Don't bring Osh in here with that :lol:

He won't get it but Keith has been superb this year. Here's hoping PK gets it.
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Love when Duncan Keith pinches forward in Chicago's attack. Although he almost left Emery exposed on the counter-attack. Out of position and somewhat slow getting back.

Any love for Phaneuf or Letang. Liked the former in Calgary. The latter puts in major work in the off-season, so respect.
I've got PK or Keith most likely.

The Bruins skid killed any shot for big Z but he's usually in the discussion.
J's: Who should get the Norris, (PK)?

PK...hands down.

Look at what he's doing statistically. Imagine if he was in hockey shape to start the season (didn't play in any leagues and was in a contract dispute). Kid is on his way to greatness.
PK is on his way to be great...he just needs to drop the diving/acting jobs :lol:

wish he'd leave Montreal...i know that stuff would stop immediately if he went to another team
Sometimes I wonder why PK and Evander Kane catch so much flack and criticism. Seriously not inciting a race debate. Is it there perceived brash personalities perhaps.
If they use the same criteria for Norris voting as last year, there is no reason Subban shouldn't win it. PPG player and IMO a lot better defensively than Karlsson.

The Hart, I've got to think is Ovie's to lose, at this point, with Crosby likely missing a fourth of the season.
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If they use the same criteria for Norris voting as last year, there is no reason Subban shouldn't win it. PPG player and IMO a lot better defensively than Karlsson.

The Hart, I've got to think is Ovie's to lose, at this point, with Crosby likely missing a fourth of the season.

Karlsson winning the Norris was a bit puzzling to me. He's every bit as bad or WORSE defensively than Mike Green, and the best he's done in his career is be the runner-up.

*Pro...I think the Vezina comes down to Niemi and Rask. I can't decide who tho...

Sometimes I wonder why PK and Evander Kane catch so much flack and criticism. Seriously not inciting a race debate. Is it there perceived brash personalities perhaps.

Race has a lot to do with it.
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I co-sign Niemi by a slight margin.

Probably MAF, Price, Backstrom after.

That reminds me, I want in for next opening in NT's Fantasy Hockey league.
I love Rask. I wish Jersey had sent the farm for him a few years back. But not this year. You see that piss poor defense in front in SJ? Guy has to be first or second in shots faced.

A lot of great GT play this year though. Right now, I may go Niemi, Hank, Rask, Price and MAF.
Stamkos, Staal, and Hall are all going to miss the playoffs so they prolly don't win. Getzlaf is out with a leg injury, and Kane/Toews will probably take votes from each other. Ovechkin is on a tear similar to Perry when he won the Hart and almost single-handedly carried us to the playoffs.

Vezina finalists should be Rask, Lundqvist, and Niemi/Bobrovsky. I'd give it to Bob though, if the BJ's find a way to get into the playoffs.
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Tuukka has been a savior in Boston. He was a wall recently, think it was the NJD game at the Garden.

Any love for the resurgent Nabby.
Karlsson winning the Norris was a bit puzzling to me. He's every bit as bad or WORSE defensively than Mike Green, and the best he's done in his career is be the runner-up.

*Pro...I think the Vezina comes down to Niemi and Rask. I can't decide who tho...
Race has a lot to do with it.

1. ********, his lack of defense is totally exaggerated.
2. Green should have won the Norris the year he had 32, his lack of norri's has more to do with his inability to play 82 games.
3. Karlsson was the best defenseman that year, the gap between him offensively and every other defenseman was simply way too large to be made up by perceived defensive faults.
Karlsson winning the Norris was a bit puzzling to me. He's every bit as bad or WORSE defensively than Mike Green, and the best he's done in his career is be the runner-up.

*Pro...I think the Vezina comes down to Niemi and Rask. I can't decide who tho...
Race has a lot to do with it.

Co-sign. I'm one of the biggest Mike Green haters there is, but if Karlsson has a Norris so should MG52. If I didn't know better, I'd say they only let Swedes vote on it.:lol:
That isn't tough at all. Crawford all day every day. Can't get over how crummy Emery was for us against Nashville two years ago.
Here's a tough one for you guys. Crawford or Emery come playoffs time.

i heard they plan to flip back and forth, which would be interesting.

but i think you play the hotter hand heading into the playoffs, still some time left to see who is in a better groove. or maybe if there's a particular matchup you go with one guy. i don't like the idea of flipping guys within a single series unless there's a need for it.
Nail-biter there, but the Caps pulled it off. For one night, they'll shut some of the critics up. Quality win against one of the best in the East in their barn. KEEP IT GOING!!
Agreed, not a fan of dual goalies or dual QB's in CFB for that matter. Supposedly Crawford has the advantage/lead with a short leash. Joel Q won't hesitate to flip flop if needed.
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