Official iPad 3 Event Thread (new Apple TV too?)

Originally Posted by Al Audi

can you watch it online?

Comparing to a Tegra 3, Apple says the A5 is "twice as fast" and the A5X offers "four times the​ performance." Not sure of the benchmark here, folks.
I am pretty amazed at the Retina display. I think it crames more pixels in a screen then my 27" iMac. The new iMacs better have Retina too then.
The next iPhone will probably have LTE support now that the iPads do.
At least it better
What would have been a new feature that would have made it a game changer? I am actually just seriously asking cause I don't even know what else a tablet is supposed to offer. I do think this should have been the specs for the iPad 2 rather then the 3. I am surprised they didn't call it an iPad 2S.
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

What would have been a new feature that would have made it a game changer? I am actually just seriously asking cause I don't even know what else a tablet is supposed to offer. I do think this should have been the specs for the iPad 2 rather then the 3. I am surprised they didn't call it an iPad 2S.

At this point there really isn't a game changer for the iPad IMO.  I may consider copping the new iPad in the fall when I purchase the new iPhone so I can do a black iPhone and black iPad.  Until then my i2 gets the job done.
Originally Posted by ReeceMan10

Its the same damn thing to keep it real. Besides the LTE, .. same iPad.
yeah and the screen

and the internals

i mean its not like they are charging more for this what are you really complaining about? do you want it to come with a blender?
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