If the NBA's most hated team can win the championship in a lock-out year, can the NHl's most hated team do the same? :nerd:
"The NHL injected life into a stagnant labor negotiation Tuesday, making a surprise offer to the NHL Players' Association that was highlighted by a 50-50 split in hockey-related revenue and a full 82-game season starting Nov. 2."

please make this happen

The NHLPA would be stupid not to accept this, cause there's no way they get a better offer than 50/50

Make it happen guys
A compressed season sounds a lot worse than it is... especially for hockey.

But to fit in a full 82 games if they get a deal done sometime this week and get started on Nov 2nd.... it would take one extra game every 5 weeks. Not bad at all... Especially with some slight backing of the schedule

The NHL & the NHLPA should be meeting again either tmw or the day after... They have 9 days to get this done to have a full season/playoffs

lets hope.
50-50 HRR is a start.

Other major components of the deal:

- No salary rollback. Money will be paid out in escrow over the remainder of the contract, apparently.
- Max. contract: 5 years.
- Entry-level contract: 2 years.
- Salary arbitration begins after 5th year.
- UFA begins at 28 or after 8 years of service.
- Deal expires Nov. 2.
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82 games with a nov 2nd start would not be too bad at this point. any later and it would get taxing for the players imo
From what I understand it'll only be a makeshift one week camp and no preseason. They might even lose the ASG (thank God) to fit games in. IDK how they would do it where they'd add an extra game a week for every team. I think it'll make it more competitive. Have to consistently roll out four lines every night to keep the top stars fresh. I'm all for it. Players turn this down...:smh:

BTW, I'm looking for a RB in the league and I'm dangling Rowdy Roddy and Demarius out there.
:lol: what's happening to you happens every year to someone in every league. **** is the absolute worst. I went 4-7 last year in our non-keeper NT league, missed the playoffs by two games and lost 5 of my 7 matchups by a combined 5 points :lol: Just playing the wrong person every week. One of our 0's are out this week, me and Chris play each other.
So this idiot Bettman getting his act together or what?

not completely sure about that yet. talked to TB a bit about the offer over twitter last night. he sent me an article talking about how the definition of HRR (hockey related revenue - the pot that they're looking to split 50-50) is still not settled between the two groups. so a 50-50 split alone doesn't end this thing for the players. hopefully they can settle on a definition of it that works with the 50-50 plan.
I see Edmonton City Council voted to stop negotiating with the Oilers, good for them, let that dummy try and go to Seattle.
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