OFFICIAL Hypebeasts Thread

^^^^^^first thing i thought was...I'm so hood, i wear a jordan/scarface hook up to the prom, with a chick that could be a dude....looks like she wasmunching on$*$+@ bricks....

their hook ups are the best thing i have seen since that one white dude with the vest made out of an iverson jersey.......
WOW hell no, are they serious ? and they look homemade so there was some effort into this HOT GHETTO MESS>>>>>>>>
Originally Posted by size twelve

Originally Posted by vintagefits

Originally Posted by ZieGirl

Originally Posted by TheKid973

Feed the Beast!


how hard is it to find a pair of adidas? j's with run dmc attire? wtf?

Damn you gotta be a bigtime lame to walk around with "props"
Thats why i dont bother going to Soho past 2005
, everyone looks like carrottop walking around with 80s gear, unneeded accesorries, props, and still wear clashing stuff like MJs with adidas clothing
I dont show off $, but half of these kids fail so hard, it shows how broke they are.
  • fake chain shows you cant afford a real one
  • glasses you can take the cheap plastic out of... $5 tops?
  • tight levis cost $30,
  • the vintage gear these kids rock look like they robbed not 1, but 4 homeless females to get a ragtag outfit that truly clashes like only a Soho hypebeast can.
(I'm all for vintage gear but I really dont understand how people find ripped/torn/wrinkled BUST MOST IMPORTANTLY, WORN clothes at a thrift store and think they're doing it)


man, thats armand van helden ( house dj) dude makes good music , but dresses like a fool.
Hola everybody! My name's Jordan and I'm the dude with the short armssss!!:


ahhha, i'm havin my friend Ronn post cuz I dont have a nike talk account (catch me on iss). anyways, for starters, i was born with whats called TARsyndrome, so i basically was born without the radius or humerus in my arms(those are bones yo!) but yeah, i can do basically everything everyone else can(evenbetter than some) so no worries! as far as hypebeastness goes, i do like shoes(who doesnt? really though?) and matching rediculously well at times ahaha, ifthat makes me a hypebeast, so be it. honestly i dont care much what people think. growing up regardless of the shoes i was wearing, i always get stares.everyday i get stares. its something i've learned to deal with. being born with this disabilty has made me someone who doesnt care whatother people think.i dont dress the way i do to look cool to all you cats out there. i like looking good for me ahahaha. if i DID care what people thought, i really woudnt postany of those pictures. i realize that out of the context of actually knowing me, those pictures make me look like a ******ed$@@* fcuked up hypebeast ahaha. buts'all good! i'm not mad at all for people making fun of my being born different. i dnt really understand why anyone would, but if it makes you feelgood, go for go for it, srsly! but yeah, take a moment to get to know me yo! my myspace is seriously a 99% representation of who i am aahhha. i really am quitean animated person. yeahhh though! i'm one of the most coolest, down$@@* people youll ever meet!

contact me on my myspaceee yo!

iss: Paper Face
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