Official HTC Thread Vol. Scribe, Thunderbolt 4G, Evo Shift 4G, Inspire 4G for AT&T

Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

Does the new Evo from sprint will have android 2.1? The new OS 2.1? It currently has 2.0? and can you update the OS to 2.1?

It will have 2.1.
Originally Posted by papeshfoo


check craigslist man, that's where I found a guy too trade for my blackberry.
fa shoooooo....

i'm gonna set it out for Houston, so more folks will see it...

check me out....

i have an iphone 3g... 500 min w/ the web2go plan...

i use google voice for text and whatnot...

as far as web2go... can i unlock the tmobile HD2 and still use the web2go plan on it?

cuz i hear that web2go gets 3g speeds where available...

so if i can use the tmobile HD2 w/ the web2go plan... snatchin 3g speeds where available... =

Any recommendations for streaming video apps?  I was using MobiTV but ever since I updated it doesn't want to work.  Now I use SPB TV and it works great but the channel selection is lacking..
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Looks like Ill be giving back my HD2 for the Incredible...


It's a world phone or are you switching to VZW? If you're gonna switch, I would consider seeing how Sprint is in your area since they are getting the Supersonic.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

when does this incredible come out?

i hate this HD2...real talk.
It's in the title, the 29th....well at least that's what I last read.
The Incredible is pretty much the Desire.
Originally Posted by holdenmichael

How to Speed Up HTC's Twitter Tab

Good post!

I just checked and I do have a ton of tweets. I'm deleting them, removing the tab, and downloading something better. I didn't do it before because I mainly read, but I don't want to get stuck having to manually delete old tweets.
Whats a good Twitter client for WinMo6.5? So far I'm reading it's MoTweets?
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Looks like Ill be giving back my HD2 for the Incredible...


It's a world phone or are you switching to VZW? If you're gonna switch, I would consider seeing how Sprint is in your area since they are getting the Supersonic.
Nah, staying with T-mobile. That pic is of the T-mobile version of the Incredible showing up in Costco database. I'm not sure if that 29th release date is for the T-mobile version, but it is for the Verizon version.
this phone sucks...anyone care to help me make it suck less? and don't direct me to these forums....!+#@ is confusing me. i couldnt even find a ringtone editor....i had to use goldwave to
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by holdenmichael

How to Speed Up HTC's Twitter Tab

Good post!

I just checked and I do have a ton of tweets. I'm deleting them, removing the tab, and downloading something better. I didn't do it before because I mainly read, but I don't want to get stuck having to manually delete old tweets.
Whats a good Twitter client for WinMo6.5? So far I'm reading it's MoTweets?

I prefer Twikini but there is also Pocketwit, Azurea and Touchtweet.

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Looks like Ill be giving back my HD2 for the Incredible...


It's a world phone or are you switching to VZW? If you're gonna switch, I would consider seeing how Sprint is in your area since they are getting the Supersonic.
Nah, staying with T-mobile. That pic is of the T-mobile version of the Incredible showing up in Costco database. I'm not sure if that 29th release date is for the T-mobile version, but it is for the Verizon version.
Interesting....the phone was just made for Verizon....errors had happen before, VZW phone were listed as TMO phones.

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

this phone sucks...anyone care to help me make it suck less? and don't direct me to these forums....!+#@ is confusing me. i couldnt even find a ringtone editor....i had to use goldwave to

I did say it was on the first page. The forums aren't too different from any other forums but what do you need help with?
[h2]HTC crowd-sourcing name of next device[/h2]
April 15th, 2010 | Author: Surur

When HTC started using their code names as the real names of the devices (think HTC Legend, Hero and Incredible) their names started becoming a bit more important.

To that end they are soliciting suggestions on their Facebook page for a new mystery device.  The names up for vote suggests a pretty youthful device, but HTC has not revealed any information about the handset.

Add your vote at HTC’s Facebook page here.

[h1]Might the Touch Pro 3 be real after all?[/h1]

Posted on Monday, Apr 12, 2010by George Ponder

Filed Under: News, Rumors;Tags:TP3, tera, t-mobile, htc


T-Mobile appears to be at it again. Last month they released the HTC HD2 and now it looks like they are poised to possibly release the HTC Tera. The Windows Phone just passed through the FCC and if the speculation is correct it will be headed to a T-Mobile network near you.

The similarities are close enough between the Tera PB65100 and the Touch Pro 2 that many are dubbing it the Touch Pro 3. There is some thought that maybe the Tera will be eligible for upgrade to Windows Phone 7 but the design (has more than three buttons) and the specs (see below) will have to undergo a major overhaul.

The Tera has a slide-out QWERTY keyboard, runs Windows Mobile 6.5, has a 3-inch WQVGA resistive touch screen, 512mb ROM, 256mb RAM, 3.5mm headphone jack and a Qualcomm 600mhz processor.

There's no word when the Tera might become available but we'll keep a watch for it. [via]
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Looks like Ill be giving back my HD2 for the Incredible...



Not unless you're switching to VZW.  All signs point to that screen shot as being an error.  There are some more HTC handsets coming down the pipes though....

Today my phone again seems to let me down even more. I lock the phone, than press the HOME key only to find out, it won't unlock/wake up. Pressing all buttons and nothing wakes it up. So I asked my coworker if he could record it with his Droid (to show proof since HTC doesn't believe me). I have to take out the battery to get it out of this mode. This happens about 3 - 5 times a day and the phone is only 3 weeks old.

This is only one of the MANY of bugs I have with the phone. I've called T-mobile and got nowhere (soft resets, hard resets etc.), I've called HTC (run around answers), got nowhere, this is ridiculous. SENSE UI is bug ridden and nobody wants to take the blame or investigate it. I've called the T-mobile store where I got it from and they are on back order (going on 1 week), so I'm on a waiting list and I got 9 days left on my 30 day buyers remorse to exchange for a brand new HD2 or I'm ##@%#% 
Damn Boost.....sorry to hear that. Word on the internets is that if stores don't have them in stock right now, they should very soon. That's probably no help but maybe a glimmer of hope. If I were you I'd call customer care and chew them out and DEMAND that since all the phones are out of stock, that you be given more time to return it. How long have you been a customer? Call retentions and just get super pissed and demand to close out your account--something usually gives at that point.

Worst case scenario, get it back to working right again and slang it unlocked on eBay and cop something else. But that still doesn't solve the new contract situation.

It's crazy how different devices do different things. I guess I got lucky b/c I've had no major issues so far.
Sorry to hear about your phone Boost, that sucks. Hopefully everything gets worked out.
Were you able to get it working after you took the battery out? If you did, I would consider doing a hard reset which is pretty much like reformatting a computer.
after waiting a long time for verizon to announce the iphone

i say screw it im going to pick up the incredible. i haven't had a

phone for one year after giving my little brother my envy2. does the

incredible have the hdmi port HD2 has ? and does it come with the same

2.1 update the droid has right now ?
Sorry if its been answered already but I didn't want to go through 90 pages...

Whats the camera like on the MyTouch Slide?
I have an iphone 3GS i'm about to return because of weak wifi signal. Having trouble getting connection at my job even to make calls using the phone on AT&T
I'm thinking about buying an HD2 since I know t-mobile signal is 10X's better than AT&T where I work.
Can anyone chime in on how good or bad wifi is with the HD2? I haven't really seen many complaints like I have with the 3GS.
Originally Posted by blackngold1z

Sorry if its been answered already but I didn't want to go through 90 pages...

Whats the camera like on the MyTouch Slide?

It's most likely gonna be 3.2mp so not that good.
Originally Posted by sole vintage

after waiting a long time for verizon to announce the iphone

i say screw it im going to pick up the incredible. i haven't had a

phone for one year after giving my little brother my envy2. does the

incredible have the hdmi port HD2 has ? and does it come with the same

2.1 update the droid has right now ?

It comes with 2.1. Not sure about the HDMI port.
Originally Posted by VAHustler

I have an iphone 3GS i'm about to return because of weak wifi signal. Having trouble getting connection at my job even to make calls using the phone on AT&T
I'm thinking about buying an HD2 since I know t-mobile signal is 10X's better than AT&T where I work.
Can anyone chime in on how good or bad wifi is with the HD2? I haven't really seen many complaints like I have with the 3GS.

Have you used WM before, it's not for everyone, certainly coming from an iPhone.
You'll have a hard time getting a HD2, they are on back order. I'm actually not sure about on the TMO website.
You'll have a hard time getting a HD2, they are on back order. I'm actually not sure about on the TMO website.
you can find the hd2, you just gotta look into itand in the right places, ive seen em for $149 also, no rebates.
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