Official iPhone: RIP Steve Jobs.. Jailbreak Avail for 5.0(Page 1)

news drop

GPush should be live soon!
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[table][tr][td]Aug 08, 2009 - 1:51 PM - by Poseidon79[/td] [/tr][tr][td]

It's been over a month since GPush was submitted to the App Store and word has it that it should be available for download within 24 hours. It was actually live for a short time but had server issues and was taken down. The app will be priced at $0.99 for the first week and then up to $1.99 so grab it quick! The app is simple to use... open it up... type in your user name and password and start getting push notifications!

via [Tech Crunch][/td] [/tr][tr][td] 38 Replies | 2,587 Views[/td] [/tr][/table]
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[RUMOR] iTunes 9 to include Blu-ray support, better app organization
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[table][tr][td]Aug 08, 2009 - 12:43 PM - by dale1v[/td] [/tr][tr][td]

In Apple's notebook keynote on October 14th 2008 we heard Steve Jobs say: "Blu-ray is just a bag of hurt. It's great to watch the movies, but the licensing of the tech is so complex, we're waiting till things settle down and Blu-ray takes off in the marketplace."
Ten months down the road, BoyGenius have received word from an (obviously) anonymous source that Apple have gone with the flow and may finally integrate Blu-ray into the next version of their media player, iTunes 9.
Other apparently leaked features include:
  • Better visual organization for your installed iPhone/iPod applications
  • Twitter, Facebook, integration
As with all rumors, the timeframe in which iTunes 9 will be announced/released remains unconfirmed, but patience, we haven't got too... [Read More] [/td] [/tr][tr][td] 30 Replies | 1,117 Views[/td] [/tr][/table]
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Apple Tablet for 2010?
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[table][tr][td]Aug 07, 2009 - 4:28 PM - by cash7c3[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [table][tr][td]
[/td] [td]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 500x145.[/td] [/tr][/table]

Image: Piper Jaffray

More news in the Apple Tablet world. Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster is busy with more predictions about the future possibility of an Apple tablet to arrive in 2010. This time he comes around quoting an Asian supplier saying:

[table][tr][td]Last week we spoke with an Asian component supplier that has received orders from Apple for a touch-screen device to be fulfilled by late [calendar year] 09 . . . This data point underscores our thesis that a tablet will likely launch in early [2010].[/td] [/tr][/table]
What will this device be like? If Munster is anywhere near correct expect something as follows:
  • Be similar to an iPod touch, only larger, capable of running most of the 70,000 applications on the
... [Read More] [/td] [/tr][tr][td] 45 Replies | 3,623 Views[/td] [/tr][/table]
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Abuse Detection Technology?
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[table][tr][td]Aug 07, 2009 - 12:30 AM - by NeoNightmareX[/td] [/tr][tr][td] But it doesn't count if it's open handed, right? Wrong. In February of 2008 Apple filed for a patent that would be able to detect abusive acts on products such as Macbook Pros, iPhones, iPods, etc.

These abusive acts would be stored into memory and would be used by Apple employees to determine whether a warranty is voided or not. The
[table][tr][td]Consumer Abuse Detection System and Method[/td] [/tr][/table]
has already been implemented, to a degree, in the devices listed above but Apple plans to take it to a whole new level. [table][tr][td]
[/td] [td]Click this bar to view the full image.[/td] [/tr][/table]

In theory, this abuse detection system would be able to tell Apple if the device was exposed to moisture, extreme heat, dropped, or tampered with. Bad news for people trying to take advantage of the... [Read More] [/td] [/tr][tr][td] 61 Replies | 4,455 Views[/td] [/tr][/table]
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Company Publishes 943 iPhone Apps in 9 Months, Gets Banned from AppStore
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[table][tr][td]Aug 05, 2009 - 10:40 AM - by poetic_folly[/td] [/tr][tr][td]

So... I'm not sure whether to be more disappointed with Apple or the publisher on this one. Khalid Shaikh, founder of Perfect Acumen (now doesn't that website just bleed confidence-in-company and originality), until recently had over 900 apps in the AppStore. 943 to be exact. In under 9 months. That's a little under 4 apps a day.... for 250 days. His company is based out of Pakistan, and has 26 employees on a "strict schedule of 12 hours a day, 6 days a week." Sounds fresh and invigorating.

All the apps were $4.99.

Apple recently completely revoked his developer license and pulled all the apps out of the AppStore.

Now, mind you, Apple approved every one of these apps. Some took up to 6 weeks, but they all made through the review process. Most all of them were apps that simply pulled info from an RSS feed somewhere (not even his content) and displayed it. The apps were then called like "US Army News" or "WWE... [Read More][/td] [/tr][tr][td] 71 Replies | 7,029 Views[/td] [/tr][/table]
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Safari Download Manager [NEW IN CYDIA]
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[table][tr][td]Aug 04, 2009 - 11:53 PM - by poetic_folly[/td] [/tr][tr][td]

Say there's a file you want to download while you're on the go. And all you've got is your iPhone. Maybe it's a movie your friend uploaded, or you want to access an ftp:// url, or you need to grab an mp3 off some band's site. What are you gonna do?

Safari Download Manager, in Cydia now as a paid (just $2) package, is a nifty little tool to let you grab these files and more straight to ~/Library/Downloads on your iPhone. Users can configure which types of files you want downloaded using SDM (Safari Download Manager), although it comes pre-configured with most of the common sense file types. The extension allows you to download multiple files at once, and keep browsing while downloads are completing - you get a new tab at the bottom of with a badge showing you... [Read More][/td] [/tr][tr][td] 46 Replies | 4,076 Views[/td] [/tr][/table]
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Invoicing/Billing from the iPhone - FreshBooks and MiniBooks
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[table][tr][td]Aug 04, 2009 - 4:50 PM - by poetic_folly[/td] [/tr][tr][td]

I love FreshBooks. I really do. Mostly because... I hate invoicing. I really do. I have QuickBooks. I have Word. And I have Googled "word invoice template" more times than I care to ever have done such a thing. It's just... every time I send a client an invoice (I do consulting and web design as a sort of hobby/job), I don't like it. QuickBooks is clunky, Word is bloated, and nothing really worked well for me as an invoicing system.

Enter FreshBooks. I've been using FreshBooks a while now (over a year), and... its beautiful. It makes sense, its easy, and its online. Set up your clients, and when you want to invoice someone... just press New Invoice. And all the billing features are solid. You can email invoices directly to client, or snail mail (which FreshBooks will then handle). Clients can send checks back, or you have an option to allow them to pay... [Read More][/td] [/tr][/table]
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[table][tr][td]GeoHotz says R.I.P Purplesn0w and purplera1n[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[table][tr][td]Aug 04, 2009 - 12:08 PM - by sayam[/td] [/tr][tr][td] copy.png [table][tr][td]
[/td] [td]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 480x177.[/td] [/tr][/table]

GeoHotz announced yesterday that he will not be updating the Purplesn0w and purplera1n tools for OS 3.0.1. In fact, he won't be updating them at all. One reason - the DevTeam tools already work. He also mentions that the tools were merely a proof of concept, trying to show better and much more painless jailbreak methods exist than the DevTeam's, which he claims to be "complex"!

[table][tr][td]I code to make things simple, hacky, and fast. Dev codes to make things proper, slow, and complicated; redsn0w works OOTB. [...] Someone enterprising out there could probably fix it, it's just the kernel patches that are in the wrong place. Exploit and 99% of payload will work fine. But otherwise, purplera1n RIP.[/td] [/tr][/table]
GeoHotz says those willing... [Read More] [/td] [/tr][/table]
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i figured out how to change the sms balloons but anyone willing to help out with the keyboard?
yeah to apply the bubbles with winterboard:
make a folder inside of ur theme and name it "Folders"
inside of that make a folder and name it "ChatKit.framework"
and place ur bubbles there exactly how u had them named before.

then just respring


You have to go to the theme folder/Bundles/, copy the two Balloon-files and insert them to/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ChatKit.framework.
installous works fine on 3.0. i have it no problems at all just bejive isnt working though
alright so I copped my iPhone on July 29th, and I already have the Facebook, Twitter, and all necessary apps installed.

How do you get the NT app on display on your iPhone?
hello all,
im pretty new to the iphone thing. Basically i have t-mobile and I came up on a 2g Iphone. When i turn in on all i see is the itunes icon and a usb cord. Wheni connect it to my computer it just tells me i have to activate through ATT. My question is i know i can get it unlocked to work with t-mobile later, but isthere i way i can bypass the activation so that i can use it like a ipod touch?
damn, the lockscreen info vid is set on private now. anyone wanna let me in on what the sources were to get them. i only have the david ashman one.

and slaterSB , how'd you get that lock at the bottom? i can't seem to find a "tap to unlock" app that has it
Originally Posted by MarkyMark25

damn, the lockscreen info vid is set on private now. anyone wanna let me in on what the sources were to get them. i only have the david ashman one.

and slaterSB , how'd you get that lock at the bottom? i can't seem to find a "tap to unlock" app that has it

did you check the first page? i posted it there also... damn...

Originally Posted by That guy Max

hello all,
im pretty new to the iphone thing. Basically i have t-mobile and I came up on a 2g Iphone. When i turn in on all i see is the itunes icon and a usb cord. When i connect it to my computer it just tells me i have to activate through ATT. My question is i know i can get it unlocked to work with t-mobile later, but is there i way i can bypass the activation so that i can use it like a ipod touch?

Run redsn0w on it, follow these instructions and you will not have a problem.


Originally Posted by 23MichaelJordan45

Originally Posted by That guy Max

hello all,
im pretty new to the iphone thing. Basically i have t-mobile and I came up on a 2g Iphone. When i turn in on all i see is the itunes icon and a usb cord. When i connect it to my computer it just tells me i have to activate through ATT. My question is i know i can get it unlocked to work with t-mobile later, but is there i way i can bypass the activation so that i can use it like a ipod touch?

Run redsn0w on it, follow these instructions and you will not have a problem.


do you still have your iphone?
Originally Posted by just reason

Originally Posted by MarkyMark25

damn, the lockscreen info vid is set on private now. anyone wanna let me in on what the sources were to get them. i only have the david ashman one.

and slaterSB , how'd you get that lock at the bottom? i can't seem to find a "tap to unlock" app that has it

did you check the first page? i posted it there also... damn...


hahahaha..thanks yo
Originally Posted by 23MichaelJordan45

Originally Posted by That guy Max

hello all,
im pretty new to the iphone thing. Basically i have t-mobile and I came up on a 2g Iphone. When i turn in on all i see is the itunes icon and a usb cord. When i connect it to my computer it just tells me i have to activate through ATT. My question is i know i can get it unlocked to work with t-mobile later, but is there i way i can bypass the activation so that i can use it like a ipod touch?

Run redsn0w on it, follow these instructions and you will not have a problem.



Thanks for the links.

i have a question though.

for step two when it tells me to put connect my iphone it says the screen is suppose to look like this

but when i connect it, it only gives me the option to activate.
(this is what mine shows)

it doesn't give me the option to restore.
Originally Posted by just reason

Originally Posted by 23MichaelJordan45

Originally Posted by That guy Max

hello all,
im pretty new to the iphone thing. Basically i have t-mobile and I came up on a 2g Iphone. When i turn in on all i see is the itunes icon and a usb cord. When i connect it to my computer it just tells me i have to activate through ATT. My question is i know i can get it unlocked to work with t-mobile later, but is there i way i can bypass the activation so that i can use it like a ipod touch?
Run redsn0w on it, follow these instructions and you will not have a problem.
do you still have your iphone?

Nah, I do not, you need help with something? I'm still knowledgeable with the stuff though.
Originally Posted by That guy Max

Originally Posted by 23MichaelJordan45

Originally Posted by That guy Max

hello all,
im pretty new to the iphone thing. Basically i have t-mobile and I came up on a 2g Iphone. When i turn in on all i see is the itunes icon and a usb cord. When i connect it to my computer it just tells me i have to activate through ATT. My question is i know i can get it unlocked to work with t-mobile later, but is there i way i can bypass the activation so that i can use it like a ipod touch?

Run redsn0w on it, follow these instructions and you will not have a problem.



Thanks for the links.

i have a question though.

for step two when it tells me to put connect my iphone it says the screen is suppose to look like this

Okay, so I take it your iPhone is on the emergercy lock screen? Just run redsn0w and you'll be good.
Ok i just jailbroke my phone and put installous on it but I couldn't get iGo My Way Navigation so i downloaded it in a torrent from my computer. How do iput it into iTunes and get it on my phone? The file is like 12 different .rar files and i don't know what to do with them. If anybody could help me i wouldappreciate it. Thanks.
Originally Posted by MnMballa2323

Ok i just jailbroke my phone and put installous on it but I couldn't get iGo My Way Navigation so i downloaded it in a torrent from my computer. How do i put it into iTunes and get it on my phone? The file is like 12 different .rar files and i don't know what to do with them. If anybody could help me i would appreciate it. Thanks.
Where do I get this from? I only have Cydia.
^ Add the source into cydia and the hackulo section should be there..But i have a question about AppSync 3.0, ive installed it to sync mycracked apps with itunes but it will not work.

ALSO.. i was wondering if there was any theme where i could get the lockscreen to work like the G1, my dude said he saw it on someones phone and it sound likea pretty cool idea
Originally Posted by DatRealBalla12

^ Add the source into cydia and the hackulo section should be there..But i have a question about AppSync 3.0, ive installed it to sync my cracked apps with itunes but it will not work.

ALSO.. i was wondering if there was any theme where i could get the lockscreen to work like the G1, my dude said he saw it on someones phone and it sound like a pretty cool idea

That was my lockscreen when I had my iPhone

There's the link to it, you have to install it to Library > Themes, I think, haven't used SSH for about month and a half.
Originally Posted by MnMballa2323

Ok i just jailbroke my phone and put installous on it but I couldn't get iGo My Way Navigation so i downloaded it in a torrent from my computer. How do i put it into iTunes and get it on my phone? The file is like 12 different .rar files and i don't know what to do with them. If anybody could help me i would appreciate it. Thanks.
You probably just have to unrar the first of the 12 rar files and it should automatically unite them. You're going to need AppSync in Cydia to sync it to your phone from iTunes (provided you're jailbroken on 3.0). I just got the new GPS app from Navigon and it's prettyfantastic.
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