absorbed his power as well as the ones Sylar stolen. So Peter should be able to freeze issh, melt metal down to aliquid state, and learn all types of things quickly(power from that girl from the diner Hiro went back in time and had a crush on ), and super hearing. Truthis even Sylar didn't display all his powers season 1, the writers made him kill off too many ppl with powers. It would be cool if Peter would re-master ALLof his powers and display his godliness.

Something I just realized completely random. That episode that showed the possible future that Hiro and Ando travelled to. The showdown with the darker Peterand Sylar why didnt that peter just stop time and kill Sylar? That future Hiro was still alive. Another plot hole that really doesnt matter.

Oh, I almost forgot to post for the Muggles fans out there... (not your version Seymore

Muggles seemed to be very bored tonight. Not sure if it was Hayden's acting that bored him or if it was Lyle's character that made him yawn:








Damn fellas, we were thisclose to finally getting some hot lesbian action on Heroes.



And out of these 5:


I'm guessing Elle and Nathan.

No way Hiro goes. No way Claire goes. And Parkman's character is way too interesting now with his new powers (possible season 3 villain?). I thinkhe's a lock to survive as well.
Mr. Muggles is laughing cuz he'll be the last surviving organism on Earth

'Tis a shame he was out of frame most of the time in this episode
I hope next weeks episode is a 2-hour special because there are too many loose ends to tie up. Sad part is that if there was a 20+ episode season, even withthese useless storylines (Skylar and Maya, Niki/Jessica's family), the season would still have been fine. I know in the end that all these storylines willintertwine anyways, but I'm afraid the finale is just going to have too much going on, possibly taking away from more interesting plot lines.

Anyways, just in case one of you bastards decides to post a spoiler for the finale, I'll see you all again next week.
Well if thats the who might die list. Its Nathan with that scene at the podium(they showed it for nest weeks ep) probably going along with Clair' s planabout exsposing their powers and then gets sniped down and the 2nd is a toss up between Elle n Matt. Not many are attatched to Elle and she can die trying toregain daddy's trust(probably could get killed by HRG or even Bob himself). Matt can easily be a casuality, wrong place wrong time, then again I dont thinkhe'll be any where near the action in the next ep. I think he'll be a step behind eveybody(finds V. Pratt dead, then might go back to Bk to confrontSylar or to Texas by help of Mohinder)

xBuddha Blessx wrote:
I predict Peter and Sylar will both be dead by the end of the second arc.
Just to come back in the following season
, this will go just like a comic book some type of retcon and just like that they are back.
Yeah, they've already done that with HRG.
They can't go to that well too many more times. The viewers will get turned off by that stunt REAL fast.

xBuddha Blessx wrote:

Can Peter still get ya power if a hero has the virus? I'd like to know cuz my theory on the OG Heroes showing no pwers except for Maury is that they all caught some strain of the virus(its a possibility) and can't use their powers cuz Mama Petrelli not showing her power yet is crazy and Victoria Pratt couldve atleast used her power before she died.

Good theory. But Bob still has his power. Deveaux still had his power too. And as you already mentioned, so does Parkman's dad.
xBuddha Blessx wrote:
Only other thing I can think of is that the OG Heroes are something sorta like the movie The Covenant and they dont use their power cuz it uses up too much of their life energy and if they do their death comes closer.

That's a nice theory too. But the problem with that is... Assuming they are about to die anyway (if Adam is standing in front of them), why would they NOT use their power? Even if it would drain some of their life energy as you put it, they would at least still be alive.
xBuddha Blessx wrote:
Shuges Peter does have a gang of powers that we technically don't know of but I dont think he knows either. Im assuming back when Sylar was serial killing ppl with powers that when he met Peter, Peter absorbed his power as well as the ones Sylar stolen. So Peter should be able to freeze issh, melt metal down to a liquid state, and learn all types of things quickly(power from that girl from the diner Hiro went back in time and had a crush on ), and super hearing. Truth is even Sylar didn't display all his powers season 1, the writers made him kill off too many ppl with powers. It would be cool if Peter would re-master ALL of his powers and display his godliness.

No, I mean people who we NEVER see. Melting metal, super hearing etc... we saw all of those people so we know where the power came from. I'm talking about Peter just all of a sudden using a power and we have NO CLUE where he got it from. And we never find out either. I think I'd actually like that. It's something they could always reveal waaaaaaay down the line (if ever) to make us go "oh %*#@!"
xBuddha Blessx wrote:
Something I just realized completely random. That episode that showed the possible future that Hiro and Ando travelled to. The showdown with the darker Peter and Sylar why didnt that peter just stop time and kill Sylar? That future Hiro was still alive. Another plot hole that really doesnt matter.

They keep flip-flopping with Pete's power saying one minute that he has to remember it (like Claude's invisibility). Then the next minute they say he can't control it, that it just happens (like the lightning from the 1st ep this year). So they'll probably use that as the reason Peter didn't stop time in the future.

On a side note, did yall see how Muggles didn't even flinch when Claire punched the window. Looks like he's going to have to be the one to stand up toSylar in season 3 like he did in season 1.

That was an alright episode.

Sucks that Heroes has one more show left when there should've been 20+ more.

Now they have to rush everything and that could make the last one a weak one.

As for Monica, I think she kinda has Rouges powers. She can only mimic the action for a short time or just that
instance. Because IF she did retain it why didn't she 619 them? Or why didn't she bust some flares on them. She could
of jumped out the window ninja style.

Oh man I hate Sylar so much but his character is so deceiving. Damn Maya.

Best part of the episode.... the last 5mins. Hiro vs Peter

Here are the previews for "Powerless"

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