Unfreakin' believable...

Tix for Kings Opening Night Lower Bowl 2011-2012 = $85

Tix for Kings Opening Night Lower Bowl 2013 = $250

I'm still kicking myself for not pulling the trigger on season tix last year and the year before that.

lol FB you know how it goes in this town...

besides, youre paying that premium $165 for

speaking of which, i downloaded the entire game 6 off youtube and ive been watching it nonstop for the last 2 weeks :lol:

ready for the banner raising and the cup defense! :pimp:

edit for correct maths
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Gophs beat ND 5-1 in Gm 1. Game 2 tmw...

Hours away from puck drop league wide. Tix ready. Hockey Day MN Tmw.. LEGO!!!! :D :pimp:

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Anyone know where I can purchase the lace for authentic NHL jerseys? Bought one which didn't come with one.
Couldn't have worked out better, I was down M&N copping this

And I got a text asking if I wanted to go to the game [emoji]128526[/emoji]
Pissed I'm not at Staples this afternoon to see that banner raised :smokin

Either way, let's defend that shh.
Very intrigued to see what the Wings look like this year... No big FA signings... Sitting with a ton of cap space... Defense is going to be very unstable... Hope Howard takes the next step and is dominant.... Babcock has his work cut out for him.
The Kings threw a very nice ring/banner ceremony.

Kinda salty my local listings have the Hawks v Kings though. I wanna watch Phi v Pitt. I have to resort to streams.
^apparently center ice is free (if you have direct TV?) for a bit...saw it on my own stream :lol:
Flyers got this. 2-0 lead in hockey is one of the worst leads you can have in sports. If it becomes 3-0, pens might has well just go home
Flyers got this. 2-0 lead in hockey is one of the worst leads you can have in sports. If it becomes 3-0, pens might has well just go home

you've got it a bit mixed up, my friend. the 3-0 lead is THE worst in hockey...if it goes to 3-0, then you're in business :lol:
I wish our NBC would switch games... Much rather watch the PHI PIT game than this snoozefest... But living in Michigan will prob not allow it to happen... Wonder how long it will take for Tootoo to drop them and set a tone for the new Wings... A Holmstrom type that will fight occasionally.... Hell, he may try to fight Hank since he is used to going after him all the time.
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