Official HTC Thread Vol. Scribe, Thunderbolt 4G, Evo Shift 4G, Inspire 4G for AT&T


Turn off Sense on the Sprint Evo 4G

I know some people are not fans of Vanilla or even Sense and some are, well this is cool, its a Nexus One with a 4.3' screen, 3D rotatin apps etc.
HSPA+ > Sprint's 4G.

T-Mobile needs to release more info on their upcoming phones before June 4.
The word superphone makes me slightly cringe

[h4]AT&T to cover about 250M people with HSPA+ by year's end[/h4]
By Chris Ziegler posted May 14th 2010 4:39PM

Breaking News
AT&T has changed its story on its 3.5G / 3.75G strategy prior to rolling out LTE seemingly countless times in the past couple years, but the good news is that the latest policy shift is a decidedly positive one: it intends to cover about 250 million Americans in speedy (well, hopefully speedy) HSPA+ by the end of 2010. The remarks came today from AT&T Operations CEO John Stankey at a Reuters event, going on to say that the company intends to "double" its theoretical 7.2Mbps maximum on HSPA; it seems almost certain that the move is in response to T-Mobile's aggressive moves into 21Mbps territory recently -- not to mention commercial WiMAX availability on Sprint and the impending launch of a handful of LTE markets on Verizon -- but realistically HSPA+ on AT&T could easily run anywhere between 7.2 and 14.4Mbps depending on market, backhaul capacity, and countless other factors. Works out well for a presumed iPhone launch, doesn't it?
i broke the top glass screen on my hd2....the backlit screen is fine, and the phone "works" as normal...just got spidewebs over your screen...

anybody know about a replacement?

i wanna sell this, i got my insurance claim coming in the mail...

Turning off Sense is a nice option. I'm used to it on my Incredible though, I'd feel weird using just stock Android.
Originally Posted by MECKS

a sidekick with android would be

touch screen + full qwerty keyboard :O

droid? mytouch slide? samsung moment? oPhone?

touch screen with full physical qwerty android is nothing new
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by MECKS

a sidekick with android would be

touch screen + full qwerty keyboard :O

droid? mytouch slide? samsung moment? oPhone?

touch screen with full physical qwerty android is nothing new
i think he's lookin at it from the point of sidekicks never had touchscreens before...
ah, i see. haven't had a sidekick since the first color screen one

and sense UI > vanilla android, motoblur, that horrible crap samsung uses and everything else.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

ah, i see. haven't had a sidekick since the first color screen one

and sense UI > vanilla android, motoblur, that horrible crap samsung uses and everything else.

that was the only sk i had as well...

and i agree wit the 2nd statement too...
remember that stock android gets updates faster....and thats da best Pro outta anything sense got IMO.
fragmentation, one of android's biggest flaws.

but i'd take a little longer wait for Sense, I like it that much.

damn im starting to sound like an iphone fanboy
Originally Posted by CWrite78

fragmentation, one of android's biggest flaws.

but i'd take a little longer wait for Sense, I like it that much.

damn im starting to sound like an iphone fanboy

except u have reason too... android is the %!@@...
this is true, been on Droid since RD and i love it. I was going to get the Eris (because of sense lol) but i wanted the free google nav more
[h4]Android 2.1 upgrade for Sprint's HTC Hero leaks out[/h4]
By Chris Ziegler posted May 14th 2010 8:55PM

Okay, so the Moment's Android 2.1 upgrade is official -- great. But what about the Sense-powered Hero? There's no firsthand word just yet other than the promise of a Q2 release, but there is a firsthand ROM (seemingly) floating around that gives us hope we'll here something from Hesse and crew any day now. Oh, yeah, and there is the cool part about being able to just grab the binary now and get your upgrade on without waiting, if you're as brave and impatient as we tend to be around here. Let us know how it goes, folks.

[Thanks, Divyam]
For a sec I was considering waiting for HSPA+ but that 5gb monthly cap is a deal breaker for me so I guess Evo 4g is my best bet. Plus I dont want a phone with a qwerty keyboard.

I think the Evo 4g is almost perfect just with they used an AMOLED screen instead.

--So I hear the 5gb data cap is for the normal speed and after 5gb it will be throttled.

IMO 3 - 6mbps with no data cap or throttling is better than 10 - 12mb from T mobile HSPA+ with throttling. I dont plan to pay for the hot spot though so I'll most likely be rooting. Hopefully sprint wont be able to detect it, I doubt they would though.
Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

Originally Posted by ninjahood

remember that stock android gets updates faster
does that mean if i set my droid eris to android ill get 2.1 faster?!

not sure if this has been posted but...

If you're a Droid Eris user who hasn't received an OTA update yet for 2.1 you can manually update... it's official from Google...

Click here
I've always wondered, and I was looking into it myself, but with no definitive answers.

I want an imagio from VZW, but i'm on Sprint.

Can I purchase one and call Verizon for an "unlock" code? And afterward call Sprint to have them add the ESN to my line or do it myself online?

I read yes and no.

Reason i'd go HD2 and not go Incredible or wait for an EVO is because i'm on SERO, therefore no Android for me.

I'm not 100% sure but, I remember Verizon and Sprint going into agreement that you could use a sprint phone on a verizon network and vice versa. But, I don't think they actually went through with it. So, unless I'm wrong.. nope, you can't get a VZW phone on sprint or a sprint phone on VZW.
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