Official HTC Thread Vol. Scribe, Thunderbolt 4G, Evo Shift 4G, Inspire 4G for AT&T

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

I'm on that $30/month SERO plan and Sprint is. not. budging. with offering a plan different from what we would see on

They are wack for that %%*%. I am not dropping 40 MORE a month because of one nice phone...which will SOMEHOW be obsolete within a year.
fams your argument is flawed and i'll tell you why.

so people who got free bootleg cable for decades in NYC aren't posed to pay more for cable now just because we got digital cable with 1080P now? y

that sero plan is looking like a jail cell...sounds like they never gonna give ya good phones till ya come off that your phones are gonna look like da stone age da longer you

keep waiting.

yeah, sprint has no reason to cater to you SERO users really

i remember SPRINT stated that they are losing money with SERO plans, so if you guys were to go off it and lets say to go to another carrier, it would seem like they wont mind
ninjahood hows the battery life on the n1? how long does it last throughout the day?

i still have my g1 and i've had it with the weak *%! battery. mine dies out in 4 hours just sittin in my pocket, it's getting worse the longer i keep it. i checked the battery and the damn thing has a bump in the middle, i don't think it was there before. and it only lasts an hour after i use it to go online.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

I'm on that $30/month SERO plan and Sprint is. not. budging. with offering a plan different from what we would see on

They are wack for that %%*%. I am not dropping 40 MORE a month because of one nice phone...which will SOMEHOW be obsolete within a year.
fams your argument is flawed and i'll tell you why.

so people who got free bootleg cable for decades in NYC aren't posed to pay more for cable now just because we got digital cable with 1080P now? y

that sero plan is looking like a jail cell...sounds like they never gonna give ya good phones till ya come off that your phones are gonna look like da stone age da longer you

keep waiting.
I am with Mister P. I have the same plan and its just not worth it to upgrade to a newer phone. $30/month * 12 months = $360/year. That is stupid cheap, I just can't justify ditching sero. However, I know for a fact there are ways to manipulate phones to get them to work on SERO (ESN changes). There were people who got the Pre on SERO by doing that. When the evo comes out I am going to try it. If that fails I will be with my mogul forever.
Originally Posted by NKEAIR

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

I'm on that $30/month SERO plan and Sprint is. not. budging. with offering a plan different from what we would see on

They are wack for that %%*%. I am not dropping 40 MORE a month because of one nice phone...which will SOMEHOW be obsolete within a year.
fams your argument is flawed and i'll tell you why.

so people who got free bootleg cable for decades in NYC aren't posed to pay more for cable now just because we got digital cable with 1080P now? y

that sero plan is looking like a jail cell...sounds like they never gonna give ya good phones till ya come off that your phones are gonna look like da stone age da longer you

keep waiting.

yeah, sprint has no reason to cater to you SERO users really

i remember SPRINT stated that they are losing money with SERO plans, so if you guys were to go off it and lets say to go to another carrier, it would seem like they wont mind
I understand them wanting us off of the SERO plans, but I've been with Sprint for years (before the SERO plan) and if they're just going to stick me with the same plan as everyone else, I see no reason to slide off of it. Depending on deals in the future, I'll consider moving off of it ...
Originally Posted by dont be a menace

ninjahood hows the battery life on the n1? how long does it last throughout the day?

i still have my g1 and i've had it with the weak *%! battery. mine dies out in 4 hours just sittin in my pocket, it's getting worse the longer i keep it. i checked the battery and the damn thing has a bump in the middle, i don't think it was there before. and it only lasts an hour after i use it to go online.
last da whole day.
Don't know if anybody notice, but the close on the Evo 4G does not 'flip' like the one on the HD2, why is that? I like the 'flip' action on my HD2. Also is this true Best Buy is offering that $100 rebate / credit thingy instantly? So it knocks the phone to $99? I want to pre-order tomorrow, not so sure if I should go Best Buy or Radioshack.
My first time on this thread so excuse the noob question. Will the Tmobile HTC HD2 work with AT&T?  Will 3G work ?
Originally Posted by piczon1983

My first time on this thread so excuse the noob question. Will the Tmobile HTC HD2 work with AT&T?  Will 3G work ?

You have to unlock it, 3G will not work.
[h4]HTC: 'most phones' launched in 2010 will get Android 2.2[/h4]
By Vladislav Savov posted May 21st 2010 4:10AM

Now that Froyo has gone official, HTC has hurried to reassure customers that most of its 2010 phone catalog will indeed be riding Android 2.2 before the year is through. Prodded on the subject by Pocket-lint, the company has replied that it's starting out with the Desire and Incredible and working through other "hotly anticipated new phones," which should sound a reassuring note for prospective Evo 4G owners. A full list will be provided as we get closer to release, but don't wait with bated breath just yet, current indications are that the software upgrade will be coming in the second half of the year. By which time we'll all probably have a taste for Gingerbread.
When I think about it as much as I want the Evo I honestly don't feel like leaving Sprint.. $200 T-mobile Cancellation fee off top, then I was gonna buy it without a contract so thats 450. Can't see paying $650 for a phone.. might aswell cop an N1. Im hoping Tmobile comes out with something beasty in the fall.Never had ANY problems with Tmobile and even though I heard Sprint is getting better to me it still feels like signing with them would be a downgrade

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Don't know if anybody notice, but the close on the Evo 4G does not 'flip' like the one on the HD2, why is that? I like the 'flip' action on my HD2. Also is this true Best Buy is offering that $100 rebate / credit thingy instantly? So it knocks the phone to $99? I want to pre-order tomorrow, not so sure if I should go Best Buy or Radioshack.

the contract price is $300, then you get the $100 rebate

Best Buy doesn't do mail in rebates, hasn't for quite a few years. Therefore it's instantly applied, ending up at $199
[h2]Windows Mobile community raises $1400 in 14 hours for possible WP7 HTC HD2 port[/h2]
May 20th, 2010 | Author: Surur


We joined the appeal yesterday to raise money for the purchase of essential equipment for XDA-Developers hacker and moderator Da_G to further his investigations and development of the HTC Mondrian ROM, and we are happy to report the community has responded tremendously to the request for donations.

In fact, in what is possibly the fastest fund raising event in Windows Mobile history ever, the whole amount of $1400 was raised in only 14 hours, meaning Da_G can now get on with purchasing the needed HTC HD2 and the Trace analyzer to get access to the JTAG (all of which is way over my head).

While this opens up the possibility of a Windows Phone 7 port to the HTC HD2, I am much more heartened by the response of the community itself to the challenge, which makes me proud to be a Windows Mobile user.

For the latest progress of the hacking event, follow this XDA-Developers thread here.
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If i buy it through best buy, i have to get a 2 yr contract agreement. But what plan would i be signing up for then?
Originally Posted by Paycheck26

If i buy it through best buy, i have to get a 2 yr contract agreement. But what plan would i be signing up for then?
69.99 amonth unlimited data/text with 450. any mobile to mobile free. (any network as i understand
Pre ordered today from radioshack. Turns out i have to give sprint a $150 deposit (no credit history) so i gotta pay $349.99 plus tax on june 4th but i got the $50.00 gift card so i gotta drop $299.99 plus tax on the 4th so im set
Did anyone see the post I made a couple pages ago?

Look for it and get yourself 25% off your Sprint bill for the life of the contract.  Also peep the $100 credit for porting your phone number from another carrier is there.

Its very simple:

They run basically the same specs hardware wise (minus wimax and larger screen).. How in the WORLD could the incredible be better? It makes absolutely NO sense what-so-ever.

You have to remember, these sites have agenda's and they'll push them. I've never understood giving a review unit to a site that's largest advertiser is a competitor.

Example: do enjoy some of the reviews, but this is one of the most BIAS sites on the planet. They actually SELL services on their website. I can honestly say, in the past year Noah from Phonedog has gotten better, but before it was pure insanity. The items he would push and review were nuts. You could have the most garbage phone on the market and in Noah's eyes, it demolished all Sprint counterparts. (They must not make the commission that Verizon and ATT give them)

I was an editor for mobile and tech sites for years, in-fact owned my own ( and I can tell you one thing, companies LOVE to shove things down your throat. "Freebies if you promote this product" or "Hey, here's a free iphone with service for a year, you know what to do". I'm not kidding you. Its probably the most unknown corrupt aspects on the web.

I would honestly take what you get with a grain of salt. It makes no sense what-so-ever that the incredible would be better. I mean this is common sense. For a site to give it a lower score wouldn't be base on performance, but based on aesthetics. Which is possible, but for them to say it performed less is rubbish.
does anyone know when 2.2 will be rolled out for the Samsung moment? Im guessing it would be a while since we just got 2.1.
Originally Posted by isiahil

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

I'm on that $30/month SERO plan and Sprint is. not. budging. with offering a plan different from what we would see on

They are wack for that %%*%. I am not dropping 40 MORE a month because of one nice phone...which will SOMEHOW be obsolete within a year.
fams your argument is flawed and i'll tell you why.

so people who got free bootleg cable for decades in NYC aren't posed to pay more for cable now just because we got digital cable with 1080P now? y

that sero plan is looking like a jail cell...sounds like they never gonna give ya good phones till ya come off that your phones are gonna look like da stone age da longer you

keep waiting.
I am with Mister P. I have the same plan and its just not worth it to upgrade to a newer phone. $30/month * 12 months = $360/year. That is stupid cheap, I just can't justify ditching sero. However, I know for a fact there are ways to manipulate phones to get them to work on SERO (ESN changes). There were people who got the Pre on SERO by doing that. When the evo comes out I am going to try it. If that fails I will be with my mogul forever.

I have a TP.  I think i'm going to get a TP2 and ride it until the wheels fall off.
Originally Posted by humpasaurus rex

Did anyone see the post I made a couple pages ago?

Look for it and get yourself 25% off your Sprint bill for the life of the contract.  Also peep the $100 credit for porting your phone number from another carrier is there.
would u post the link again  i can't seem to find it ?
Hey it's preman2be913 from precentral and I am new to android central as well as the android community. I currently own a Pre and although I love web os, we all know how horrible the hardware is. Now with that said, I along with a bunch of precentral members are hopping on board and are excited as you all are for the highly anticipated Sprint HTC EVO 4g to be released June 4th. I know most of us want to make sure we can get one or several the day of launch so have I got a treat for you. I can understand most of you are skeptical but let me just tell you this I am personal friends with the floor manager David Lucas, who also happens to be the EVO advocate of the largest sprint super store in South Florida. When the Pre was released most of us had to wait til the 6th, however the night before David invited me and a bunch of precentral members on the 5th and we were able to purchase it that same night. Not only is David extending that same invitation to me but he is also giving anyone I refer a chance to be added to his VIP list TODAY by calling him personally or visiting him to reserve your EVO. David will be glad to set up your account whether you are a new Sprint customer or a previous customer, and handles corporate accounts as well. He has been taking care of me for years and will be glad to take care of any of you.


Here is his contact info:

David Lucas
12206 Pines Blvd
Pembroke Pines, FL 33026
PH # 305-360-6588

David is offering the following promotions:

1) UP TO 25% off of your bill every month for the life of your sprint contract!

2) 25% off of ANY accessory for your EVO or any other phone!

3) No Activation fees.

4) Possibly buyback Credit for old phone no matter what company it is for.

Make sure to mention that Brian referred you so he can add you to the VIP list NOW!!!
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