Official HTC Thread Vol. Scribe, Thunderbolt 4G, Evo Shift 4G, Inspire 4G for AT&T

i knew in my heart they wouldnt drop it early summer
oh well

@ ozcar sayin this years iphone is over hyped they all have been over hyped
cot damnit. I was hoping to get a new phones next month. I dropped my TP in some blood at work, now my keyboard doesnt work and it doesnt vibrate AND insurance doesnt cover water...well liquid damage. fml -_-
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

I'm torn, after reading some no good stuff about the Nexus One, idk if I should get another HD2 or something else.

da HD2 is inferior to da nexus one.


Its random bs comments like this that make you a fanboy...
Originally Posted by sbrar8

do not believe anything ozcar states, the Evo is comin out early June trust me
I have checked most phone sites that follow the Evo 4G and none are running with said article.

So I am going to agree with sbrar8.
I was just talking a manager at a Sprint store here in Socal and he said that he's expecting his Evo within 2-3 weeks, but the store won't have any to sell until June. I know nothing about phones, so take it for what it's worth.
Originally Posted by NYCBaller34

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

I'm torn, after reading some no good stuff about the Nexus One, idk if I should get another HD2 or something else.

da HD2 is inferior to da nexus one.


Its random bs comments like this that make you a fanboy...

i'll fix it for him.

WM is inferior to android. (IMO at least)


Yes...that comment make much more sense....

Even though with a custom rom and a few tweeks wmo isnt that bad...but android does have more to offer application wise...
Alright guys i have a question. I'm 18 with no credit history and i want a get a phone in my name. A couple months back before i heard about the evo i went on sprint's website and was about to get a hero i put in all my info but i didn't purchase it (got a change of heart) a week or so later i received a letter from sprint basically telling me i won't have to pay a deposit because i was approved for the asl program (i refuse to pay a $500 deposit for a cell phone). For those that don't know about the asl program it basically gives you a spending limit every month and charges you an extra $5 a month on your bill. I was all for waiting until june and getting the evo in my name but after hearing about this potential september release i have turned my attention to the incredible i just wanted to know does verizon offer a similar program like the sprint asl program for people who don't wanna pay big deposits? This september release will be really unfortunate because i'm currently on tmobile and i pay $110 a month for a G1 that's in my step mom's name and im tired of it and if i was to give her my phone in june i won't have to pay a cancellation fee because she'll just take the phone for herself because she wants to get a second phone by june. Anything after that i would have to fork over that $200 to cancel this contract and continue to pay this $110 a month through september
basically i wanna know if i can get the incredible without paying a huge deposit because im not with keeping this G1 after next month.
you want to stop paying 110 a month?

dont go to verizon.

between me and my brother (motorola droid & blackberry tour) we pay 200, with only 700 SHARED minutes.

wait until june to see what sprint/htc decides regarding a release date. the wait will save you a ton of money compared to VZW/tmobile
Originally Posted by NYCBaller34

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

I'm torn, after reading some no good stuff about the Nexus One, idk if I should get another HD2 or something else.

da HD2 is inferior to da nexus one.


Its random bs comments like this that make you a fanboy...


android >> windows

da nexus one has a BETTER screen..etc...etc.

now shut up and do your homework
i don't spew garbage like a "fan boy" i did MONTHS of research before i plunked down my cake on da nexus one.

this video explains why AMOLED Screens (nexus one) is BETTER then da TFT screens ( HD2)

so like i said, nexus one is superior then da HD2 in more then just da OS....
Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

You can't be serious. Months of research, watching youtube videos. Dude relax its just phone

its called being a educated consumer duke.

i don't cop things based on "prestige" i cop em based on stats...alot of people that cop phones or anything in general dunno !+$ they do or why..i ain't one of them.
I hope AT&T doesn't neuter this, i.e. the Aero and Backflip. So this makes 3 android releases for AT&T so far. There is gonna be 2 more I'm thinking one from HTC and Motorola. Dell already leaked some phones they are working on for next year and people are looking forward to them, they do look great and it looks like they will be on AT&T also. Motorola has a phone that will rival the Evo but there is no word on what kind of release it will be.

[h4]HTC Legend coming to AT&T, according to FCC[/h4]
By Chris Ziegler posted May 4th 2010 11:25AM

That ugly, pixelated label doesn't really look like much, does it? Ah, but there's so much going on here! A closer examination reveals that the label is a dead ringer for the label found underneath the endcap of HTC's lovely unibody aluminum Legend -- but this isn't exactly the Legend with which we're already well acquainted. Instead, this FCC filing is for a phone that operates on the 850 and 1900MHz WCDMA bands, a pretty strong sign that it'll be coming to AT&T (and / or Rogers, Bell, and Telus) at some point. Further evidence lies in the FCC ID itself: the original Legend bears an ID of PB76100, while this puppy is the awfully similar PB76110. Sure, it's no gigahertz-class, WVGA ultraphone, but we've got to admit -- the Legend's sexy enough to have us a little excited.
[h4]T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide official: Android 2.1, QWERTY, coming in June (we go hands-on)[/h4]
By Chris Ziegler posted May 4th 2010 12:01AM


Breaking News



Hey, CLIQ, better check that rear-view mirror, because you've got an interesting competitor coming right up on your tail. T-Mobile is launching another midrange Android QWERTY slider -- some might argue the G1's true successor -- christened the myTouch 3G Slide (not quite the "myTouch Slide" we've been hearing for a few months) with a 3.4-inch HVGA display, 5 megapixel camera, and a pretty heavily-customized skin based on Android 2.1. How custom are we talking, exactly? Well, it's not quite like anything we've seen on a production Android device before, featuring a host of custom apps including the "Faves Gallery," a social aggregator for your most dearly beloved contacts; "myModes," a profile manager that can change the phone's themes and settings based on time or location; the Swype keyboard in place of Google's option; and the so-called "Genius Button," which seeks to extend Android's already decent voice command and text-to-speech systems by allowing you to do just about anything on the phone using your voice, hear messages read back to you, and so on. In the myTouch 3G tradition, the Slide will come in a selection of colors when it launches in June -- black, white, or red -- for a to-be-announced price. Check out T-Mobile's full press release along with our impressions of the device after the break

T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide official: Android 2.1, available in June

T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide hands-on

We had a chance to play around with the handset a bit, and there's quite a bit about it that's an improvement over previous T-Mobile Android offerings. For starters, the keyboard is actually quite good, and without having that annoying G1 chin to block your moves, typing seemed pretty natural. The UI is a bit like a mashup of Sense and stock Android, with a little featurephone thrown in for good measure -- it's clear the carrier wanted to make this welcoming to beginners, and it's mostly succeeded. One addition we liked was that your recent applications are now docked in the notification window, which makes getting back to business a little easier. There are also a handful of Sense widgets here (yay), and despite the lower resolution screen (boo), it did feel like a roomier experience than the previous myTouch. One other plus worth noting: the Genius Button and corresponding voice recognition (powered by Dragon Dictation) was some of the best we've played with, nailing complex text message dictation (including the word Engadget) on the first try. Honestly, it put Google's stock voice recognition to shame. On the downside, we're not sold on the styling of this phone -- it's a bit plasticky and over-styled -- and we suspect that the lack of a more modern CPU (the Slide has an older generation Qualcomm chip) is going to spell trouble just around the corner. Still, we're holding final judgment till we have a review unit in hand.
/");">http://www.blogsmithmedia...ll_pr_button.jpg");" id="pr_box_button">Show full PR text

New T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide Improves Communication through T-Mobile Exclusive Software

The latest Android-powered smartphone marries beautiful form with superior function on a faster 3G network.

BELLEVUE, Wash. - May 4, 2009 - T-Mobile USA, Inc. today announced a new addition to its exclusive line of AndroidTM-powered T-Mobile myTouch[emoji]174[/emoji] 3G smartphones - the T-Mobile[emoji]174[/emoji] myTouch 3G SlideTM. Anticipated to be available in June, the new myTouch 3G Slide combines a roomy slide-out QWERTY keyboard with an incredibly crisp, high-performance touch screen powered by the latest Android software. The T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide is purpose-built for communication, with unique new features that help customers connect more easily, more quickly and more often to their closest family and friends.

"Many smartphones are increasingly powerful in their features and specifications without continuing to improve the main reason that so many people have mobile phones - the ability to communicate with each other," said Andrew Sherrard, vice president of product development, T-Mobile USA. "The new myTouch 3G Slide is a smart and sleek phone that fits into your pocket, your budget and your family life with exclusive T-Mobile features that put communication with your closest family and friends front and center."

New features only available on the T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide include the following:

Faves GalleryTM: Life is hectic, so it's easy to miss opportunities to connect with loved ones. Faves Gallery presents up to 20 of your favorite people and the different ways to communicate with them - calls, texts, e-mail, instant messaging, social networking updates - in a dedicated application accessible through a soft button and an easy-to-use widget complete with photos, contact information and one-touch ability to respond. All of your Faves[emoji]174[/emoji] get special status on your myTouch 3G SlideTM; anytime they communicate with you or update their social network you get a notification in the notification pane. Even if you're not using your phone, a custom green light lets you know you've got a communication waiting from one of your Faves. And you can respond directly from the Faves Gallery, without launching e-mail or other applications, so you connect more quickly and more often with the important people in your life.

myModes: myModes helps you draw the line between work and home by creating different themes with home screen apps, widgets and wallpapers to empower people in the different roles they play each day. You can set myModes to switch at a designated time, by location, or manually with the option to create and store up to 10 customized modes. myModes removes clutter and makes you more efficient both at work and at home. Want to forget about work on the weekend? No need to hide your work phone or switch to another device; just put away your work tools, like e-mail and your calendar by switching modes, and bring forward all the things you love to do on Saturday.

Genius ButtonTM: With the Genius Button, you press one button, talk, and it delivers. The Genius Button, powered by Dragon Dictation from Nuance Communications (Nasdaq: NUAN), is an easy-to- access button on the front of the new T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide allowing the use of voice commands to control the phone and it's features including making calls, composing and sending texts and e-mails, searching the Web or your surroundings. It will even read text messages aloud, and lets you dictate responses naturally as if you were speaking directly to a person.

Powered by the Android 2.1 software, the myTouch 3G Slide offers a rich mobile Web experience and access to thousands of applications on Android Market from games to location-based social networks to on-the-go shopping and more. Similar to the original, the new myTouch 3G Slide was designed to facilitate personalization inside and out. A five-pane home screen, with the option to increase to seven panes, offers plenty of real estate for your favorite widgets, applications and themes.

Designed by HTC exclusively for T-Mobile, the myTouch 3G Slide features a 3.4-inch HVGA touch- screen display with virtual keyboard as well as a roomy, slide-out QWERTY keyboard. Less than 15mm thick, the elegant design slides easily into your pocket proving that Android brains don't have to come in a sci-fi box. The myTouch 3G Slide also features a 5-megapixel camera, a music player with a pre-installed 8GB microSD memory card, and enhanced video capabilities to make it easy for users to record and share pictures and videos, whether via e-mail, MMS or one-click upload to sites such as YouTubeTM and PicasaTM.

The device's powerful mobile data experience is supported by fast data speeds via Wi-Fi and T-Mobile's nationwide 3G network, which is getting even faster this year as T-Mobile upgrades its network with the latest wireless technology.

The myTouch 3G Slide is expected to be available in June, exclusively from T-Mobile USA in three colors - black, white or red. Customers can visit for more information.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Alchemist IQ said:
You can't be serious. Months of research, watching youtube videos. Dude relax its just phone

its called being a educated consumer duke.

i don't cop things based on "prestige" i cop em based on stats...alot of people that cop phones or anything in general dunno **% they do or why..i ain't one of them.

i guess you did months of research before coppin your sidekick too
Originally Posted by NKEAIR

ninjahood said:
Alchemist IQ said:
You can't be serious. Months of research, watching youtube videos. Dude relax its just phone

its called being a educated consumer duke.

i don't cop things based on "prestige" i cop em based on stats...alot of people that cop phones or anything in general dunno **% they do or why..i ain't one of them.

i guess you did months of research before coppin your sidekick too

da 2009 sidekick LX is da most powerful sidekick ever made and like i said before, i'd STILL pick it over most blackberry phones.

and that mytouch slide is a dope midrange phone for t-mobile..looks like thats where alot of "non phone" type people are going to migrate when they're ready to give up

da G1 and OG mytouch....
and thats IF they don't push out 2.1 on all android phones like they said they were going to do.
[h1]HTC Leap: Two Ways to Activate[/h1]
File under: News

By: Brandon Miniman | Date: 4-May-10 | 0 Comments


If you're running an Android phone with the newest version of HTC Sense, you probably appreciate the Leap feature which gives you a zoomed-out view of your seven homescreens. This makes it super easy to not only jump from screen to screen, but to visualize the contents of each screen. Trouble is, bringing up Leap requires a pinch gesture from your homescreen. If you're walking down the street and only have one hand free, it's impossible to perform this gesture. Well there's a second way to access Leap: by pressing the home button from the home screen, or by double tapping the home button if you're in any other screen. Boom!

[h1]HTC Desire, Now in USA 3G[/h1]
File under: News

By: Brandon Miniman | Date: 4-May-10 | 2 Comments


Where did this come from? When we reviewed the HTC Desire, we loved it, but wished that it would do 3G in the US. We just got word from phone retailer Negri Electronics that they're now shipping a version of the Desire with the 850MHz UMTS band, meaning that it will do 3G on AT&T in most places! Amazing. At $770, it's by no means cheap, but for those of you that want a fast Android device that has the Sense interface (that is also a couple of notches better than the Nexus One), this just may be the ticket.
[h4]Celebrity Nerds: Oprah has an EVO 4G and you don't[/h4]
By Donald Melanson posted May 4th 2010 3:23PM



Celebrity Nerds confirms what you always knew, deep in your heart of hearts: that stars are nerds like us. Send in your own confirmations of this fact right here.

We wish we could tell you that Oprah caused a small riot in Chicago by handing out HTC EVO 4Gs to everyone in her audience but, alas, she seems to have just kept this one for herself. More specifically, she used the "fancy new" phone to show "those of you who actually know how to text" how easy it is to sign her "No Phone Zone" pledge. No discounts, no Bono, just a fleeting glimpse of one of the most anticipated phones of the year. Head on past the break for the video evidence of this momentous event.

[Thanks, Luis]

That would be some %#+% if she started passing them, that would be crazy
But this is a good look for HTC more so Sprint but the both benefit.
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