Official iPhone: RIP Steve Jobs.. Jailbreak Avail for 5.0(Page 1)

Hey info needed....

3.0.1 came out? youve seen my phone and what ive done. is it worth the upgrade? whats the features if anything significant?
I just installed the update, I don't think I'll be jail-breaking it, I don't want to take a chance of messing it up. Do you guys know any batteryapps that will give me the estimated time left on my battery?
Originally Posted by im that one

Hey info needed....

3.0.1 came out? youve seen my phone and what ive done. is it worth the upgrade? whats the features if anything significant?
No difference at all, it just protects you from the SMS hacker bug they been talking about. But the redsnow jailbreak for the 3.0 still works forthe 3.0.1 FYI
I just updated my iPhone, and now after I download an app from the app store the application won't open properly.It will open for like about one second andclose again . Does anybody know how to fix this?
IM about to JB my 3G s for the first time i been on a NO JB rant since ihad my 1st Gen when it first dropped due to reception issues im gonna try out this for a few days since im getting bored with my phone.. Now lets say i want toun JB is there anyway to do it without a full restore.. and also do i lose my PUSH notifications because if i do its over for that
Can someone tell me what the word is as far as 'new' features for the next iphone?? Debating on whether to get the 3GS or not. Thanks in advance.
I'm considering getting the iphone 3g for $99, But I don't really want it as a phone just a player and a browser. Do you have to go threw all the bslike contract, connection etc...I have AT&T but ain't no way I'm paying 100 just to use a phone or making an extension on my contract.
Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

I'm considering getting the iphone 3g for $99, But I don't really want it as a phone just a player and a browser. Do you have to go threw all the bs like contract, connection etc...I have AT&T but ain't no way I'm paying 100 just to use a phone or making an extension on my contract.

Yes, you have to sign a contract and pay the $30/month for a data plan. You'd be much better off getting an ipod touch, although you'd only have webaccess where there's wi-fi.
Originally Posted by htownhooper31

Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

I'm considering getting the iphone 3g for $99, But I don't really want it as a phone just a player and a browser. Do you have to go threw all the bs like contract, connection etc...I have AT&T but ain't no way I'm paying 100 just to use a phone or making an extension on my contract.

Yes, you have to sign a contract and pay the $30/month for a data plan. You'd be much better off getting an ipod touch, although you'd only have web access where there's wi-fi.

Thanks,I like the phone but ain't no way I'm willing to pay for any coverage like data. I'm only using it for wi-fi and as media player, I'msurrounded by wi-fi at home and when i commute to school. . Don't really want the itouch unless the price drop to $99. Compare it 8gb iphone for $99 to a8gb itouch for $229.
Originally Posted by jonathan0389

For some reason i just installed lockinfo like the video said and its not showing?

Go into winterboard and make sure LockInfo Matte UI is above LockInfo
how do i put the icons I want on the stack feature? and i cant find the damn 5 springboard/dock it not working for me
my beejive is real laggy and i bought it from app store,anybody else ?

btw here is my theme its the HD Apple for winterboard running on a 2g iphone with 3.0 runs fine

the 3g icon is replacing the Edge thats also from winterboard

Originally Posted by Saba

my beejive is real laggy and i bought it from app store,anybody else ?

btw here is my theme its the HD Apple for winterboard running on a 2g iphone with 3.0 runs fine

the 3g icon is replacing the Edge thats also from winterboard


how did u get 3G connection with T mobile ?
Originally Posted by ggarvinXX3

Originally Posted by Saba

my beejive is real laggy and i bought it from app store,anybody else ?

btw here is my theme its the HD Apple for winterboard running on a 2g iphone with 3.0 runs fine

the 3g icon is replacing the Edge thats also from winterboard


how did u get 3G connection with T mobile ?
any good site to download mp4 movie files to upload on my iphone ? more specific i want The Prestige full movie
i have the cracked beejive but it wouldnt work
how did you guys make your cracked beejive work?
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