Official iPhone: RIP Steve Jobs.. Jailbreak Avail for 5.0(Page 1)

ok I used the yellowsn0w unlock but it keep saying that the sim is locked, I called tmobile because I have 2 sim cards the other one is not with me yet it hasto be sent, but the one I do have they said it was terminated is this why it cant be unlocked
Originally Posted by eastpointoutlaw

ok I used the yellowsn0w unlock but it keep saying that the sim is locked, I called tmobile because I have 2 sim cards the other one is not with me yet it has to be sent, but the one I do have they said it was terminated is this why it cant be unlocked
Go to settings > network > and toggle OFF 3g.
Turn off your iPhone3g, then insert sim card, turn on.

Worked for someone elses 3g.
i have a problem

i used a theme in winterboard and now my scroll bar says"press to unlock" i was wondering how to i change it back to the original scroll bar withoutgetting rid of the theme???

please and thank you
Originally Posted by acekilla408

i have a problem

i used a theme in winterboard and now my scroll bar says"press to unlock" i was wondering how to i change it back to the original scroll bar without getting rid of the theme???

please and thank you
Edit > Undo ....

Just open up winterboard, and un-check that option or theme.
Originally Posted by RATxAxTAT

I got it through cydia.
It's called "Clippy Beta".
I'm guessing it's new because yeah, I started seeing feedback for it yesterday.
It should be under Sections > System, or you can search for it under "All Packages".
I tested it out using notes, and it worked perfectly for me.
It's added to the alternative keyboard(.?123).
Ok so i jailbroke and installed yellowsn0w on my iphone 3g

I dont have a Tmobile sim to test the phone with is it 100% guaranteed to work with TMo?

im askinh because i have 2 iphones and i dont need this one, i wanna sell it JBd and unlocked
Originally Posted by CLuTcH 713

Ok so i jailbroke and installed yellowsn0w on my iphone 3g

I dont have a Tmobile sim to test the phone with is it 100% guaranteed to work with TMo?

im askinh because i have 2 iphones and i dont need this one, i wanna sell it JBd and unlocked
id suggest getting a t-mobile sim to try it out, cause i when i unlocked my iphone and put it in my t-mobile sim, the t-mobile sign wasnt showing,so i took out my sim and put it back after restarting the phone and it showed up

i think its common, but id suggest you make sure before you sell it off just so your not screwing some buyer over
Thanks for the quick answer, i think my teacher has TMo

any idea how much i can get for a 3g 8gb unlocked-jailbroken?
Originally Posted by CLuTcH 713

Thanks for the quick answer, i think my teacher has TMo

any idea how much i can get for a 3g 8gb unlocked-jailbroken?
assuming its brand new, it can go up to 550

i saw a pretty decent condition go for 425 on craiglists

even brand new 8gb 3gs can go for like 450ish i believe
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[h2]Quick App: Multi-Photo Sends More than One Photo in a Single Email[/h2]

Posted on Wednesday, Jan 21, 2009 by Jeremy Sikora
File Under:App Store Apps, Quick Apps; Tags: app store,Apple, email, iPhone, Multi-Photo, Pictures

Here is yet another case of a 3rd party developer picking up the slack for Apple. Sorry, we are not here to tell you that you can now have true MMS like the Portuguese! But we are here to let you know that you can now send multiple photos in a single email with Aqua Eagles new app, Multi-Photo. [iTunes Link] Read more after the break!

This app is a no brainer for anyone looking to email multiple photos, and for the low price of $0.99 you can not go wrong. More importantly, Multi-Photo is simple to use. First you need to setup your mail account within the app. Unfortunately, it doesn't let you simply choose an existing account on your phone but it does automatically setup certain account types such as MobileMe. Enter in your username and password and you are good to go.

While sending photos, you have the option to select photos from your Camera Roll or Photo Library. Simply tap "Add Photo" on each photo you'd like to send, type in or select a recipient (You can use your address book) for your email, enter a subject line and any text you may want, and finally hit send. You've just sent multiple photos in a single email on a Apple iPhone!

*It is important to note, in the settings you have the option to compress the images or not. It is set to on by default.

[h2]Review: Tweetie Twitter Client for the iPhone[/h2]

Posted on Saturday, Jan 17, 2009 by Rene Ritchie
File Under:App Store Apps, Featured, News, Software Reviews; Tags: instapaper, tweetie, twitter

The iPhone and Twitter go together like peanut butter and chocolate. Okay, maybe not, but they're both darlings of the weberatti and enjoy popularity,prestige and - when it comes to the App Store - a growing plethora of choice combinations.

One such iPhone Twitter app enjoying attention lately is atebit's Tweetie, now on release 1.2.The nice thing for iPhone tweeters is that each Twitter client seems to focus on something different, giving us a good amount of diversity and choice. Tweetie,for example, excels at functionality. You can do a lot with it, perhaps more than any other Twitter client currently shipping. What kind offunctionality? Where do I start!

Not only can you create an account, you can create multiple accounts. Awesome for those who want to tweet under, say, a personal name, a blog name, a workname, and a club name, for example.

Once logged in you can see Tweets, which includes all the posts of those you follow, Replies, which includes @(username) posts flagged your way, messages,which includes direct (private) posts just to you, Favorites, which are any posts you've flagged with a star, and More, which includes additionaloptions.


In Tweet view you can scroll to the top if you tap the title bar, just like in Safari. From there you can hit the inline refresh button to get the latestupdated. If you get to the end and of the list want to see older tweets, you can tap on Load More.

To write a tweet, tap the new tweet button (looks like the new message button in Mail, but is top right in this interface).

Tap on a Tweet and you get a single-screen view of it along with an info button to see the user's profile, and if it was a reply, a button at the end ofthe tweet to follow it back up-stream. Handy feature that.

For quick actions, you can swipe from left to right over it to reveal Reply, User, and Star controls.
Simplest first: Star lets you toggle on or off favorite status for the tweet.

Reply will open a new Tweet composer with an @(username) at the ready, as well as buttons to attach a photo or share location. (If you're a new user,Tweetie like any other location-aware app will ask permission to use your location several times - and you can always revoke that permission later if you become concerned).If you choose to cancel, you also get the option to save a tweet-in-progress as a draft - very nice.

[h2]User Info[/h2]
The user screen gives you an amazing amount of options: you see the @(username), the number of followers, the profile description, and web URL, and canfollow or stop following right there. Beneath the general info are options to view Recent Tweets, to Search Twitter for that @(username)'s replies, to seewho they're Following and who their Followers are, to Send a Public Reply (@ reply), to Send a Direct Message, and to Block and Unblock a user.

The Reply tab is similar to the Tweet tab but constrains the list to those who have sent you @ replies.
Messages lets you see any tweets sent directly and privately to you, or conversely private messages you sent directly to others. Unfortunately andcounter-intuitively, you can't swipe on direct messages to reveal the same controls you get when you swipe on a tweet - please add this feature! Youcan hit the Reply button at top right, but there's no "d (username)" that typically signifies a direct message, and the lack of a visualcue makes me paranoid that I may be responding to someone else, or to the public. You can also tap on the message itself to reveal the single message view(along with the option to Mail Link to this Tweet), and the tiny info button top right to load the user profile.

Favorite view constrains the list to only your starred (favorite'd) tweets.

More gives you a metric ton of additional features, including your Profile, the ability to Go to a User, a list of other twitter users Nearby (based onlocation), popular keyword Trends on Twitter at the moment, and the ability to Search Twitter. Some of these are really nice to have, though both Profile andGo to User failed for me when I tried them.

Some of the finest - and foulest - Tweetie functionality is hidden away in the iPhone Settings panel. Exit Tweetie and hop over there to change the defaultTheme (bubbles is currently the only alternative), increase the font size, and toggle Display Name between full and screen names,

If you use Instapaper and want to save web pages for later viewing, you can toggle support on for that as well.

Advanced settings let you turn Multiple Accounts on and off, control Image Compression via a slider, toggle Landscape Keyboard (which is a full screenlandscape keyboard, but the app only remains in landscape when it brings up the keyboard. I'm not a big fan of the landscape keyboard in general, but forthose who like it, this alone is a killer feature.

Popularity Enhancer is either a stroke of comedic genius, or is just a really sad essay on the state of the App Store. Suffice it to say, if you loves yousome flashlight and fart sounds, turn this sucker on.

Lastly, you can set the amount of tweets that Tweetie loads at launch, either making it start faster, or with a greater amount of data.

Tweetie is simply the most functional Twitter client I've used to date. However, functionality does not always equal usability. Many software designerswill tell you what is left out is at least - if not more - important than what is put in. Tweetie doesn't fall victim to this completely, but all thatfunctionality does come at the expense of some usability and discoverability. Some users will inevitably prefer simpler, easier to use clients. Others willsimply enjoy the power Tweetie provides.

At $2.99, it's more expensive than the free Twitter clients but considerably cheaper than other, paid clients (which can reach $9.99). For my money, thefeature set alone makes it a must-have for serious iPhone Twitter users.

If they could make it a tad more consistent (i.e. swipe private messages the way you can tweets), and really give it WebApp class features (can I delete aTweet? I can do that on the web, couldn't find a way on Tweetie), it would be darn-near invaluable.
  • Supports Multiple Accounts
  • Incredible Feature Set
  • Can has fart sounds
  • User experience could be more consistent
  • Can has fart sounds

[h2]iPhone Dev-Teams Latest Jailbreak Project: redsn0w for iPod touch 2G[/h2]

Posted on Thursday, Jan 15, 2009 by Jeremy Sikora
5 Comments » FileUnder:News, Rumors; Tags: Apple, Dev Team, ipod touch, jailbreak, redsn0w

So if you are a Twitter user, and follow the Dev Team (@iphone_dev), you may have noticed an interesting early hour post. So it begins, all of the crazy rumors on what this new code word means. Rumors and speculation all set aside, our very own Rene, had a very good idea… iPod touch 2G Jailbreak perhaps?

It seemed like the iPod touch was being left behind ever since iPhone 3G was released. Most likely due to the Dev Team putting all of their effort into a iPhone 3G unlock. Which is very much appreciated and a good thing for all of you iPhone owners out there. For you iPod Touch owners out there, we've heard rumblings that redsn0w will drop on or around January 30. So sit tight for a few more weeks.

For more information about @redsn0w be sure to follow it via Twitter!

The cat and mouse game continues on!

[Thanks for the tips - Scott, jamesus, and Rene!]

[h2]Forum Review: Peeps CoverFlow Contact Viewer for the iPhone[/h2]

Posted on Tuesday, Jan 13, 2009 by Rene Ritchie
File Under:App Store Apps, Software Reviews; Tags: contact management, contacts, coverflow, forum review, peeps


Peeps by msbaylor. (Visit the thread for video and more pics. For more Forum Reviews, see the TiPb iPhone App Store Forum!

Peeps is a new and interesting way to view your contacts- by their pictures!

When you first open the application, all you contact are loaded into the app. For me it only took about 5 second to import all 150 or so contacts.

After that you'll see a screen that has about 9 of your contacts pictures and their names are listed below them. You can scroll up and down to see your contact via their pictures. If you tap on a picture you will be able to see your contact's info. Also within the multi-contact screen, you can create a new contact via the app by tapping on the "+" in the upper-right corner.

By tapping the "Peeps" button in the upper-left-hand corner you will be able to view your groups and to create them as well.

In the screen shot below I created "Mi Peeps." Since I don't have a whole lot of contacts with pictures, I began to create a list of contacts that do have pictures. I also accidentally added someone that didn't have a picture, If you need to remove a contact from a group, tap and hold on the contact's picture and you will have the option to delete the contact, remove contact from group or cancel.

In creating the group of your choice, you can either select contacts from your existing Address book or create a new one.

While viewing you contacts, if you turn you iPhone on it's side, then you can view you contacts in an "cover-flow" format as your would on you iPhone's Just like in the when you tap on the abum cover, you receive a playlist of that album, well in Peeps, when you tap the photo, you get all there contact information. This is a neat adaptation from the

I however, found that the screen turned back from the cover-flow with the slightest tilt out of "landscape" view.

[Editor's note: Since Apple has not made the CoverFlow API public, Peeps built a home-made version to emulate the functionality, which caused some confusion and delayed the release of the app]
I think this an interesting app especially if you have a lot of contacts with pictures, if you are like me and only 5% or so of your contacts have pictures, then this application is probably not for you. For people that do have a lot of contact pictures, I think this will be a "cool" way to casually flip trough your contact and show your friends, but, I don't think it will be of great use in the event you need to call one of your contacts, especially if you are in a hurry.

I'd really like to see adjustments made to the accelerometers in viewing contacts in "cover-flow." After writing this review once and then speaking with the Peeps support, I found out a little more about the app than before. So and information screen explaining how to display and edit contact would be a nice feature to have. At $1.99 I recommend this app for people with lots of photos in their address book. It also seems to be a nice way to update the photos of a contact a bit quicker than going through the contacts one-by-one in the Address book.
  • Cover-flow viewing of contacts
  • Easy and quick setup
  • Create your own groups.
  • Viewing in Cover-flow is fickle

[h2]Review: Apple In-Ear Headphones with Remote and Mic[/h2]

Posted on Tuesday, Jan 13, 2009 by Rene Ritchie
File Under:Accessories, Featured, Reviews; Tags: Apple, Earphones, in ear, Mic, remote, review


I've never found a good compact headset. The default Apple ear buds that ship with the iPhone (and every iPod) just don't stay in my (must be mutant) ears. Likewise every other earbud I've tried had fallen out in the matter of seconds. Even the ones with over-ear hooks flop to the sides with annoying consistency. And Apple's original in-ear headset? Didn't quite fit in my ears so I gave them to my sister.

So it was with great and possible anticipointment that I decided to brave this world again and hope beyond hope that not only would Apple's new In-Ear Headphones with Remote and Mic work well and be convenient, but that it would work at all.

Did it? Find out after the break!
[h2]Not iPhone Compatible[/h2]
No, that's not a typo. Apple clearly lists the new In-Ear Headphones with Remote and Mic as not iPhone compatible. However, I am using it with the iPhone and it does work, except for the volume controls (which double as the skip forward/back). Hopefully this will be addressed in the next iPhone OS update, as it's a pretty puzzling omission.
In the box are two plastic capsules. The first is a rounded triangle that contains the ear pieces in the center and the cord wrapped around the edge. With no indentation between the clear top and white plastic bottom, getting this capsule apart is tricky. If you intend to store your headphones in this handy container, the lack of an even more handy finger recess or other easy-opening point could prove consistently annoying.

The second capsule contains smaller and larger silicone ear tips in case the default ones don't fit you properly. While also seamless clear and white plastic, the cylindrical makes this container much easier to open - ironic since you will likely need to open it much less frequently, if ever again.

Lastly, kudos to Apple for providing 2 extra replacement mesh caps for the headphones. Hopefully you'll never need them, but if you do, having them included is priceless (well, technically, worth the price of a new headset!)


The headphones themselves are quintessential Apple - white, plastic, with that special firmness that resists tangling.

New to this model is a small control module attached. The center of the module has a recessed play/pause button. The outer outer sides provide the volume up and down buttons (which are NOT supported by the iPhone) and, if you double-click, track forward and back.


[h2]Daily Use[/h2]
Over the last week, I've found Apple's new In-Ear Headphones with Remote and Mic to be quite good, and an excellent value for the price (something many joke is impossible for Apple). Sound quality is very good, mic quality acceptable given the type of device, and best of all - they mostly stayed in my ears.

Not having used in-ear headphones before (because they never fit right for me), I did find the experience a little distracting at first. The sound of the cord being tapped, of eating, of everything going on in my head took me out of the experience. However, I've come to notice this less and less as time goes on.

I did find that, when walking around, I would typically take one earpiece out so I could hear and keep track of my surroundings. For people using them for outside, safety alone would make this a must.
[h2]Bonus for MacBook Users[/h2]
When Apple introduced these near earphones, they were quick to point out that they're fully supported by the new (late 2008) MacBook, MacBook Air, and MacBook Pro. In tests, I found them to work well for making Skype calls and recording audio. They supposedly allow iTunes control as well, but I could not get this functionality working on my late 2008 MacBook Air, however the internet seems to show many people having better luck with it (maybe my set has a problem with the volume control?). If they work for you, anyone owning a recent Apple laptop may consider these killer just for the multi-tasking functionality.
I finally found a compact headphones that I can use! Granted, there may be others towards the higher end, but for their price, especially with the added MacBook compatibility, these will become my new standard headphones. Now if only Apple would fix the iPhone compatibility…

Note: I haven't had a chance to try them with VoIP on an iPod touch, but I hope to in the near future.
  • Excellent sound quality for the price
  • Elegant remote control features
  • MacBook compatibility for some
  • Limited iPhone compatibility

Originally Posted by SUCKAFREE85

Originally Posted by acekilla408

Originally Posted by soulize dp

The first page is probably full of blank apps, and the page dots are invisible...I have it like that on mine but I don't have my page dots invisible

how do you get that 5 icon dock????

There's an application thats called "Five Icon Dock." Look for it in cydia and install it.

When you install it just drag an icon to the bottom and you'll have the 5 icons.

but how do you make it look reflective like yours.....alos i want the glass,blue ball, and the separator

please and thank you
Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

when i try to open quickpwn on my pc it keeps saying it failed to initialize properly. any help?
you need to be more specific with 2g or 3g.. iphone or itouch.. but make sure you download .net framework ( i think that is what it is called.)
will they be updating the itouch soon if not is it worth buying what are your guys thoughts on it(sorry ne to the thread ) thanks!
now i know the icons can be wider but I am too lazy and photoshop illiterate to do so.




^ That seems like a lot of work just to be able to copy and paste....
Originally Posted by retro23phan

now i know the icons can be wider but I am too lazy and photoshop illiterate to do so.


And what's the name of this theme?
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