Official HTC Thread Vol. Scribe, Thunderbolt 4G, Evo Shift 4G, Inspire 4G for AT&T

Wait im up for an upgrade for sprint which is 150$ discount. So if i sign a new 2 yr contract it would come out to be $50? That's assuming the price is confirmed. if so im copping first day it drops.
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Damn I want that Evo so bad.  Thanks for nothing, T-Mobile.

I'm so considering jumping ship but...........................Sprint. 
   Worst cellphone experience I've ever had. 


Why couldn't this phone be for t-mobile 

can you get the nexus one on a  tmo upgrade? I have a full upgrade available 
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by CWrite78

don't quote me on this but, it's said that the POS company at&t has locked down the jesus phone for another year.

stay with incredible or get evo.
Verizon won't get the phone until 2011. Which makes sense, I don't see Apple making a CDMA phone.

the iphone is irrelevant at this point IMO.

with so many great android phones out and coming out.

and windows phone 7 coming out.. i just dont get the appeal of an iphone

Wait im up for an upgrade for sprint which is 150$ discount. So if i sign a new 2 yr contract it would come out to be $50? That's assuming the price is confirmed. if so im copping first day it drops.

doesn't work that way. you're getting the phone for 200 just like everybody else.
Originally Posted by REDd SPYDER

sprint was pretty bad back then...i still get nightmares....

as soon as they aquired Nextel i BOUNCED QUICK
Originally Posted by ninjahood

i don't get da t-mobile hate..its called get da nexus one if you want a super phone on our network.

i'd have done that a long time ago if they'd let me upgrade and let me keep my own plan. and spending 500+ at once makes me rethink buying it.
Originally Posted by NKEAIR

CWrite78 said:
the iphone is irrelevant at this point IMO.


the iPhone is still to beat
what does the iphone offer than other phones don't offer?

aside from the app store (android is growing rapidly)... what else?
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by NKEAIR

Originally Posted by CWrite78

the iphone is irrelevant at this point IMO.


the iPhone is still to beat

what does the iphone offer than other phones don't offer?

aside from the app store (android is growing rapidly)... what else?
Looks and Apple OS. 
2 of the most important things.

Apple wins. 
iPhone is a dependable device with an extensive appstore. People trust Apple devices to work well (whether it's true or not). HTC doesn't have that level of trust yet with the general public (those interested in smartphones that is) especially with HD2 having widespread problems. With that being said, I cannot wait to play with this phone, please no slowdowns or glitches!!!
:stares at leaked scans:
Originally Posted by JUS3

Yo Boost, are you gonna jump on that Nexus1? #*!+, it's on the house man
... naw, Evo 4G now.

I just check out Sprint coverage in my area, BEAST. Better than T-Mobile, wow 
Originally Posted by Man E

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by NKEAIR

Originally Posted by CWrite78

the iphone is irrelevant at this point IMO.


the iPhone is still to beat

what does the iphone offer than other phones don't offer?

aside from the app store (android is growing rapidly)... what else?
Looks and Apple OS. 
2 of the most important things.

da iphone better BRING IT...cuz right now they looking baaad compared to da EVO already comes stock with

Originally Posted by ninjahood

i don't get da t-mobile hate..its called get da nexus one if you want a super phone on our network.

To each his own, I guess.  The N1 just doesn't move me for some reason.  And to be honest, after rocking with the HD2 for the past 5 or 6 weeks, I can't see going back to a smaller screen.  That glorious display pretty much ruined me for anything smaller. 
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by ninjahood

i don't get da t-mobile hate..its called get da nexus one if you want a super phone on our network.

To each his own, I guess.  The N1 just doesn't move me for some reason.  And to be honest, after rocking with the HD2 for the past 5 or 6 weeks, I can't see going back to a smaller screen.  That glorious display pretty much ruined me for anything smaller. 
nexus one has a better quality screen then da HD2...
A business rep from Sprint shared with us that Sprint is offering a $100 credit to users who switch carriers and port their number.

sealed the deal for me.

good bye verizon, it's been nice.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by ninjahood

i don't get da t-mobile hate..its called get da nexus one if you want a super phone on our network.

To each his own, I guess.  The N1 just doesn't move me for some reason.  And to be honest, after rocking with the HD2 for the past 5 or 6 weeks, I can't see going back to a smaller screen.  That glorious display pretty much ruined me for anything smaller. 
nexus one has a better quality screen then da HD2...

doesn't change the fact that it's bigger and it has that gorgeous sense ui on top of it. Stock android 2.1 is boring as hell
htc sense ui > stock android
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by ninjahood

i don't get da t-mobile hate..its called get da nexus one if you want a super phone on our network.

To each his own, I guess.  The N1 just doesn't move me for some reason.  And to be honest, after rocking with the HD2 for the past 5 or 6 weeks, I can't see going back to a smaller screen.  That glorious display pretty much ruined me for anything smaller. 
nexus one has a better quality screen then da HD2...
And he's not allowed to prefer the larger screen to richer colors?

Both phones have their pros and cons, while I like the nexus better overall I want android in the hardware of the HD2
Shoutout to T-Mobile Loyalty Supervisor Kim, shorty is the best!

As yall know, I've been going through some !*!@ with two HD2's being total !*%! ups on me and T-Mobile %%*$$#+ me over because it's past California 30 day buyers remorse. So today I called T-Mobile Loyalty, spoke to a guy, this guy told me if I want my old plan back I have to pay the $200 cancellation fee and I said !*%! that, your crazy. We argue a bit till I said give me your supervisor. Lil smart @!@ punk told me "your wasting your time, she's just gonna agree with me" and I said "GIVE ME YOUR SUPERIOR NOW". This lady Kim gets on the phone, she was a total doll. I told her my story, she apologized and instantly gave me back my old plan (including my 5.99 T-zones) and I'm on NO contract since before I upgraded to the HD2 it expired in February. Ontop of that if I choose to upgrade to ANY other T-Mobile phone I will be eligible for a instant upgrade, FREE OF CHARGE. I can even now upgrade to the Nexus One she said. She again apologized for any inconvenience in the last 6 weeks and I could not thank her enough! Far as my HD2 goes, she told me if the T-Mobile store I bought it from won't take it back and give me my money, I can do whatever I want with it, she even told me to sell it on eBaY, lol.

Now, I'm back to my iPhone
I'm gonna miss that 4.3 inch screen 

Im glad you got some help, now you gotta get of it, highly doubt t-mobile store will take it back, unless you do an exchange for what you want and still have your upgrade.

If she said a free upgrade, better use it soon so theyll keep their word and you wont have a future problem.

if u have no credit u can basically only go to tmobile or sprint... tmobile is the cheapest with like a $50 deposit or some @%**... sprint is $150...
Sprint first then T-Mobile, $150 deposit on sprint must mean you have the worst credit ever, dont even run credit on T-mobile.
Sprint usually asks for $50 which isnt bad at all.

Deposits can only made with cash, some places might take debit.
Originally Posted by onetwothreewick

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by ninjahood

i don't get da t-mobile hate..its called get da nexus one if you want a super phone on our network.

To each his own, I guess.  The N1 just doesn't move me for some reason.  And to be honest, after rocking with the HD2 for the past 5 or 6 weeks, I can't see going back to a smaller screen.  That glorious display pretty much ruined me for anything smaller. 
nexus one has a better quality screen then da HD2...
And he's not allowed to prefer the larger screen to richer colors?

Both phones have their pros and cons, while I like the nexus better overall I want android in the hardware of the HD2
perhaps, but also know that da AMOLED screen also is way kinder in terms of battery life.

..hmm isn't android + HD2 specs = incredible
[h1]Look Out HTC, Samsung, LG--Apple's Got Another Design Patent for iPhone 3G/3GS[/h1]
File under: News

By: Chuong Nguyen | Date: 6-May-10 | 11 Comments


With Apple being awarded a design patent over the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS by the USPTO, other hardware makers should have reasons to be concerned as design patents could be interpreted very liberally. The renderings submitted for patent consideration doesn't show a home button, but rather only the touchscreen, camera on the back side, and volume buttons. With the optical trackpad in the center right below the screen of the HTC Droid Incredible on Verizon Wireless running Android, perhaps HTC should be a little worried about the wrath of Apple, as the front of the device (large screen, horizontal and linearly shaped earpiece speaker, and circular optical trackpad that resembles the iPhone home button) can look similar to those primitive drawings that Jobs and company submitted to the USPTO.

(via: Engadget)
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by ninjahood

i don't get da t-mobile hate..its called get da nexus one if you want a super phone on our network.

To each his own, I guess.  The N1 just doesn't move me for some reason.  And to be honest, after rocking with the HD2 for the past 5 or 6 weeks, I can't see going back to a smaller screen.  That glorious display pretty much ruined me for anything smaller. 

Same for me.  After the first day, I decided I couldn't go smaller, ever.  The only other option for me is the evo and I'm not leaving tmobile.  Thankfully, I've had an overall good experience with the HD2.  But since tmobile was the first to get and market android, you wouldn't think that they'd have the worst droid phones at this point in the game.  I'm just gonna be patient and max out the life of my HD2, even if I have to go with custom roms cause I love the actual phone and Sense UI.
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