Official Heroes Season 2 Post


[Jay-Z] I'm back to claim pole position [/Jay-Z]

The Company is too do not want to mess with them. Dude went down like Lee Harvey Oswald
And it looked like HRG did it.
Dang, Nathan murdered, and Mama Petrelli knows who it is.

Sylar gets his powers back!!! It was bound to happen
So season 3 is better then season 2 already seeing as Sylar will actually be a villain for everyone to fear again. I was disappointed this season, "TheBoogeyman" was a letdown of the villian they hyped him up to be. Season 1 was just so much more exciting for me.
anybody think that sylar was going to go away?

IF the second season has showed anything about this show is that it doesn't have the balls to do anything real drastic. It seems like they're afraid to"mess up".
Can't really place blame for the ending being weak but it seemed like this season was a filler anyways. The whole season was real weaksauce. Season 3should be much better.
That's my word, the assassin dude who walked out looked like Peter. Same walk, same build.

But yeah, this ending was kind of weak.
Im willing to bet all my money it was HRG who shot Nathan good thing too. That speech was whack

Syalr is back in action

Oh btw the spoiler I read were SOOOO OFF it had Sylar dying by the hands of Elle, and Nathan was gonna give a speech about the virus not about powers he thenfalls to the ground from infection of the virus.

This all seems like BS cuz how is Peter right there and didnt see the gunman? He didnt stop the bullets by stoppin time or telekinesis weak Peter loosin majorpoints then he watches Nathan die when he could easily use his blood or claire's blood to revive him. this last scene ws extra weak and the only good thingwas watching Sylar get his powers back

Jayz595 you out your mind boi... that ending was that bidness...

Mama Petrelli is back in the game wonder what that'll mean

And I, and I'm pretty sure a lot other have a great idea who the trigger man was
I think Parkman double-crossed Nathan. He was supposed to do his little "persuasion" technique to the media but it looks like he "forgot"the person with the gun. And when they were in the safe underground, when Nathan was telling Peter and Parkman about his plan, it looks like Parkman looked upand saw the camera for a second. And what other OGs are left?? Adam damn near killed all of em.

And Volume Three is titled Villains? I thought it was going to be called Exodus
Ending was just rightttt, Im surprised with sylar though.. i didnt think theywere gonna have him in full effect so soon..but still
I think Parkman double-crossed Nathan. He was supposed to do his little "persuasion" technique to the media but it looks like he "forgot" the person with the gun. And when they were in the safe underground, when Nathan was telling Peter and Parkman about his plan, it looks like Parkman looked up and saw the camera for a second. And what other OGs are left?? Adam damn near killed all of em.
I saw the same thing, the look the camera and he seemed uncertain when he went to persuade everyone.

It's hard to tell since they had to redo/work the finale here because of the writer's strike, I'm interested in seeing what the originalintent/plan for the season was. Like everything with this show, I'll just wait it out and see what happens next, hopefully that isn't until next fall
This season was pretty mediocre. How is HRG gonna go postal, try to finish the Company, and now, he goes back to working with them now and they'll all actlike this never happened.

And we're not sure if Nathan is dead YET. They just said on the news that he was shot but not killed so I guess that's gonna be a big cliffhanger.

But Nikki though, looks like she's a goner. It's fitting because Sylar took the cure from Suresh anyway.
I'm back

Season 3 is gonna be insane.

As far as probable shooters go in Nathan's assasination I think HRG is at the top of the list.

They really overdid it with the explosion, poor Nikki.
More n more that whole last scene feels like BS but if volume 3 is really about villians hopefully its not all Sylar I'd like for them to introduce a newvillian preferably a guy with Peter's power
now thats
n dude is just going around acquiring powers n when he meets hiro goes thru outtime acquiring powers till he has every power n then a showdown with Sylar. I swear I could be a writer for this show

Horrible ending. Too much rushing.

-My guess is HRG killed Nathan. Mama P., I wonder who she was talking to. A representative from the Company is my guess.
-It'll be too easy to revive Nathan which my guess is probably what's going to happen. Peter will probably give him his blood.
-Adam. M somehow will be able to come back up and wreak some more havoc in Vol. III.
-Sylar not dying.

Btw, someone come through and try to post screencaps of the ending to see if we can actually make out who shot Nathan and walked away.
HRG prolly did shoot nathan. Makes sense. But its messed up micah has to lose both his parents
now he's an orphan. i'm tired of sylar, they need anew villain now. Hiro seems at peace now, so that's good. All in all the show was boring...I was underwhelmed and predicting outcomes left and right. NOTmy idea of a great finale.
JRose5 wrote:

That Micah kid, he's still one ugly looking kid.


that child is gorgeous
the curly hair must go though.

i hated this episode
when shorty got shot, i was like finally they killed her off..
when she came bacc

they better not kill off my boo ali larter
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