Official HTC Thread Vol. Scribe, Thunderbolt 4G, Evo Shift 4G, Inspire 4G for AT&T

thing gone sell out in 10 secs just with oprah saying its name and using it
Htc putting out some heat.

I hope att forgets it's apple's %!%@# for the legend release and doesn't cripple the crap out of it like they did the backflip (which is a joke of a phone anyway)
Sprint is NOT gonna let Apple runs things, you best believe they will drop it before the next iPhone or right around the same time and will promote the hell out of it. !+%$, Oprah got one already, it's a wrap for soccer moms now.
I have a feeling that it will drop in June, if Oprah's already using it then it should be ready for launch. They're probably just going to let the anticipation build up and market it more. I've never had Sprint, but I'm just going to go with the Evo based on stats.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Sprint is NOT gonna let Apple runs things, you best believe they will drop it before the next iPhone or right around the same time and will promote the hell out of it. #%+*, Oprah got one already, it's a wrap for soccer moms now.

MILFs camping out a day before RD
Cellphones, Mobile Software
[h4]Windows Phone 7 based on a hybrid Windows CE 6 / Compact 7 kernel?[/h4]
By Chris Ziegler posted May 4th 2010 5:12PM

Up until now, we'd heard and believed that Windows Phone 7 would be based on Microsoft's time-tested Windows CE 6 kernel -- aging, yes, but still considerably newer and more technically modern than the CE 5 upon which Windows Mobile 6.x operates. Thing is, Windows Embedded evangelist Olivier Bloch just dropped the knowledge this week that the company's all-new phone platform will actually be "based on the Windows Embedded Compact 7 core," which sounds a lot to us like Redmond skipped right over CE 6 and went straight for the latest and greatest (and still unavailable to the general public) stuff.

[Thanks, Jeff]

That may very well be the case, but Microsoft's official response on the matter is a little less clear. Basically, they're saying that Windows Phone 7 was built on the latest release of CE 6 (R3, in case you're curious), but that they took it further and "incorporated innovative features and functionality on top of the platform." If we had to guess, what they're trying to say is that the Windows Phone 7 project was started when the Compact 7 kernel was still nothing more than a twinkle in Steve Ballmer's eye, so they took the latest code and started mucking with it to meet their needs. It's entirely possible that the Compact 7 team took that code back and kept working on it to create what would ultimately become what we know as the Compact 7 kernel, but that's not something the company is commenting on. At least, not directly. Anyhow, here's the official verbiage:
Windows Phone 7 is based on the Windows Embedded CE kernel – the next generation of the Windows Embedded CE platform will be Windows Embedded Compact 7 when released, and the current version is Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3. Although Windows Phone 7 was built on the Windows Embedded CE kernel at its core, the Windows Phone team has incorporated innovative features and functionality on top of the platform to develop an OS specifically designed to meet the needs of mobile phone manufacturers.

Oh, and just a note: based on that statement, you might be wondering how we deduced that they're saying they started with a CE 6 core. Basically, Microsoft is in the midst of changing naming conventions in its Windows Embedded range; the current release of CE is 6 R3, but the full name of the next version is Windows Embedded Compact 7. The company states that "Windows Phone 7 was built on the Windows Embedded CE kernel at its core," so yeah, there you have it.

MobileTechWorld, Softpedia

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Originally Posted by Fade On You

Evo NEEDS to drop before Sept. I cant wait that damn long for a new phone, my TP is @$#*@# up
sad to say but in the same sad spot
Wasn't askin for someone to Pirate the movies, just wanted to be pointed in the right direction (customer service, retail store, HTC, etc.).
quick question when is the htc desire coming out, and for how much, and will it be on att thanks.
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by Sequan

quick question when is the htc desire coming out, and for how much, and will it be on att thanks.

page 107

aka a modified one that can handle 3g is da united states is being made....for 700 pesos......
Originally Posted by humpasaurus rex

I have a feeling that it will drop in June, if Oprah's already using it then it should be ready for launch. They're probably just going to let the anticipation build up and market it more. I've never had Sprint, but I'm just going to go with the Evo based on stats.
Normally I've always stayed away from switching carriers for a phone, but this one seems worth it even if it is on Sprint. 

But I also hate knowing that a month later news will break of some future device that trumps the Evo.  I guess that's one of the downsides of staying up on these things....
i don't think anythin is toppin da EVO for a LONG time.....but i rather walk on burnin coals then to ever go back to sprint
Originally Posted by ninjahood

i don't think anythin is toppin da EVO for a LONG time.....but i rather walk on burnin coals then to ever go back to sprint
shid id moon walk across some right now if i could walk away with a evo and im already on sprint
Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by Fade On You

Evo NEEDS to drop before Sept. I cant wait that damn long for a new phone, my TP G1 is @$#*@# up on life support
sad to say but in the same sad spot
add me to that list brotha
Originally Posted by Mr718

I did something really stupid.  I accidently formatted my SD hard on my HD2 and deleted my Transformers movies.  Anybody wanna help me get them back?
Requesting files like that will get you banned from NT.  Please edit your post.

Your best bet is finding a local HD2 owner to share the files with you.
Sprint is NOT gonna let Apple runs things, you best believe they will drop it before the next iPhone or right around the same time and will promote the hell out of it. !+%$, Oprah got one already, it's a wrap for soccer moms now.

That's what happened with the Pre, right? The released it after the iPhone 3G S, did a horrible job marketing it, and may have even been low on stock.

I only watched the first video in the Nexus One vs HD2 series, but he missed some things or my Touch Pro 2 is running a different version of Manila because I have a 'Dismiss All' button when I have multiple notifications and the send/green/answer key should be customizable to allow a long press to bring up the task manager. You can even use third party software to make it any of the buttons.

I believe he even has the number wrong for the amount of RAM the HD2 has. Maybe he was reviewing the Euro version which came with less available RAM.

It's not that big a deal because I know the biggest differences between the two devices seems to be that one is thrown together hastily (HD2) and the other is well thought out (N1), only one has great Google features well integrated, and only one has a future. I know he mentions that, but I don't like seeing people review a device they don't know how to use.
Originally Posted by holdenmichael

Sprint is NOT gonna let Apple runs things, you best believe they will drop it before the next iPhone or right around the same time and will promote the hell out of it. !+%$, Oprah got one already, it's a wrap for soccer moms now.

That's what happened with the Pre, right? The released it after the iPhone 3G S, did a horrible job marketing it, and may have even been low on stock.

I only watched the first video in the Nexus One vs HD2 series, but he missed some things or my Touch Pro 2 is running a different version of Manila because I have a 'Dismiss All' button when I have multiple notifications and the send/green/answer key should be customizable to allow a long press to bring up the task manager. You can even use third party software to make it any of the buttons.

I believe he even has the number wrong for the amount of RAM the HD2 has. Maybe he was reviewing the Euro version which came with less available RAM.

It's not that big a deal because I know the biggest differences between the two devices seems to be that one is thrown together hastily (HD2) and the other is well thought out (N1), only one has great Google features well integrated, and only one has a future. I know he mentions that, but I don't like seeing people review a device they don't know how to use.
my dude...OPRAH has one...
 she just indirectly promoted it, anything that is shown in oprah hands, its a AUTOMATIC cop for the ladies esp in her age range.  Apple shoulda did that !

Evo 4G 
Originally Posted by Mr718

I did something really stupid.  I accidently formatted my SD hard on my HD2 and deleted my Transformers movies.  Anybody wanna help me get them back?
Search the XDA forums, I see similar questions like that all the time and people have uploaded both movies.
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