***Official Iron Man 2 Movie Thread*** Go Watch It!!!!

good movie. been waiting to see this! overall i enjoyed it but it could have been better as pointed out before. is iron man 3 coming out?
^ Good looking on that vid Jay. I like how Favreau is aware how certain elements from the comic book won't transition that well into live-movies and must think of another approach to it.

Also, since Favreau is involve with the making of The Avengers, he will have somewhat of a direction with Iron Man 3.~
lol over hyped trash

never again seeing a movie on release day (overcrowded, uncomfortable) takes away from the movie...

second the movie wasn't that good...i found myself wanting it to end out of boredom.
Saw it last night in IMAX..corny scenes were not needed but they were better than the Spiderman corny scenes by far..

Overall..i thought it was a good movie..worth the price and time..wish the battle with Whiplash was longer

Scarlett and Pepper
It was aiight. I found it to be very dissapointing. There was very little action and the last battle was good but it was very short. when it ended, I was like "that's it?! It's over?!" it left me wanting more. It couldh've been way better. Oh yeah one more thing, That Scarlett chick was looking too good in this movie
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Did anyone peep the capt. America shield in the movie?
Movie was

I don't mess wiff' Iron Man movie series like that, but this was pretty cool

Iron Man cartoon's are way better!

But defitnely go see the movie NT.
Scarlett in the movie was freaking sick. She's hot and tough, what more can you ask? But the movie over all was cool, worth the money. The Captain America Shield was interesting to see and after the credits? Getting better and better.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by CruThik3

How was Sam Rockwell? One my favorite actors.
if he was Justin hammer, then he stole the show. 

The dude did his thing.  F what other people say, his lines were gold.

"I'm going to the expo and I might even get laid"

His dance and the awkwardness in his "ink" joke during the Expo

Most of his interactions with Ivan from the bird to complaining about the helmets on the drones

And dude must be an NT'er the way he was able to hype up the "ex-wife"
I wanna dump on the movie, but then I think of X3 and Spider-man 3...It was good. It started kinda flat, but it picked up a ton in the 3rd act.

Mickey did his thing. Both Sams killed it. Scarlett was bangin, but she didn't do too much. Maybe the script was too rushed. All the actors showed up every scene, even if the writing didn't. But when it did...
I'm still hyped for more to come.
Movie was basically what I expected. A basic thrill-fest with under-developed characters and a shotty plot.

Some impressions I had of the movie
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- Other than eye candy, Black Widow was completely useless.
- I may still be in the minority, but after seeing the first flick earlier this week, Howard was definitely a better Rhodey
- Whiplash and the drones were horrible villains. Iron Man has to have the worst rogue gallery out of the current crop of comic flicks
- Downey Jr. was excellent as Iron Man again, but Rockwell was on point in all his scenes as well
- Overall story was just ridiculous. Don't even get me started about the plot
- Mickey did a solid job, but even his skills couldn't break the shell of the awful writing of this character. Initially he actually came off as a sympathetic villain and somehow as the movie ran you began to care less and less about him
- Mjolnir at the end of the film was a nice touch, but I really wanted to actually see Thor (since a picture had already been released, shouldn't have been too much trouble)
- IMO, the original Iron Man trumps the sequel. Obviously an origin story will show greater character development, but I felt they really had a golden opportunity to advance the Tony Stark character in this film
I can't see why people are complaining about it not having enough action, the movie had waaay more action than the first movie...

Scarlett didn't do much?!? You constantly saw her on the screen, she beat up like 15 dudes, and she stripped inthe back seat of the Audi...

I don't like Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury, I've always saw that part being perfect for Michael Jae White...

Good movie overall, I will pick it up on DVD...
I really wish they hinted Mandarin in the movie as a probably IM3 villain.

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Rockwell will definitely be back, him threatening Potts has set up that he might be back as the IM3 villain, or maybe for the Avengers movie.
When Scarlet first showed up, i thought the screen froze. It was zoomed in her face for what seemed like 2 minutes.
at Hammer's dessert, reporter's spread & Favreau's fight scene.
Originally Posted by FriscoSoLE09

Scarlett in the movie was freaking sick. She's hot and tough, what more can you ask? But the movie over all was cool, worth the money. The Captain America Shield was interesting to see and after the credits? Getting better and better.

I didn't see Capt. America's shield.  What part was that at?

Overall it was a solid movie. I thought Cheadle played an "alright" Rhodey, but obviously you could tell it wasn't the same. The time of the movie didn't allow for a lot of development, especially in terms of the romance between Tony and Pepper, and Ivan's character development. The kiss at the end on the roof was REALLY ridiculous, I mean how many movies do we have the same scene? I'd say Jeff Bridges was still the best villain in this series.

P.S. Audi rocks.
Originally Posted by OneSole

Originally Posted by FriscoSoLE09

Scarlett in the movie was freaking sick. She's hot and tough, what more can you ask? But the movie over all was cool, worth the money. The Captain America Shield was interesting to see and after the credits? Getting better and better.

I didn't see Capt. America's shield.  What part was that at?

it was the part when Tony Stark was making the tube thingy and he needed something to hold it up. and then he reached into a box and pulled out the shield. it was kind of broken up so it was hard to notice, but the color was still on there and the star was on there as well.

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