Woke up to the Game Center notification this morning. The Pens are not playing around right now :lol:
The pressure may be too much now. I was kinda happy with the level it was pre Jarome trade :lol:

I want Iggy to get a ring, but not like this. :smh:

*Just read the Pens are 4 mil below the cap as well.

Same here :lol: I don't despise Pitt as much as I did when I was younger though, now they have 3 of my favorite players to watch. Plus, I've had tickets for the second to last game of the season against them so even better for me :lol:

Looking way too far ahead but Pitt/NYR then Pitt/Bos then Pitt/Mon then Pitt/Chi-Van would be awesome for me.
Same here :lol: I don't despise Pitt as much as I did when I was younger though, now they have 3 of my favorite players to watch. Plus, I've had tickets for the second to last game of the season against them so even better for me :lol:

Looking way too far ahead but Pitt/NYR then Pitt/Bos then Pitt/Mon then Pitt/Chi-Van would be awesome for me.

If the Caps were decent this year, I might feel differently....but Iggy on the Pens (for now) doesn't bother me as much as I would have thought. He's one of the real class acts in the league, and like Ray Bourque, I'd like to see him go out with a ring.

Shero pulled a shrewd move a few years back when he brought in Billy Guerin for the cup push...this move, to me, is similar...only Iggy is 10x the player.

What the heck is Feaster thinking? This might be one of the most lopsided trades in NHL history. If I was a Calgary fan, I'd be beyond pissed.
Correct if wrong, but I do feel that Crosby's maturation has helped both his and the Penguins image. The venom and criticism I used to always see on boards, at games, etc isn't nearly where it used to be. And some of that criticism was definitely warranted but he has grown up on the ice quite a bit

I want Iggy to get a ring, but not like this. :smh:

*Just read the Pens are 4 mil below the cap as well.

I was gonna say something about blackberry/RIM being better off than we thought, but damn. That's some cap management right there. That top six :x :x
Those prospects weren't even top 10 in the Pens organization either. Gave up soooo little.
Those prospects weren't even top 10 in the Pens organization either. Gave up soooo little.

Exactly :smh: A college Jr and a college Sr really? :x He is in the final yr of his deal though. I love Iginla but now I shall have to root for him to fail

I HATE HATE HATE this move :lol: I loathe the pens and I see all these people on campus rocking their jerseys today and I even saw two Calgary Iginla jerseys in the computer lab, who has a Flames jersey on deck like that? :lol:. Worst part I can't even say **** cuz my Flyers are looking so weak right now. I pray we can turn it around though by some miracle and get that 8 seed I want Pittsburgh badly in the first round if we get in (worst case we lose which is expected, but if we win that'd be all the more :smokin..not likely though since we suck right now)
Those prospects weren't even top 10 in the Pens organization either. Gave up soooo little.

Exactly :smh: A college Jr and a college Sr really? :x He is in the final yr of his deal though. I love Iginla but now I shall have to root for him to fail

I loathe the pens and I see all these people on campus rocking their jerseys today and I even saw two Calgary Iginla jerseys in the computer lab, who has a Flames jersey on deck like that?

So are the Flames filing for relocation or what?? :lol:

I can't imagine any fans happy with what has happened the last 48 hours.
Just catching up on last night's action...I see Corey Perry continuing to prove what a piece of **** he is by going after a smaller player (again). Dude is gonna get his one day.
So are the Flames filing for relocation or what?? :lol:

I can't imagine any fans happy with what has happened the last 48 hours.

With all the oil money and oilfield company HQ's in Calgary, they could put the Calgary Hitmen on the ice as the Flames and they'd make money.
just send the cup to pitt
Not if Chicago has anything to say about it
Not that i think Marty would even waive his NTC.

I would probably cry 1000 days if Marty were to ever become a Bruin.
Not that i think Marty would even waive his NTC.

I would probably cry 1000 days if Marty were to ever become a Bruin.

Marty is 100% an option.

Besides Iginla, the Bruins are in on:
- Jagr
- Clowe

But if I were PC, I'd stand pat this year and make a move this summer.
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