Official HTC Thread Vol. Scribe, Thunderbolt 4G, Evo Shift 4G, Inspire 4G for AT&T

T-mobile is keeping stock of the HD2 in the warehouses to build hype, soon lil by lil youll see your stores start carrying it.

The buy 1 get one free was a succesfull gimmick, doubt theyll continue with it now that they got the public interested.
That's what happened with the Pre, right? The released it after the iPhone 3G S, did a horrible job marketing it, and may have even been low on stock.

Fact. Phone sold good numbers then they came out with the pixi which is doing horrible numbers.

Evo will not drop next month. Sorry.

 I can't wait to get my hands on the EVO 4G. I hope LA gets 4g by then. Phone is gonna straight !%%@ on anything u people use right now.

L.A./NY will be one of the first if not first markets to get the 4g up and running to its full effect.
Alright guys i have a question. I'm 18 with no credit history and i want a get a phone in my name. A couple months back before i heard about the evo i went on sprint's website and was about to get a hero i put in all my info but i didn't purchase it (got a change of heart) a week or so later i received a letter from sprint basically telling me i won't have to pay a deposit because i was approved for the asl program (i refuse to pay a $500 deposit for a cell phone). For those that don't know about the asl program it basically gives you a spending limit every month and charges you an extra $5 a month on your bill. I was all for waiting until june and getting the evo in my name but after hearing about this potential september release i have turned my attention to the incredible i just wanted to know does verizon offer a similar program like the sprint asl program for people who don't wanna pay big deposits? This september release will be really unfortunate because i'm currently on tmobile and i pay $110 a month for a G1 that's in my step mom's name and im tired of it and if i was to give her my phone in june i won't have to pay a cancellation fee because she'll just take the phone for herself because she wants to get a second phone by june. Anything after that i would have to fork over that $200 to cancel this contract and continue to pay this $110 a month through september
basically i wanna know if i can get the incredible without paying a huge deposit because im not with keeping this G1 after next month.

  Verizon is too expensive, guaranteed theyll ask you for a deposit possibly $300-500

I just saved a customer $80 a month switching from verizon to t-mobile, this guy had a storm with text and data and didnt need either.
Originally Posted by ISRAEL5EKLA

Alright guys i have a question. I'm 18 with no credit history and i want a get a phone in my name. A couple months back before i heard about the evo i went on sprint's website and was about to get a hero i put in all my info but i didn't purchase it (got a change of heart) a week or so later i received a letter from sprint basically telling me i won't have to pay a deposit because i was approved for the asl program (i refuse to pay a $500 deposit for a cell phone). For those that don't know about the asl program it basically gives you a spending limit every month and charges you an extra $5 a month on your bill. I was all for waiting until june and getting the evo in my name but after hearing about this potential september release i have turned my attention to the incredible i just wanted to know does verizon offer a similar program like the sprint asl program for people who don't wanna pay big deposits? This september release will be really unfortunate because i'm currently on tmobile and i pay $110 a month for a G1 that's in my step mom's name and im tired of it and if i was to give her my phone in june i won't have to pay a cancellation fee because she'll just take the phone for herself because she wants to get a second phone by june. Anything after that i would have to fork over that $200 to cancel this contract and continue to pay this $110 a month through september
basically i wanna know if i can get the incredible without paying a huge deposit because im not with keeping this G1 after next month.

just get a nexus one if your on t-mobile..its got droid incredible stats MINUS da 8 MP camera ( nexus got a 5)
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by ISRAEL5EKLA

Alright guys i have a question. I'm 18 with no credit history and i want a get a phone in my name. A couple months back before i heard about the evo i went on sprint's website and was about to get a hero i put in all my info but i didn't purchase it (got a change of heart) a week or so later i received a letter from sprint basically telling me i won't have to pay a deposit because i was approved for the asl program (i refuse to pay a $500 deposit for a cell phone). For those that don't know about the asl program it basically gives you a spending limit every month and charges you an extra $5 a month on your bill. I was all for waiting until june and getting the evo in my name but after hearing about this potential september release i have turned my attention to the incredible i just wanted to know does verizon offer a similar program like the sprint asl program for people who don't wanna pay big deposits? This september release will be really unfortunate because i'm currently on tmobile and i pay $110 a month for a G1 that's in my step mom's name and im tired of it and if i was to give her my phone in june i won't have to pay a cancellation fee because she'll just take the phone for herself because she wants to get a second phone by june. Anything after that i would have to fork over that $200 to cancel this contract and continue to pay this $110 a month through september
basically i wanna know if i can get the incredible without paying a huge deposit because im not with keeping this G1 after next month.

just get a nexus one if your on t-mobile..its got droid incredible stats MINUS da 8 MP camera ( nexus got a 5)

I already got a steady and blazing fast nexus one rom KiNgxKxlick-AOSP2.1 on my G1 got it overclocked to 528mhz. The incredible is currently the best android phone out the 2.1 sense ui on top of the stock 2.1 sets it apart imo ofcourse until whenever the Evo drops
Originally Posted by ninjahood

just get a nexus one if your on t-mobile..its got droid incredible stats MINUS da 8 MP camera ( nexus got a 5)

The Nexus One might actually have a better camera....

With all this talk of the Droid Incredible ousting the Nexus One from Verizon Wireless, having a better multitouch implementation, and just being newer and shinier, you might think this comparison of cameras is just mercilessly piling on the pain for the original Googlephone. After all, the Nexus One and its 5 megapixel sensor came out a good few months ahead of the 8 megapixel Droid Incredible, so surely this battle would be over before it's even begun? Not so fast, says Android and Me, whose diligent testers have put the two HTC handsets through a side-by-side shootout. As it turns out, the Nexus One rather swept the contest in both naturally and flash-lit shots, while the Incredible habitually exhibited a blue hue in less than perfectly lit photos. Both cameras were adept at taking excellent daylight photos, as is to be expected, but the devil is as usual in the details -- and you can find all of them at the source link below.
Here is the link to the full article with pics....
Yeah, I just read about the Camera face off too, I think I'm sold on the Nexus, now I just gotta get Tmobile Loyalty to let me get it? What's my chances people? Anything I should say, I'm about to call them back in a hour (I lost the call on my HD2, phone can NOT hold a signal for the life of me, and yes, im on 3G Los Angeles).
Tempted to leave my Blackberry to cop the Evo 4g. It will probably be mad bread with a a contract though.
if u have no credit u can basically only go to tmobile or sprint... tmobile is the cheapest with like a $50 deposit or some @%**... sprint is $150...
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by Sequan

quick question when is the htc desire coming out, and for how much, and will it be on att thanks.

aka a modified one that can handle 3g is da united states is being made....for 700 pesos......
Do you know when you can get it on att with a contract?
page 107
Originally Posted by Sequan

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by Sequan

quick question when is the htc desire coming out, and for how much, and will it be on att thanks.

aka a modified one that can handle 3g is da united states is being made....for 700 pesos......
Do you know when you can get it on att with a contract?
page 107

There is no word whether or not AT&T will have the phone for sale
Wait you can't use a debit card when opening a new line on sprint? I have to pay a 150 deposite? SMH
[h2]The Incredible Camera Showdown: Droid Incredible VS Nexus One[/h2]
Clark Wimberly on May 04 at 2:23 pm84 comments


Before we get started, let me begin by saying I’m not a photographer. I’ve owned half a dozen cameras over the years, along with another half a dozen cell phone cameras, but I’m no photographer. I’m a hobbyist, I’ve filled my share of Flickr pages, and I love taking pictures.

In the latest wave of the good enough revolution, however, I’ve almost given up on carrying my Canon DSLR in exchange for the camera phone in my pocket. Sure, when I need a real camera, I’ll use one. But lately, my camera phone has been good enough.

Ironically, even when something is good enough, we still want something just a little bit better. Enter the HTC Droid Incredible, packing an 8MP camera with auto-focus and a dual LED flash. Its specs suggest The Incredible is the absolute top of the line when it comes to camera phones, but is that really the case? We took our Incredible demo unit and took shot by shot comparison photos with the Nexus One, the current reigning Android camera king. The results? Surprising to say the least…
[h2]Sample Photos[/h2]
To try to compare the two cameras fairly, I took pictures in quick succession, with the same settings (auto), and of the same subject. If a picture came out poorly, I’d try to shoot it again. All the pictures in this test represent the most satisfactory shot I could manage with the current surroundings.

These photos weren’t edited in any way, just downloaded, watermarked with a label, and saved. You can see the complete, full-resolution originals in our Test Shots collection on Flickr.

Also, please pardon my non-photographer ways. I’m sure a pro would be comparing the white balance and aperture of each shot, while I’ll be using words like crisp or dark. Instead of delving into why each picture looks like it does, I’ll simply post the comparison and respond with my observations. This review is less about hardware and settings and more focused on image quality and end result. Maybe some of you camera nuts out there can help me fill in the gaps.

Note: after I completed my test, I noticed the Incredible was taking pictures in a wider format (5:3) than the Nexus. I would’ve preferred to shoot them all to match but overall I doubt the ratio has any affect on image quality.
[h2]Indoors, without flash[/h2]

These coins were shot on my desk, without flash, using just sunlight through the window across the room. It wasn’t perfect lighting, but the room was well lit. The Nexus shot looks brighter and sharper and was achieved on my first attempt (took three Incredible shots to get one I was satisfied with). The Incredible seemed to be much more susceptible to noise and blurriness in less-than-full-sunlight situations.

This is the Incredible instruction book, shot on a footstool right next to the window. At this point the sun had shifted above my building and while I didn’t have direct sunlight, the entire area was very well lit (had my lights on as well). The Incredible shot has a slight blue tint, something you’ll be seeing a lot in the upcoming photos. Both cameras did a pretty respectable job of capturing the text crisply at such a close distance but the Nexus shot just feels more natural.

Edge: Nexus One
[h2]Indoors, with flash[/h2]

To test the flash, I took these shots later in the evening, without the assistance of sunlight. The Incredible is sporting a dual LED flash, which I assumed would be much (twice?) brighter as the Nexus One flash. I didn’t find that to be the case though, at all. The Nexus One flash is easily brighter and produces a better low-light photo.

This ketchup example is almost a toss-up. They are clearly different results but I think this one could fall to personal preference. I find the Nexus shot to be a bit more full and natural looking, even though the flash created a sort of vignette effect around the edges. The Incredible photo, while decently lit, again just looks flat. The flash wasn’t nearly as bright and seemed to throw a less-natural looking light. To test, I took two Incredible photos for comparison, one with and one without the flash:

The photo with flash is on top (the one with the blue and purple tints) and the non-flash photo is on the bottom. Without flash, the camera captured a natural-looking, detailed image. With the flash active, the photo is still crisp but the lighting is wildly inconsistent from the top to bottom of the image.

Edge: Nexus One
[h2]Outdoors, indirect light[/h2]

These shots were taken outdoors on a patio at Carmelo’s (as I enjoyed one of the finest steaks in recent memory). We were outdoors but it was the early evening. It wasn’t dark by any means, but we weren’t exactly in the sun. Again, the Incredible shot came out extremely blue. Along with the blue tint, the photo is darker as a whole, which makes some of the details in the center of the photo hard to make out. The Incredible photo is still sharp, it just doesn’t look natural.

These photos were shot in basically the same settings as above, probably about 20 minutes prior. I’m just including them so you can see again how blue the Incredible gets in natural light situations. I know these photos weren’t shot in totally ideal situations, but they were loads better than the dark bars and late night concerts camera phones usually make an appearance at.

Edge: Nexus One
[h2]Outdoors, direct light[/h2]

These photos were taken around noon, in full sunlight. Distance shots with full light are really where the Incredible shines. It was the one area of the test where I was consistently satisfied with the image quality and tone. That being said, the Nexus was right there, holding its own.

Again, the shots with good light and a wide angle are both completely satisfactory on both phones. But honestly, if you can’t take a good picture in perfect light you might as well just pack up shop.

One interesting thing I noticed, though, was that the Incredible seems to sharpen its pictures much more than the Nexus. Now I know sharpening is necessary to some degree (happens when a JPG is saved, even when uploading to Flickr) but it seems like the Incredible might be over-sharpening it’s photos for dramatic effect. Check out these full-res close-ups:


Now, neither looks perfect. The Incredible shot looks too sharp and bit jagged in places, the Nexus shot looks a little bit blurry. Neither of these issues is really a deal-breaker, I just thought I’d point out the different approach to sharpening.

Edge: Draw
[h2]Camera settings[/h2]
One area the Incredible fully dominates is settings. It has one of the deepest sets of options I’ve seen on any Android camera. You can control ISO, white balance, multiple effects- all in a slick and useful UI. Perhaps if I had fully tinkered with the settings and adjusted them for every shot I could’ve yielded better results.

But for me, fiddling with settings with each shot sort of defeats the purpose of a camera phone. I use the camera phone because I can get it ready quickly, shoot quickly, and repeat. If I’m willing to trade convenience for image quality I might as well carry my DSLR.

For those of you without a real camera, the settings might come in much more handy. If you’d like an in-depth review of the Incredible camera options, Phandroid has a solid video up on YouTube.

Edge: Droid Incredible
[h2]Final Verdict[/h2]
While I’m sure this could draw some heat, I’ll gladly say it based on my time with both phones and all the comparison shots I just posted: The Nexus One takes better pictures than the Droid Incredible.

How is that possible?! you say? The Incredible is 8MP, thats a whole THREE MORE MEGAPIXELS you say. Well, I think it boils down to the megapixel myth: the common belief that more megapixels equals a better camera, which isn’t always the case. There are a wealth of other factors in play here, the lens, the flash, the CMOS sensor- all of which can contribute to better overall image quality.

Oddly enough, while writing this post I tried to hunt down the specific sensors in each of these phones but couldn’t find any hard information. Do any of our readers happen to know specifically which sensor is in either of these phones?

I’ll leave the post with another disclaimer that in no way am I a skilled photographer. I’m just some guy who likes to snap photos. As are most other users relying on a camera phone. As a point-and-shoot option, either of these cameras is more than capable of capturing quick moments you want to remember. One is just a bit more capable than the other.



View Pollnoscript>Not really suprised at all. Megapixels usually tell half of the story
megapixels usually tell half of the story. I might have to get a nexus one and put the best sense ui rom on it
[h4]Clearwire promises Clear-branded HTC and Samsung WiMAX phones this year[/h4]
By Chris Ziegler posted May 5th 2010 6:56PM

Without going into much detail, Clearwire mentioned on its first quarter earnings call today that WiMAX-capable phones bearing the Clear name from both Samsung and HTC are "expected" to be available before 2010's out, which is a pretty optimistic affirmation of comments the company made earlier this year. It describes the Sammy as "an Android-based 3G/4G/WiFi device optimized for heavy video and video communications use," while the HTC's language leaves out the platform -- it's just called "a 3G/4G/WiFi enabled phone," leading us to believe that this puppy could very well be running Windows Phone 7. If that's the case, we can understand why HTC wouldn't want Clearwire spilling the beans since they've yet to officially announce any plans for jumping into the WinPho 7 game. In fact, Clearwire went so far as to say on the call that the HTC device would not be the EVO 4G, so yeah, we can totally buy that there's some Microsoft action going on behind the scenes here.

As for Clearwire's health, it has seen a 94 percent year-over-year boost in total WiMAX subscribers for a total just shy of a million -- and interestingly, the overwhelming majority of those are retail, not wholesale, meaning that folks are running Clear-branded equipment. We expect that to change dramatically once Sprint's Overdrive gets a little more penetration and the EVO comes into play, but for now, some 814,000 customers are familiar with the Clear logo. They lost a hair over $94 million in the quarter, but hey, in the scheme of things, that's peanuts -- building out networks isn't a cheap endeavor, after all.




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Originally Posted by ISRAEL5EKLA

Alright guys i have a question. I'm 18 with no credit history and i want a get a phone in my name. A couple months back before i heard about the evo i went on sprint's website and was about to get a hero i put in all my info but i didn't purchase it (got a change of heart) a week or so later i received a letter from sprint basically telling me i won't have to pay a deposit because i was approved for the asl program (i refuse to pay a $500 deposit for a cell phone). For those that don't know about the asl program it basically gives you a spending limit every month and charges you an extra $5 a month on your bill. I was all for waiting until june and getting the evo in my name but after hearing about this potential september release i have turned my attention to the incredible i just wanted to know does verizon offer a similar program like the sprint asl program for people who don't wanna pay big deposits? This september release will be really unfortunate because i'm currently on tmobile and i pay $110 a month for a G1 that's in my step mom's name and im tired of it and if i was to give her my phone in june i won't have to pay a cancellation fee because she'll just take the phone for herself because she wants to get a second phone by june. Anything after that i would have to fork over that $200 to cancel this contract and continue to pay this $110 a month through september
basically i wanna know if i can get the incredible without paying a huge deposit because im not with keeping this G1 after next month.

You a damn lie.
[h4]Sprint HTC EVO pre-orders start this month at The Shack[/h4]
By Thomas Ricker posted May 6th 2010 1:43AM


HTC's EVO 4G super-speced handset seems to be everywhere and nowhere at the same time. That situation looks set to change soon based on the pic above nabbed off The Shack's internal website showing a big "coming soon" exclamation that translates to pre-orders starting "later this month." Remember, in addition to Android 2.1, an 8 megapixel camera, and 4.3-inch 480 x 800 display backed by fierce Snapdragon silicon, the Evo also comes packing WiMAX with built-in hotspot capability. We're still not sure if Sprint will charge for that or make it a freebie a la Verizon's Palm Pre and Pixi offering, but we can hope.
Cellphones, Home Entertainment, HD Misc., Mobile Software
[h4]SlingPlayer Mobile for Android goes to private beta?[/h4]
By Chris Ziegler posted May 6th 2010 1:16PM

Android's quickly becoming the elephant in the room for Sling Media, so we're delighted to hear today that the promised Android client of SlingPlayer Mobile is apparently entering a private beta period as we speak -- according to a tipster over at Phandroid, anyhow. It seems that some members that signed up to Sling's beta program have been contacted recently with a link to the download and a request that they not discuss the app or the beta program (so much for that), so if everything goes really, really well, we might see a release before too long. The thought of this thing running on the EVO 4G just blows minds, doesn't it?

Zatz Not Funny


[h4]Google Goggles starts to get useful, adds text translation[/h4]
By Chris Ziegler posted May 6th 2010 11:43AM

In our experience, about the only thing Google Goggles is good for is telling you that your can of Coke looks like someone's face, but the company's just-released version 1.1 sounds like it might be on a whole new level of awesomeness. Basically, Goggles can now recognize text within the "region of interest" that you specify on the screen then give you the option to translate it to any language of your choosing. Between this and Google's already quite good Translate app, Android devices are getting dangerously close to letting monoglots (thanks for the great word, Google) travel safely and effectively in foreign lands. Other improvements in Goggles 1.1 include better barcode and image recognition (thank goodness), an improved UI, and the ability to initiate identification from your gallery, so it sounds like a must-download if you've got a phone running Android 1.6 or better. It's available now.

[h4]Opera wades into Flash debate, says it 'makes very little sense' for video[/h4]
By Donald Melanson posted May 6th 2010 12:52PM

Opera Software already caused quite a stir with the release of the iPhone version of its browser, and it looks like it's now starting to make itself heard in one of the biggest browser-related debates going. Speaking with Tech Radar, Opera's product analyst Phillip Grønvold started out with something of a diplomatic approach by saying that "today's internet content is dependent on Flash" and "if you remove Flash you do not have today's internet," and for that reason Opera needs to support Flash. Things get a bit more interesting from there, however, with Grønvold stating that while Flash has its place for things like dynamic content, it "makes very little sense" as a video container given the impact on processor and battery usage, adding that "you can cook an egg on [devices] once you start running Flash on them and there's a reason for that." Fried eggs, potatoes -- these browsers sure are making us hungry.

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