Official iPhone: RIP Steve Jobs.. Jailbreak Avail for 5.0(Page 1)

Originally Posted by retro23phan

Originally Posted by JuMpOfF BuDdEnS 23

how did you get a picture in the backround of the sms?

ok for example you have a theme that you have chosen, find a picture you want as your sms background (it can not be in gif. or jpeg, or bmp or any other format besides PNG.)
label it SMSBackground <- so it should be SMSBackground.PNG
drag it and drop into your theme folder and respring.

durty pancakes - my theme is a modified version of iNav Public Beta 1.0

p.s. if you plan on installing its very time consuming and difficult to install but if you watch the video and is/are used to iphone editing it should be easy.
Hey Guys,
So I got a Jailbreak iPhone 3g.
It has a lot more apps, but here are the 3 that I would think that if ANYTHING would mess with the settings:
Bossprefs, supreme setting, and winterboard.

Heres my problem:
After using my phone, whether it be phone or messaging or anything you can do with it. It won't go into autolock...infact the screen won't even dim.Any suggestions?

Might I add, that it was working perfectly fine w/ everything installed. I must've accidently pressed something?
go to settings/general/auto-lock and set your time

if that doesnt work than remove bossprefs and supreme setting, unless it is a extreme necessity for you.

My boy found a 1G iPhone at work, he held on to it for a week, hoping whoever lost it would come back and they didn't..So hes gonna give it to me forlike..50..


I already have unlimited texting on my current phone and to be honest, I really don't care if I can't go on the internet wherever I am..I'mbasically a person that goes through 3000 texts per month and using a standard phone keyboard is annoying..I'm gonna be using the iPhone for mainlytexting..

Can I not pay for the data plan?
Originally Posted by Yoda


My boy found a 1G iPhone at work, he held on to it for a week, hoping whoever lost it would come back and they didn't..So hes gonna give it to me for like..50..


I already have unlimited texting on my current phone and to be honest, I really don't care if I can't go on the internet wherever I am..I'm basically a person that goes through 3000 texts per month and using a standard phone keyboard is annoying..I'm gonna be using the iPhone for mainly texting..

Can I not pay for the data plan?
yeah, i believe you need to unlock it though

i dont know if you care, but its rumored that 2g iPhones wont work with the new 3.0 update thats out in a few months
Theme is dope as ##%%!

FW 3.0 is said to have copy/paste function and other cool features to bring it up to Palm PRE level. I can't wait!
Originally Posted by durty pancakes

Thanks Retrophan, this is crack!



very nice man, love it. I was looking through that as well. This theme has potential to have so many so many modifications. Im glad you got it towork with ease.
Originally Posted by retro23phan

Originally Posted by durty pancakes

Thanks Retrophan, this is crack!



very nice man, love it. I was looking through that as well. This theme has potential to have so many so many modifications. Im glad you got it to work with ease.
i like this theme but everytimes i ssh it never comes out good
I just watch the video on how to install it and stuff, looks complicated but overall finish product looks satisfying. Any crashes or bugs you guys have notice?I think ill wait till the beta is complete.
Nope. No bugs or crashes or whatnot. If you do plan on installing this theme make sure to use iBlank to create your blanks instead of using the webclipsprovided. Its been noted that theres less memory usage if you use blanks instead of those webclips. Yes i know its a pain to create 60+ blanks but the resultsare worth it.
Im about to restore my iphone...
Start off a clean slate, ive really noticed it slow down since day 1...
At least now i know what apps work and what apps i will actually use
Lately video playback using Cycorder is choppy as hell, any way to fix this? I do have a lot of videos, so should I delete some, maybe that might clear up someram?

Also when I have no reception this stupid pop-up comes up tell me that I have no network and to "Dismiss or Settings", this has never happen before,so how do I fix this? It's getting really annoying.

Also, I just have to say Katra Weather HD lockscreen is AMAZING
Originally Posted by durty pancakes

Nope. No bugs or crashes or whatnot. If you do plan on installing this theme make sure to use iBlank to create your blanks instead of using the webclips provided. Its been noted that theres less memory usage if you use blanks instead of those webclips. Yes i know its a pain to create 60+ blanks but the results are worth it.
Theres a package in Cydia now that installs 83 blanks.

I have been messing with the theme, but I'm probably going to remove it. I dont like not having instant access to my apps.
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