Official HTC Thread Vol. Scribe, Thunderbolt 4G, Evo Shift 4G, Inspire 4G for AT&T

just sold my G1 for $110, ima be rockin with this until june 4th 
Quick question: How is the transition from a phone WITH a slide out keyboard to a phone WITHOUT a hard button keyboard. I have a Touch Pro 2 and I am too thirsty for this Evo 4G. But will I have trouble adjusting to an on screen only keyboard. That's the only thing holding me back from hoping on "the pre-order list".
Put my pre-order in this morning @ Radio Shack.


I got the 16 gig sd card for $59.99 while I was there too.

I didn't feel like buyin one offline then dealin with the hassle of it not working and returning, blah, blah...

If it acts up I can just take it back to the store and get my damn money back.


I think I actually got a good deal on the SD card...lookin at my receipt I noticed it says -$60 saved.

Radioshack.Com says its sold out...but most stores should have them in stock. The one I went to had 3 on the wall.


Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Originally Posted by illfrozn

Originally Posted by roc4life24

for you sero people: (via the slickdeal thread of the same as this one)

So so much buzz this phone i thought i can leave my SERO plan for this....this is how its gonna work.. i called the sprint Customer service they have told em they will give me 20$ recurring credit on my 69.99$ plan if i leave the SERO and my company discount of 23% still will work...

My Current plan : Sero 1250 min no cell phone free = $50

New PLan

$69.99 -$20 =49.99 -23%= $39+ 10 Evo = $49 for 450 min + unlimited call to any mobile

the 20+% discounts are out there 
Thanks for the heads up. I don't want to change plans, but if I can maneuver into a deal along those lines, I will consider it ...

Anyone try this out yet?!
the only risk is finding the 20%+ discount somewhere online after you give up the sero (and ask for the 20$ credit for leaving SERO)

rolling the dice ; is the EVO that magical???  
cnet and pcworld reviews says the incredible is better
the evo is getting knocked hard because of limited places with 4G up and running
Sprint HTC EVO 4G Pre-order at Sam's Club $159.87 w/ new line of service

So here's the Slick Deal. As any one who has activated a new line of service with Sprint at Sam's Club knows they give you a $40 service credit for each new activation to offset the activation fee. This is for new lines of service only. Upgrade do not qualify. This gets applied directly to your Sprint account balance. I activated two lines with Heroes earlier this year and had $80 in credits in less than a week.

$199.87 + Tax w/ NO MAIL IN REBATES
-$40.00 Service credit
=$159.87 Total

The HTC Evo has flaws. I'm rating it a 4 stars rather than a 4.5 because of its harsh voice quality and especially because 4G doesn't cover many cities yet. I'm also not in love with its touch keyboard. But it's so far ahead of other Sprint phones in so many ways, it's in a class that only contains the HTC Incredible, Google Nexus One, iPhone 3GS, and itself. The EVO is Sprint's "super phone," the ultimate handset for its network. Its modern Android 2.1 OS, stunning design, and 4G power easily take the Editor's Choice crown away from the HTC Touch Pro2 ($349.99-449.99,
). Still, there are caveats: Not many cities have 4G yet and the EVO's design privileges Internet and messaging over voice calling. While the EVO's groundbreaking speed and power earn it our Editor's Choice, there's still room for Sprint's aging Palm Pre ($299.99-549.99,
) and the upcoming BlackBerry Bold 9650 as smaller, simpler devices with better call quality and physical keyboards.

The Sprint EVO 4G is coming out on June 4th, three days before Apple and AT&T are anticipated to release their next iPhone. The EVO will cost $199.99 after a $100 mail-in rebate with a two-year contract.
Originally Posted by roc4life24

Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Originally Posted by illfrozn

Originally Posted by roc4life24

for you sero people: (via the slickdeal thread of the same as this one)

So so much buzz this phone i thought i can leave my SERO plan for this....this is how its gonna work.. i called the sprint Customer service they have told em they will give me 20$ recurring credit on my 69.99$ plan if i leave the SERO and my company discount of 23% still will work...

My Current plan : Sero 1250 min no cell phone free = $50

New PLan

$69.99 -$20 =49.99 -23%= $39+ 10 Evo = $49 for 450 min + unlimited call to any mobile

the 20+% discounts are out there 
Thanks for the heads up. I don't want to change plans, but if I can maneuver into a deal along those lines, I will consider it ...

Anyone try this out yet?!
the only risk is finding the 20%+ discount somewhere online after you give up the sero (and ask for the 20$ credit for leaving SERO)

rolling the dice ; is the EVO that magical???  
It's just too sick

Don't get me wrong, I love my TP2, and as others have said, it's only a matter of time before they completely handicap us SERO users from new smartphones. I've had the HTC Touch, TP1 and now the TP2 in my 2.5 years with sprint, and would love to have a TP3 if it indeed does happen, but i'm not holding my breath.
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

Put my pre-order in this morning @ Radio Shack.


I got the 16 gig sd card for $59.99 while I was there too.

I didn't feel like buyin one offline then dealin with the hassle of it not working and returning, blah, blah...

If it acts up I can just take it back to the store and get my damn money back.


I think I actually got a good deal on the SD card...lookin at my receipt I noticed it says -$60 saved.

Radioshack.Com says its sold out...but most stores should have them in stock. The one I went to had 3 on the wall.


Actually, u got ripped off. Ebay got them for no more than $25
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Actually, u got ripped off. Ebay got them for no more than $25
....I shall take my L with dignity on this one good sir.

Last year I bought a 8gig card off ebay and it didn't work on my BB Storm.

And returning and exchanging was such a hassle I rather not even deal with that again.

At least if this one starts acting up on the Evo I can just take it back and get a new one.
[h1]Android 2.1 (Eclair) vs 2.2 (Froyo) [/h1]
File under: News

By: Brandon Miniman | Date: 20-May-10 | 5 Comments


Today at Google I/O the next version of Android, that is 2.2, was made official. The biggest story here is speed (oh, and a little piece of software called Flash 10.1). Google claims that the web browser of 2.2 is the fastest of any mobile device. They are also promising 2-5x faster system speed, which we're all in favor of. Additionally, there is better Exchange integration, new ways to manage apps, and a built in WiFi tethering app. Here are a few screenshots comparing the two systems. You'll notice modest changes: new menu items in some programs, an updated home screen (which OEMs are going to skin anyhow), a new navigation panel, and some other goodies. Hit the source link to see plenty more comparison photos.



(via: Engadget)

[h4]Mobile myTouch 3G Slide coming June 2 for $180[/h4]
By Chris Ziegler posted May 20th 2010 11:41AM

So T-Mobile's myTouch 3G Slide -- the QWERTY-enabled version of the venerable myTouch 3G -- has been priced and dated, and we're happy to see that "expected to be available in June" has turned out to mean the very beginning of the month; June 2, to be exact, in your choice of red, white, or black. What makes us less happy, though, is the notion of paying $179.99 after a $50 mail-in rebate for an Android device that now has the unenviable job of lying in the massive shadow created by the brilliant EVO 4G. Granted, the two phones are for very different carriers, but that doesn't really excuse T-Mobile from offering up a phone with a lower-class processor, 40 percent of the screen resolution, and three megapixels lopped off the camera for just $30 less upfront, does it? Time for some serious price correction across the smartphone landscape, wethinks.




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Digg Slide coming June 2 for $180&srcURL=<a href=/">" title="Share on Google Buzz">Google Buzz


[h4]Android Gingerbread is 'planned for Q4 2010'[/h4]
By Vladislav Savov posted May 20th 2010 6:21AM

While we're all busy laboring in the shadow of Android 2.2's impending release, here's Google's sneaky first indication of the next version's release. In the FAQ for its newly announced WebM format, the Mountain View team tells us that Android support will come in the Gingerbread iteration, which is "currently planned for Q4, 2010." We still don't know the particular point version of the latest tasty treat, but at least there's finally something to put on the feature list and a date (range) to look forward to.

WebM Project

question i have verizon and i want evo 4g, but was wondering if i buy the evo 4g and unlock it can use it on verizon?
You know what? I have to switch my plan up anyways. I might as well just activate a new line and get it, cancel my Sero line, then port my current # back over and ESN swap them after 30 days of whatever the minimum is then I will give my mom my TP2 and the new phone # since she wanted to come to Sprint anyways.

It's not even no longer an issue of me not being willing to buy it at full MSRP, they won't even sell them at full MSRP. The local Radio Shack, Sprint store, and the guy I talked to at told me because of demand, they won't sell them at full msrp as they are saving them all for new customers and upgrades.
Originally Posted by superhitman

Ok thanks I didn't think so I was just making sure, guess I have to get the incredible

its not like its a bad choice, the incredible is


i gotta know...

i know that you can unlock the TOUCH PRO2 for sprint and use it on TMOBILE....

i get that...

but will the EVO 4G be able to do the same thing?

and if it can... will the radio frequency be able to scoop up tmobile's 3g?

i heard that the TOUCH PRO2 could pick up tmobile's 3g...

just wonderin...
Originally Posted by NKEAIR

Originally Posted by superhitman

question i have verizon and i want evo 4g, but was wondering if i buy the evo 4g and unlock it can use it on verizon?


You can.

But, it's illegal. It's called "Cloning" a VZW ESN to the Sprint device
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