Official HTC Thread Vol. Scribe, Thunderbolt 4G, Evo Shift 4G, Inspire 4G for AT&T

Evo will sell out quicker then the hd2 and itll available in stock a lil more.

Just sold 2 of em on preorder and my co worker sold one.
I talked to manager from another store and he said hes got 10 on deck sold.
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by CDonWasHisName

Originally Posted by NKEAIR

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by ChopperVille

Originally Posted by ME NO PASS

Originally Posted by CDonWasHisName

as a Helio user I hope this phone is worth wait. been waiting since december for this phone to atleast have a release date


I am lost what is the  joke
You lost a long time ago my dude...

How is having a plan with with unlimited data,web and text from 3 years ago at a minimum of 65 dollars and a phone with multi email boxes count as a loss?
The beast in action...

Here's some pics from the Evo Camera, not impressed with the zoom...


Lastly the sample of the 720P camera...


my pockets had plans for EVO and HD2...

but now...

i might have to stick w/ the TOUCH PRO 2....

and look at this new android sidekick joint...

Originally Posted by handullz


my pockets had plans for EVO and HD2...

but now...

i might have to stick w/ the TOUCH PRO 2....

and look at this new android sidekick joint...


Android + winmo? Huh?
Originally Posted by handullz


my pockets had plans for EVO and HD2...

but now...

i might have to stick w/ the TOUCH PRO 2....

and look at this new android sidekick joint...

dual boot Android on your TP2 from the SD card
Originally Posted by handullz


my pockets had plans for EVO and HD2...

but now...

i might have to stick w/ the TOUCH PRO 2....

and look at this new android sidekick joint...

Your best bet is the HD2. That's the reason why I got mine but a soon realize it'll be a hot minute till they get a working Android 2.1 rom on the HD2, so that's why I'm switching to the Evo 4G.
If anything, dual-booting Android is really nothing more than a tease. Yea, it's cool and can run decently stable but once you turn off your phone, reset's all gone.
Does anybody know if the Evo 4G come with the Facebook integration in the contacts and fav list like the HD2?
Originally Posted by LIVE BOY D

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Does anybody know if the Evo 4G come with the Facebook integration in the contacts and fav list like the HD2?

friendstream ?
Eh, not really, I mean something more like when you go into your contacts, if you've linked there name with there FB page, it will show you there latest status update underneath there name. If you scroll over to 'Updates and Events' you can see all your FB linked friends lastest updates. This is pretty killer.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by LIVE BOY D

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Does anybody know if the Evo 4G come with the Facebook integration in the contacts and fav list like the HD2?

friendstream ?
Eh, not really, I mean something more like when you go into your contacts, if you've linked there name with there FB page, it will show you there latest status update underneath there name. If you scroll over to 'Updates and Events' you can see all your FB linked friends lastest updates. This is pretty killer.

It does that for stock android so I'm assuming it'll be the same
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by LIVE BOY D

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Does anybody know if the Evo 4G come with the Facebook integration in the contacts and fav list like the HD2?

friendstream ?
Eh, not really, I mean something more like when you go into your contacts, if you've linked there name with there FB page, it will show you there latest status update underneath there name. If you scroll over to 'Updates and Events' you can see all your FB linked friends lastest updates. This is pretty killer.
yea i know what your talking about. it should have something similar but im not sure, I just pre ordered it and i cant wait until the 4th i hope this new sidekick doesn't make me regret it though
So I read somewhere, that the nexus one will be coming to stores now. Does that mean that it will be subsidized on AT&T?
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Nice ROM, looks
Thanks.  I'm running on Energy's May.13 w/ CHT.  Added on HDWall, the Analog clock, Super Stealth tab, and a couple transparency tweaks.  Honestly it took a lot of searching to find everything but its satisfying once it all comes together. 
Originally Posted by eteam o2

Originally Posted by handullz


my pockets had plans for EVO and HD2...

but now...

i might have to stick w/ the TOUCH PRO 2....

and look at this new android sidekick joint...


Android + winmo? Huh?

Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

why would u want both tho?

cuz i got two lines, tho...

one tmobile, one sprint...


[h1]Google officially backs Sprint's HTC EVO 4G[/h1]By Ari Robbins, posted Today at 3:15 PM / 1740 views   -   add comment   -

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Read more:android, business and money, Google Nexus One, HTC EVO 4G, HTC Droid Incredible, Sprint PCS, Google


We just recently found out that Google would be throwing in the towel regarding the Nexus One.  Before that we found out that neither Verizon nor Sprint would be getting the Nexus One because of the HTC DROID Incredible and the EVO 4G, the N1's close relatives.  Now, in what could very well be the last hurrah for Google's Nexus One store, Google is supporting the EVO 4G much like they did the DROID Incredible for Verizon.

If you head on over to, you'll see - under the "phone + plan" section - the addition of Sprint's logo along with a brief blurb about the EVO 4G.  It goes a little something like this: "For Sprint, you can pre-register for the HTC EVO 4G, a powerful Android phone with support for Sprint's 3G & 4G network.  Go to to pre-register now!"  Granted, this is nothing all that exciting or unexpected, but for me, I'll admit it's a little sad to see Google officially waving the white flag of defeat.  Maybe I bought into Google's "game-changing" propaganda a little more than I should have, but what can I say, I just like to see such an innovative company succeed.

I guess a little failure on their part can't really hurt, considering their size.  And then again it's also good to know that behind the Googleplex is just a normal company apt to succeed or fail just like anyone else.  Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!
[h1]Windows Phone 7 technical guides appear[/h1]
1 comment »

Posted on Sunday, May 16, 2010by Malatesta

Filed Under: News;Tags:wp7, Windows Phone 7, Technology Adoption Program, TAP, microsoft, Guides, development, customization, architecture

Over at XDA, forum member 'kwbr' has linked to some guides (hosted by HTCPedia) that were published for Microsoft's TAP or Technology Adoption Program. The guides themselves are quite lengthy and go into much detail revolving around three core areas: development, architecture and customization and are related to an earlier leak on WP7 architecture (read here).

Of most interest for the tech-savvy (e.g. tweakers, ROM chefs) would be the one pertaining to device customization. Perhaps of little surprise to our audience, but Windows Phone 7 evidently has a registry for manipulating many areas of the OS (startup screens, languages, start tiles, default ringtone, camera modes, etc.).

This may mean at some point an on board registry editor might be able to manipulate these values to do what we do now: customize the UI to our liking, at least within certain limits. However, there could be one obstacle: the registry might be locked down or inaccessible. Still, assuming access, Microsoft has done all of the work for us already by documenting these changes and showing their relative parameters--as opposed to the current "hunt and peck" method that we've been using for years.

The material is dated by a few months, so information has probably changed. Still, it provides some useful data for those who want to know.

Download PDFs below; Read original XDA thread here.
[Thanks anonymous]
i dont know if i'm in the minority with this...

but i'm not too excited about Windows Phone 7...

i mean...

no removable storage...

no removable battery....

sounds like an iphone to me...
[h1]HTC Incredible Goes Retro : Nexus One Launcher and Apps[/h1]
admin | May 15, 2010 | 4 comments

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So you got your HTC Incredible and have been loving the heck out of it so far but, your watching those Evo andDesire videos with the Nexus One style Application Launcher and 5 screen dot retro look. Well it is time to get a little senseless and take out HTC’s overlay (no clue why you want this but ehh experimental purposes work) Anywho all you have to do is grab these APK files and drag and drop them on your SDCARD from your computer. Once you drag them on to the SDCARD you can use Astro file manager (free in Market Place) open it and it will install it (that goes with all other APK files) Once the launcher is installed hit the home key, it will ask you which launcher you want – we want the non Sense one – click it and if you want to use the home button to send to the center homescreen panel (if you don’t it will always ask what launcher you want to use which will make for a great launcher..

Here are other 2.1 Nexus One style APK’s

Launcher Click Here

Gallery – Click Here

Music – Click Here

Genie Widget – Click Here
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