Official HTC Thread Vol. Scribe, Thunderbolt 4G, Evo Shift 4G, Inspire 4G for AT&T

Looks like Sprint is going to actually get some good phones in the near future. I still want to see what Palm does next. WebOS is great but the hardware and form of the pre are lacking.
Hmm nexus one coming to sprint.

I was going to get with t-mobile, looks like im staying. sprints 69.99 plan comes with all and cheaper. i know i cant keep sero with that.

o well,

Memphisboi- My NIB TP2 arrived around 2pm.

I went through Asurion, paid the 100.00. Gonna send back this TP and sell the extra stuff( 2 holsters, 2 batteries, 2 chargers, 4 styli). Goodluck to all tryna upgrade on the cheap.
I know this thread has progressed quite a bit, and these questions will probably be deemed as a newbie (flame on, flame on). But i got one of my kids a new phone, well not really new, but i digress. It is the HTC Fuze for ATT. I am a current iphone user, So i guess what i wanna know is there a version of jailbreakin etc for HTC? You know like the ability to get free apps,programs, software etc. Are there any secrets etc you can do with the phone?

Before someone says yea duh, or google is your friend, or its in the thread. Its 65 pages ppl, with about 700 or so posting, i really dont want to go thru 7 months of posting to get a simple answer. Again im a iphone user, and i have absolutely no knowledge about HTC. Could anyone give me the low-down gist about the phone? Thanks in advance.
The things about Windows Mobile, people have been making free apps for the OS even before the iPhone came out but Microsoft didn't have an app store until recently. In terms of jailbreaking, for HTC phones it's called flashing/cooking/hacking the ROM. You can pick w/e ROM you want for the phone, I would personally go with a WM6.5 ROM. I would suggest getting a sd card if you don't already have one.


For browsers, I use Skyfire, I also have Opera Mobile 10 beta. For aim I use Beejive. Also with WM6.5 you'll be able to access the market place. You can also access it through your desktop
[h4]T-Mobile getting Moto CLIQ XT, HTC HD2, Nokia Nuron next month?[/h4]
By Chris Ziegler posted Feb 6th 2010 1:07PM

The ironclad legitimacy of this slide can't be confirmed, but considering what we know and what we've heard about T-Mobile USA's plans for the next few months, we can totally buy what we're seeing here. The PowerPoint masterpiece -- which showed up on a PPCGeeks forum thread recently -- has the midrange Android-powered Motorola Zeppelin as the "CLIQ XT" with a target launch of March 10, giving customers already flush with choices yet another way to get their Google on. Next, the Nokia "Nuron" (which looks an awful lot like a 5230 to us) is being billed as a "low-cost touchscreen" with 3G and Ovi Store access for a March 17 date with destiny, and finally, the mighty HD2 -- which we already know is coming to T-Mobile -- is said to be ready come March 24. Now, don't get us wrong, the HD2 is a helluva phone -- but if Windows Mobile 7 is really unveiled in a few days at MWC like everyone expects, that's going to make the launch of a high-end 6.5 device just a little anticlimactic.

[h1]Pros and Cons of Rooting Your Android[/h1]
File under: News

By: Joe Levi | Date: 6-Feb-10 | 2 Comments


Before we get too far, what is "rooting"? Rooting refers to gaining access to the "root" user on the phone. Telcos may impose limitations to prevent using the handset in a manner that might challenge their voice plans or put strain on their data network. Root user access also allows for other low-level tasks to be run. Rooting an Android phone is similar to "jail breaking" an iPhone or "unlocking" a Windows Mobile phone.

Some common reasons to root an Android phone include:

 • The ability to add more home screens (say 5, from the default 3 in Android 1.5 and 1.6);

 • "Tethering" your 3G internet connection to their laptop computer via USB cable, WiFi, or Bluetooth (using the phone as a modem);

 • Installing a 3rd party ROM (or "Mod"), including a more recent version of the OS than your telco has provided for the phone;

 • Backing up all the data and apps on the device;

 • Being able to apply custom themes;

 • The ability to install any application (including those "blocked" by your telco), apps that have been "banned" from the Market, and even alternatives to the Market itself;

 • FLAC lossless audio;

 • multi-touch support;

 • The ability to overclock the processor; and

 • Enabling enhanced sdcard capabilities such as caching and allowing you to install and run apps on the sdcard (freeing up your internal memory).

There are two primary draw-backs to rooting your Android:

 • If the rooting process fails you may permanently "brick" your phone, rendering it unusable for anything other than, well, a brick;

 • Rooting your phone typically voids the manufacturer and telco warranties.

Other drawbacks are more specific to what is done after the device is rooted (burning out the CPU due to overclocking, wearing out the sdcard prematurely due to caching and running apps directly from it, etc.). Additionally, the potential monetary costs that your telco might apply when they see you've downloaded several gig of data to your laptop using their 3G or EDGE network might run into thousands of dollars, especially if roaming.

[h3]Is Rooting for You?[/h3]
If you're a Windows Mobile user that has unlocked their phone in the past, you've more than familiar with the risks and should have the technical ability to root your Android. The process on Android is typically much simpler than Windows Mobile phones.

If you have a brand-new Nexus One, Droid, or any other relatively expensive device, you may want to wait until your warranty is nearing its end before you take the plunge. If you have a G1 or similar "first-generation" Android, you may as well take the leap!
I just picked up a TP2 through walmart for $150. I like it so far, but its not perfect. My only question is:

How do I get ringtones that I want onto the phone??Myxer doesn't work, neither does cellsea.
Originally Posted by Chico Cummings

I really hope AT&T gets some sort of version of the HD2 with Winmo7. I'll be ALL over that!

The Diamond 3

This is just a rumor:

[h1]Windows Phone 7 Will be Like iPhone OS? Push Notifications But No Multitasking[/h1]
File under: News

By: Chuong Nguyen | Date: 6-Feb-10 | 27 Comments


The latest batch of rumors suggest that Microsoft will not be bringing its own hardware to the Windows Phone 7 party, but it will unveil its latest Windows Mobile 7 OS at Mobile World Congress. What's to come to MWC? For one, the Windows Mobile 7 user experience may resemble more of the iPhone OS than what veteran Windows Mobile fans may like. Gone is multitasking and background tasks. Windows Phone 7 will just pause your current application when you exit out of them, much like the iPhone. Microsoft's also going to be making a big push on push with push notifications. That's something that I love on the iPhone as I can still receive IM notifications without running the IM app and drain the battery. Hopefully, alerts and notifications aren't as obtrusive as the iPhone's system.

Also to come is full Xbox integration, compatibility with older apps. and a Zune UI and Zune ecosystem compatibility. There will be a new start screen and the UI is codenamed as METRO.

Mobile Tech World has posted this juicy tidbit of information:

· WP7 will be announced at MWC, and there will be a demo, but this will be just the UX
· MIX will have specific developement focus sessions on WP7
· WP7 supports both Sliverlight (out of browser) and XNA
· Silverlight is version 3.0, with elements of 4.0 plus mobile specific features such as sensors etc
· XNA apps can be developed using XNA GameStudio 3.1
· SL apps developed using Expression Blend 3.x and VS2010
· MS will release a mobile version of VS / Expression which will be free, and VS2010 / Expression Pro will have a free add-on
· WP7 will have an equivalent of .NET CF embedded into SL, but no SQL.
· WP7 will have isolated storage which is accessible using LINQ
· The UX of WP7 is based upon a theme called “METRO
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by Chico Cummings

I really hope AT&T gets some sort of version of the HD2 with Winmo7. I'll be ALL over that!

The Diamond 3

This is just a rumor:

[h1]Windows Phone 7 Will be Like iPhone OS? Push Notifications But No Multitasking[/h1]
File under: News

By: Chuong Nguyen | Date: 6-Feb-10 | 27 Comments


The latest batch of rumors suggest that Microsoft will not be bringing its own hardware to the Windows Phone 7 party, but it will unveil its latest Windows Mobile 7 OS at Mobile World Congress. What's to come to MWC? For one, the Windows Mobile 7 user experience may resemble more of the iPhone OS than what veteran Windows Mobile fans may like. Gone is multitasking and background tasks. Windows Phone 7 will just pause your current application when you exit out of them, much like the iPhone. Microsoft's also going to be making a big push on push with push notifications. That's something that I love on the iPhone as I can still receive IM notifications without running the IM app and drain the battery. Hopefully, alerts and notifications aren't as obtrusive as the iPhone's system.

Also to come is full Xbox integration, compatibility with older apps. and a Zune UI and Zune ecosystem compatibility. There will be a new start screen and the UI is codenamed as METRO.

Mobile Tech World has posted this juicy tidbit of information:

· WP7 will be announced at MWC, and there will be a demo, but this will be just the UX
· MIX will have specific developement focus sessions on WP7
· WP7 supports both Sliverlight (out of browser) and XNA
· Silverlight is version 3.0, with elements of 4.0 plus mobile specific features such as sensors etc
· XNA apps can be developed using XNA GameStudio 3.1
· SL apps developed using Expression Blend 3.x and VS2010
· MS will release a mobile version of VS / Expression which will be free, and VS2010 / Expression Pro will have a free add-on
· WP7 will have an equivalent of .NET CF embedded into SL, but no SQL.
· WP7 will have isolated storage which is accessible using LINQ
· The UX of WP7 is based upon a theme called “METRO
[h1]Exclusive HTC Incredible Photos (Update: Video)[/h1]
File under: News

By: Brandon Miniman | Date: 7-Feb-10 | 6 Comments


We were just handed some leaked photos of the upcoming Verizon HTC Incredible. The device is running on Android 2.1 with HTC Sense, and as our tipster confirms, it's running with a Snapdragon CPU (and is described as "fast, really fast") with 256MB of RAM, and has a 3.5-3.7" WVGA screen. He also described the screen as being "very vibrant" and thinks that it may be AMOLED. The Incredible features an optical mouse pointer towards the bottom of the device. On the back, it packs dual LED flashes. We'll post more info as we get it!

Here's some video:




I copped a Hero over the weekend and I am in love with this phone so far. The marketplace is the %#@% & 5 home screens is very, very nice. These android phones are pretty much good to go right out the box, right? Anything I should be weary of or look into?

I lost my Touch Pro, wanted the TP2, but was getting tired of WM. I didn't feel like waiting for 7. Plus, WM feels more business-oriented, while Android seems to be more my market.
What's the scoop on the my touch slide? I was thinking of switching to tmobile in a few weeks but if the my touch slide comes out soon enough I might just wait...
Originally Posted by Super Producer J

I copped a Hero over the weekend and I am in love with this phone so far. The marketplace is the %#@% & 5 home screens is very, very nice. These android phones are pretty much good to go right out the box, right? Anything I should be weary of or look into?

I lost my Touch Pro, wanted the TP2, but was getting tired of WM. I didn't feel like waiting for 7. Plus, WM feels more business-oriented, while Android seems to be more my market.
It's funny u should mention this.  I feel the same way and that's why I stick w/ WinMo. I kept tellin myself that I wanted Android solely but after playin w/ my girls Motorola Cliq, I changed my mind. It didn't feel business oriented enough for me. I don't play games on my phone that much anymore and all the things I use on my phone (Email, MS Office Mobile, Web,  etc) is free and the docs to go for Android cost money so
. I guess I'll end up buy it for my girl later on anyway
Originally Posted by Kazuum

What's the scoop on the my touch slide? I was thinking of switching to tmobile in a few weeks but if the my touch slide comes out soon enough I might just wait...

It's like a sidekick but runs android. But really though it's meant to fill the sidekicks gap after they stop producing it.
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by Kazuum

What's the scoop on the my touch slide? I was thinking of switching to tmobile in a few weeks but if the my touch slide comes out soon enough I might just wait...

It's like a sidekick but runs android. But really though it's meant to fill the sidekicks gap after they stop producing it.
They better get contact w/ AIM now then cause they gon have a hard task at replacin the sidekick AIM. Although , if they get a great multi-client one then they'll be good. I can't wait to see the final product cause the first pic aint impressive
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by Kazuum

What's the scoop on the my touch slide? I was thinking of switching to tmobile in a few weeks but if the my touch slide comes out soon enough I might just wait...

It's like a sidekick but runs android. But really though it's meant to fill the sidekicks gap after they stop producing it.
so is this gonna be the only one with a physical keyboard coming out ? still can't get used to the on screen keyboard when i try and use it on my g1.
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by Kazuum

What's the scoop on the my touch slide? I was thinking of switching to tmobile in a few weeks but if the my touch slide comes out soon enough I might just wait...

It's like a sidekick but runs android. But really though it's meant to fill the sidekicks gap after they stop producing it.

any estimated release date yet?
and what sort of price tag are we looking at?
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by Kazuum

What's the scoop on the my touch slide? I was thinking of switching to tmobile in a few weeks but if the my touch slide comes out soon enough I might just wait...

It's like a sidekick but runs android. But really though it's meant to fill the sidekicks gap after they stop producing it.
They better get contact w/ AIM now then cause they gon have a hard task at replacin the sidekick AIM. Although , if they get a great multi-client one then they'll be good. I can't wait to see the final product cause the first pic aint impressive
Seriously, that's what sidekicks are known for, I know they have apps but idk how good they are.

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Honestly tho... whats the point of a "smartphone" if it can't multi-task dumbest sh-- i've ever heard.

Exactly why Android >>>

· ODM / OEM will not be able to modify the “Start
[h1]HTC China Roadmap Reveals Dragon, Huashan, Tinshan, Songshan Handsets; HTC HD3 in the Mix? [/h1]
File under: News

By: Chuong Nguyen | Date: 8-Feb-10 | 4 Comments


A roadmap for HTC China reveals some interesting handsets, and we're hoping to see a few of them make it to mass production. The HTC Dragon, which was at one point thought to be the Nexus One, will feature a 3.6-inch WVGA display and Android. That one will be made for China. The Huashan will feature the same large 4.3-inch display that's present on the HTC HD2 and the HTC Supersonic (Android, WiMax) with a WVGA resolution. Huashan's OS is still up the air and it could be a Windows Mobile handset--could this be the HTC HD3?

For some mid-range and low-end smartphone devices, there's also the Tianshan, which features a s 3.2-inch QVGA display and the Songshan with a small-%$# 2.8-inch QVGA screen and front-facing keyboard.

Also, a model A6388--no fancy codename here--is believed to sport a 3.4-inch HVGA screen; the picture of this model is posted below.

Images of HTC Legend surface with Sense and Android 2.1

Posted by Nick Gray on February 8, 2010 at 9:53 am in HTC Legend

Things form HTC seem to be heating up a little these days.  Engadget has just gotten their hands on the first live images of the HTC Legend.  The images look spot on to what we first saw back in early December.  According to our documents, the HTC Legend will feature a 600MHz processor,  1300mHa, 5MP camera with LED flash, 512MB ROM, 256MB RAM, inside a “revolutionary metallic frame.
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