Official HTC Thread Vol. Scribe, Thunderbolt 4G, Evo Shift 4G, Inspire 4G for AT&T

Ninja your right never thought of that hmmmmm ...... but the lady friend and me will fight atleast 720 days out of those 2years where in the contract so idk if ill get her side of the payment.. Lol not saying I can't pay it all just preffer saving money.
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Solewoman did you try a hardreset?

but wont that make me lose everything...besides im hoping they update my rom to 6.5 at the least
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Solewoman did you try a hardreset?

but wont that make me lose everything...besides im hoping they update my rom to 6.5 at the least
Yea you would lose everything. You might be able to update on your own by going to the HTC website, I did that for 6.1 and I know AT&T didn't send out the update until months after that.

For the people using custom ROMs....what are you using, post screen shots if you want?
I'm using the Ultimate-X2.V11 by Abusalza



I'm thinking about trying out the HyperDragon IV ROM or the Kaiser Essential ROM
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

Is Sprint offering insurance on the Evo4G?

I haven't read anything about it...

Yessir.  It's the same as any of their other phones I believe $4 or $7 a month. 

Quick Question:

Do Android phones sync to the computer like iPhones?  That's one thing I loved about the iPhone if I ever lost someones number I can just resync it from my last sync and I'll be back at where I was. 

BTW pre-ordered my Evo... 

Good looks.

I'll pre-order from Shack sometime next week.

I gotta dig around now for a 32gig sd card. Radioshack said they don't have any right now and they didn't know if they were gonna have any when the phone releases.

Called Best Buy and the biggest they said they had was 16gig for like $50 or something....
Originally Posted by humpasaurus rex

Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

Is Sprint offering insurance on the Evo4G?

I haven't read anything about it...

Yessir.  It's the same as any of their other phones I believe $4 or $7 a month. 

Quick Question:

Do Android phones sync to the computer like iPhones?  That's one thing I loved about the iPhone if I ever lost someones number I can just resync it from my last sync and I'll be back at where I was. 

BTW pre-ordered my Evo... 

nope, its different (and a better way IMO)

when you first get an android, you log in with a gmail account

then all your data is stored on gmail (gmail acts like your itunes), so you can log on your computer and just edit your contacts on gmail and your calendar

so theres no need to ever connect your android phone to a computer (unless you want to put files on there like music) but yeah thats how it works

lets say down the line, you want a new android phone, when you get it, you log on your gmail account with that phone, then android syncs with your gmail account and all your data is downloaded
[h1]Froyo Android 2.2 Build Runs 450% Faster Than Predecessor[/h1]
File under: News

By: Chuong Nguyen | Date: 14-May-10 | 6 Comments


Among a list of features that the next generation Android Froyo 2.2--widely expected to be announced at Google I/O conference next week--is expected to bring, the performance improvements seem mind-blowing with early reports showing that the build is 450% faster than Android 2.1 on the Google Nexus One. Site Android Police has used a Linpack test to benchmark the "measure of a system’s floating point computing power." With that test, the Nexus One on 2.1 got 6.5-7 MFLOPS while running 2.2, the device fared a lot better with 37.5 MFLOPS.

Other features expected for Android 2.2 include full Flash support as well as a new WiFi and USB tethering feature.

(via: Android Police)
Cellphones, Mobile Handsets
[h4]Google changes Nexus One plans, will stop selling handsets online[/h4]
By Nilay Patel posted May 14th 2010 12:49PM

Breaking News

Although Google launched the Nexus One with grand plans to radically change the way consumers purchased phones and service, it looks like the experiment has fizzled to an end -- the company just announced that will eventually stop selling handsets online and instead partner with carriers to sell the N1 in-store while using its website to promote "a variety of Android phones available globally." Google says customers simply want a hands-on experience before buying a phone, but we'd say the lack of subsidies from any carrier except T-Mobile and some serious customer service issues probably played in killing Google's original sales strategy -- and of course, both Verizon and Sprint essentially refused the N1 in favor of the bespoke Incredible and EVO 4G. We'd also say that Android as a whole will remain unaffected, since the Nexus One was never a huge seller, but it's still rare that a company simply gives up a business model like this, and we don't know if Google will ever follow up with a successor to the Nexus One. The Google Phone is dead, people -- long live the Google Phone.

Update: We just asked Google about future devices and support for current Nexus One owners, here's what they said:
On the future: We will continue working with our partners to bring cutting-edge new Android handsets to market, but we have nothing to announce right now.

On support: This announcement doesn't have any immediate impact on support for consumers who purchase Nexus One through the web store.

I really can't find a 32gig micro sd card anywhere online.

The very few I see on eBay are from Hong Kong and are goin around $4-12...I don't trust.

Originally Posted by NKEAIR

Originally Posted by humpasaurus rex

Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

Is Sprint offering insurance on the Evo4G?

I haven't read anything about it...

Yessir.  It's the same as any of their other phones I believe $4 or $7 a month. 

Quick Question:

Do Android phones sync to the computer like iPhones?  That's one thing I loved about the iPhone if I ever lost someones number I can just resync it from my last sync and I'll be back at where I was. 

BTW pre-ordered my Evo... 

nope, its different (and a better way IMO)

when you first get an android, you log in with a gmail account

then all your data is stored on gmail (gmail acts like your itunes), so you can log on your computer and just edit your contacts on gmail and your calendar

so theres no need to ever connect your android phone to a computer (unless you want to put files on there like music) but yeah thats how it works

lets say down the line, you want a new android phone, when you get it, you log on your gmail account with that phone, then android syncs with your gmail account and all your data is downloaded
Damn you ain't lying that's mad easier.  Thanks for the quick reply.  One other thing does Android have that same mail system as the iPhone where I can have 3 emails pre-loaded and at the touch of a button check them?
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Cellphones, Mobile Handsets
[h4]Google changes Nexus One plans, will stop selling handsets online[/h4]
By Nilay Patel posted May 14th 2010 12:49PM

Breaking News

Although Google launched the Nexus One with grand plans to radically change the way consumers purchased phones and service, it looks like the experiment has fizzled to an end -- the company just announced that will eventually stop selling handsets online and instead partner with carriers to sell the N1 in-store while using its website to promote "a variety of Android phones available globally." Google says customers simply want a hands-on experience before buying a phone, but we'd say the lack of subsidies from any carrier except T-Mobile and some serious customer service issues probably played in killing Google's original sales strategy -- and of course, both Verizon and Sprint essentially refused the N1 in favor of the bespoke Incredible and EVO 4G. We'd also say that Android as a whole will remain unaffected, since the Nexus One was never a huge seller, but it's still rare that a company simply gives up a business model like this, and we don't know if Google will ever follow up with a successor to the Nexus One. The Google Phone is dead, people -- long live the Google Phone.

Update: We just asked Google about future devices and support for current Nexus One owners, here's what they said:
On the future: We will continue working with our partners to bring cutting-edge new Android handsets to market, but we have nothing to announce right now.

On support: This announcement doesn't have any immediate impact on support for consumers who purchase Nexus One through the web store.

Are they still charging $300 to cancel on top of the $200 from T-Mo?
Originally Posted by humpasaurus rex

Originally Posted by NKEAIR

Originally Posted by humpasaurus rex

Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

Is Sprint offering insurance on the Evo4G?

I haven't read anything about it...

Yessir.  It's the same as any of their other phones I believe $4 or $7 a month. 

Quick Question:

Do Android phones sync to the computer like iPhones?  That's one thing I loved about the iPhone if I ever lost someones number I can just resync it from my last sync and I'll be back at where I was. 

BTW pre-ordered my Evo... 

nope, its different (and a better way IMO)

when you first get an android, you log in with a gmail account

then all your data is stored on gmail (gmail acts like your itunes), so you can log on your computer and just edit your contacts on gmail and your calendar

so theres no need to ever connect your android phone to a computer (unless you want to put files on there like music) but yeah thats how it works

lets say down the line, you want a new android phone, when you get it, you log on your gmail account with that phone, then android syncs with your gmail account and all your data is downloaded
Damn you ain't lying that's mad easier.  Thanks for the quick reply.  One other thing does Android have that same mail system as the iPhone where I can have 3 emails pre-loaded and at the touch of a button check them?

i am not sure with this because i only used 1 gmail account to check my mail when i was on my nexus one

but theres a separate app for gmail and other mail, my cousin uses the gmail for his gmail account of course, and he uses the other mail app for yahoo

but in the end, once you receive your email for any accounts, all of it notfies you through the notification bar anyways, so theres really no need to go through between apps, when you get notified, just open up the notification bar, click the mail, and it will take you to the mail application
[h1]geoGallery & Twitter: More WP7 demo applications[/h1]

Posted on Friday, May 14, 2010by Malatesta

Filed Under: News, Software;Tags:development, wp7, Windows phone 7, twitter, Silverlight, picasa, Geogallery

As we delve deeper into what current Silverlight programmers are up to in exploring Windows Phone 7, a few things are becoming evident:
  • Generally speaking, they love it
  • It's easy
  • There's lots of development and excitement amongst the community
Case in point is this "sample" app (e.g. something someone whipped up in very little time to explore the framework): geoGallery.

geoGallery is a photo app that pulls pictures from Picasa to your device based on your current location. Pretty cool.  It's even more cool knowing that developers are turning out programs left and right so easily and enthusiastically.

Another is this Twitter app from Governor Technology. They seem to be keen on actually building this, so may be worth to keep an eye on at this very early stage. (And lets not forget Twikini's WP7 app).

We're confident in stating that WP7's development framework is going to give a huge kick in the pants to software offerings in the Marketplace. In other words, we haven't seen this much interest from developers since the iPhone and Android SDK days.

Check out the video of geoGallery in action and how it all works from Silverlight developer Levente Mihály. And Levente? Go ahead and submit that to the Marketplace, kthxbai!

[h1]Multitasking in Windows Phone 7? Maybe. Kind of...well it depends.[/h1]

Posted on Friday, May 14, 2010by Malatesta

Filed Under: News;Tags:wp7, Windows phone 7, mutlitasking

Over at "Doug's Blog" (you all know Doug, right?), he's taken the time to write a very detailed article on multitasking and Windows Phone 7.

A lot of the article is insider baseball, but it's more architecture than programming, so it's okay for even the part-time geek to understand . He focuses on how WP7 handles memory, background operations, suspending and resuming software, etc.

Really interesting stuff.

The big news though is what he reveals as possible with WP7. Some choice quotes to demonstrate: 
"The Windows Phone team made waves when the platform was introduced by indicating that, at least initially, Window Phone would not multitask 3rd party applications. The answer sounded pretty absolute. The actual implementation isn’t."

"So, while true multitasking doesn’t exist on the Windows Phone, applications can ‘borrow’ some background processing time as long as the system is lightly loaded."

Whether or not such "worker thread" caveats can be exploited by developers and get by the certification process by Microsoft remains to be seen. Overall though, it's a great read and a must for any of you enthusiasts out there.

Read "Windows Phone and Multitasking"
Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

i fell in love with the evo when i watched the demo video today
im on vzw

big deal, so just get da HTC droid incredible...

i don't understand da rumble with cats...its pretty easy, if u got sprint get da EVO4G, if u got verizon get da HTC incredible, if u on t-mobile get da nexus one.

each of em got pros over eachother, but essentially they're all running gig processors wit super phone abilities.
I'm preordering my Evo tomorrow. T-Mobile lost me.

The HD2 was a major #%!# up for me, the Nexus One is a terrific phone but some of the kinks and the smaller screen kinda make it dull for me. The Galaxy S looks like a grown iPhone (no thanks), rather put the money in Steve Jobs pocket Samsung. iPhone 4G is still somewhat in my eye sight but the mini SIM suggest jailbreaking on T-Mobile *could be gone forever. It has the same screen size as the 3Gs
and a HOMEscreen full of apps is archaic when dudes like HTC and Google are changing the game with 5 - 7 screens + LIVE wallpaper and widgets. New Project Emerald news isnt dropping until at least mid to late June, and if rumors are true it's gonna be an upgraded Desire (meh).
Originally Posted by airforce416

Originally Posted by MECKS

Wait. The evo 4G sounds like the phone I want "an hd2 with android"
please tell me it's for tmobile ?!??
sprint only

Sprint Evo 4G retail boxed is unveiled; 8GB microSD card confirmed

At this point, the Sprint Evo 4G has been handled every which way to Sunday -- not that it's some big secret or something. But there still are a few odds and ends to clean up. One of them is the retail box, which we see above. Also confirmed is that the Evo's shipping with an 8GB microSD card, which is darn nice of Sprint. Handful of more pics after the break.

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

i fell in love with the evo when i watched the demo video today
im on vzw

big deal, so just get da HTC droid incredible...

i don't understand da rumble with cats...its pretty easy, if u got sprint get da EVO4G, if u got verizon get da HTC incredible, if u on t-mobile get da nexus one.

each of em got pros over eachother, but essentially they're all running gig processors wit super phone abilities.
ive had the droid eris for months cant upgrade
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