Muslim Americans get completely trashed in the media man. It must be hella uncomfortable for them to watch this.
As an Iranian-American, I have to admit I cringe at some of the things people say in this show relating to Muslims or Middle-Easterns.
It was definitely offensive how the white kid at the school said 'arabs, persians, same thing'...those are the kind of ignorant comments that make us feel very annoyed and offended.
However, it is a show and I understand that it is written for a specific reason and I respect that. I appreciate that they had Broady's daughter speak up about the issue kind of using this dialogue as a way of educating viewers who might have the same beliefs.
Very good show, enjoy it very much even with many of the cliche terrorist characters. This seems to be very intelligently written compared to most other terrorist shows who just put out what they think all Americans want to see...terrorists being caught and killed.
I enjoy the realism in that not all Americans have to necessarily fit in with typical religions in this country. There are a lot of caucasian, black, and ethnic races that do follow Islam and it is a shame that it is so negatively viewed in the general public.
I'm not sure if this show helps change that perception, but they do seem to show the good side of Islam as well as the bad. Thats a lot better than just showing it as evil and nothing else.