***Official Iron Man 2 Movie Thread*** Go Watch It!!!!

Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

Originally Posted by JayPesoz

from twitter:
when asked "Does Iron Man 2 takes place before or after Hulk movie?"

[h3]Jon Favreau: "Before." [/h3]
and if it wasn't obvious
Paramount will unleash a new Iron man 2 trailer during the Superbowl 2010.

So does this mean there will be a cross-storyline of Iron Man and the Hulk? Interesting how this movie will turn out. I cannot wait.

I'm pretty sure there will be or Tony Stark being at the end of the Hulk movie would of been pointless. 

Interesting tidbits about what the Mk V armor could be like here
that suitcase armor
I was wondering, Why doesn War Machine have the Missile Pod in the back as well? The one that holds like six small missiles
I hope the action justifies all the CGI because the final battle in the previous was not that amazing. The armors were simply outstanding. Robert Downey Jr IS Iron Man in my eyes. Its one of those lucky times where an actor and character seemed to be made for each other. Too bad Terrance Howard chose to walk away from this franchise since he seemed almost perfect for the role as well. Here's to hoping that the Black Widow gets a lingerie shot in there!!!
Thats actually an official international poster, I meant Scarletts butt looks PSed.
Not sure if this was already mentioned in the thread, but just like the first film, HT's got you covered on the merchandising.. and damn, their work never ceases to amaze me.




Originally Posted by bakedFresh707

where can one obtain that war machine up there??

It won't be out til' later this summer.  Can't wait to add that to the collection
  Not sold on Whiplash though...at least, not until he gets a final armor version or something

Imagine the role play they could have...
Green lantern/Deadpool and Black Widow.

I read that she is actually hiding the costume from him though because Reynolds loves comic books and he would go crazyif he sees he wearing it.

I would too.
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