Official HTC Thread Vol. Scribe, Thunderbolt 4G, Evo Shift 4G, Inspire 4G for AT&T

Originally Posted by BlueberryMansions7000

Originally Posted by Memp2Atl85

Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

sprint has the best plans... period... as far as pricing...

nobody knows what ur deposit would be because nobody knows what ur credit looks like...

aight... with the worst credit possible... what would i be looking at
I'm curious about this too. Last night I went to Sprints website to see what would happen because I knew they run credit checks. So I basically added a plan and phone. Then it ran a credit check. Now I don't have the best credit in the world
, but it said they would accept me but they would tack on that spending limit fee which is 4.99 a month. My question is, does that mean i'm clear from paying a deposit, or will I still need one? I guess I should just call sprint as ask right...
thats the ASL program bro im on it too i have 0 credit history so i gotta pay that 4.99 extra a month no deposit sprint ftw
[h1]Sprint Said to Create Special Plans for the HTC EVO 4G[/h1]
File under: News

By: Chuong Nguyen | Date: 9-May-10 | 1 Comments


According to Android site Android Central, Sprint will be creating special pricing for the 4G WiMax HTC EVO 4G as it will be the first 3G and 4G dual-mode handset. Additionally, it looks like there may be a surcharge for the mobile hotspot app that will be a recurring monthly charge. Still, however, there are no dollar figures attached to the information that was obtained by Android Central. Perhaps, with Verizon Wireless making their own mobile hotspot app for the webOS Palm Pre Plus and Palm Pixi Plus available to consumers for free sans recurring monthly charges for the extra feature, Sprint is trying to figure out how to best leverage and talk up its WiMax network while staying competitive with its CDMA rival.


(via: Android Central)
I still want the EVO, just wondering what the plans will be. The mobile hotspot is a rip off, just root and use tethering.
Originally Posted by LIVE BOY D

I still want the EVO, just wondering what the plans will be. The mobile hotspot is a rip off, just root and use tethering.

there will be ways around this...

they gotta have a wifi router app for android by now...

on my treo pro i use WMWifiRouter and it does the same @+!#...
I think its about time to root my Nexus One and put HTC sense on there...

Not sure if I should go with CyanogenMod-5 or Modaco Custom Rom Desire port...

Has anyone done this yet? If so which are you using? If you have used both, which did you prefer and why...

Maybe Ninjahood will have a random fan boy comment for me like "Running da N1 stock is the best way to go"

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

[h1]Sprint Said to Create Special Plans for the HTC EVO 4G[/h1]
File under: News

By: Chuong Nguyen | Date: 9-May-10 | 1 Comments


According to Android site Android Central, Sprint will be creating special pricing for the 4G WiMax HTC EVO 4G as it will be the first 3G and 4G dual-mode handset. Additionally, it looks like there may be a surcharge for the mobile hotspot app that will be a recurring monthly charge. Still, however, there are no dollar figures attached to the information that was obtained by Android Central. Perhaps, with Verizon Wireless making their own mobile hotspot app for the webOS Palm Pre Plus and Palm Pixi Plus available to consumers for free sans recurring monthly charges for the extra feature, Sprint is trying to figure out how to best leverage and talk up its WiMax network while staying competitive with its CDMA rival.


(via: Android Central)

Nothings changing.....pricing will be the same...cept you gotta pay $10 for tethering per month.
[h1]Latest Windows Phone 7 Emulator Build (6176) is Considered RC1[/h1]
File under: News

By: Brandon Miniman | Date: 9-May-10 | 0 Comments


If you dig a bit deeper in the latest Windows Phone 7 emulator (build 6176), you'll find three interesting bits through the Settings, About screen. First, Microsoft is still calling the platform Windows Mobile 7.0 internally. Second, build 6176 is considered Release Candidate 1, meaning that Microsoft is getting close to the release to manufacturing stage (RTM), often preceeded by a couple of release candidates. And third, the emulator may give us an idea of how much space the operating system takes up without any data or apps added: subtracting the total storage from the available storage yields us about 120MB.

Thanks for the tip, savage25rcracer.
[h1]Video: Quake 3 Ported to Nexus One[/h1]
File under: News

By: Brandon Miniman | Date: 10-May-10 | 2 Comments


This is a step beyond Doom! An XDA member has managed to get the game Quake 3 running on a Nexus One with high frame rates, as you can see in the video below. If you're feeling ambitious, you can try to run it yourself via the Google Project website. To get it going, you'll need at least Android 1.6, plus a solid knowledge of your phone.

[h1]Co0kie's Home Tab Mod Meets Anastasia Skin[/h1]
File under: News

By: Anton D. Nagy | Date: 10-May-10 | 1 Comments


We've posted about Anastasia Keyboard Skin for the HTC HD2 and from the same developer comes a skin for Co0kie's Home Tab.

As we've got used to from his previous works, Anastasia rounded glass buttons and icons are present in this skinning release too, having the below features (quote):
- Skinned Flip Clock.
- Skinned Analog Clock.
- Skinned Backgrounds.
- Skinned Quick links.
- Skinned Retract Slider.
- Skinned Quick Links Up Info.
- Skinned Call History, Calendar & Alarm Icons.

Since it's a Co0kie's Home Tab skin, you need to have the latest Co0kie's Home Tab Mod installed, which is currently version 1.7.1. Then download DINIK - Anastasia - CHT v1.0, install it and restart. Check the thread for some ideas and more screenshots.

(Source: XDA Developers)
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