[[[ Official John Mayer - Battle Studies Album Thread ]]]

got tickets for John Mayer Trio here at Copley Symphony Hall with Mayer Hawthorne opening....
Less than 2000 seat venue...possibly a couple new songs playedtoo
he is defiantly going more towards folk on this new album. very simple guitar and light melodies.hopefully he stays away from heavier things and room forsquares production. i like the songs i just have to listen to the acoustic versions or live versions.
i wish he would have kept going blues TRY! is such a great album.

im sure the single will grow on me but i think what really makes his songs is his guitar skills which he really doesnt showcase on the song.
Nov. 17th cannot come soon enough. I've been waiting for some new John Mayer for the longest time. Safe to say I have a mancrush on the guy

I'm only listening to Who Says, and that's it. I mean it. I said I was going to do that with Relapse (not listen to any leaked tracks, but I did). Iwant to be surprised with greatness that should come off Battle Studies.
Originally Posted by bkmac

Nov. 17th cannot come soon enough. I've been waiting for some new John Mayer for the longest time. Safe to say I have a mancrush on the guy

I'm only listening to Who Says, and that's it. I mean it. I said I was going to do that with Relapse (not listen to any leaked tracks, but I did). I want to be surprised with greatness that should come off Battle Studies.

but you can be surprised when it leaks too...it's just earlier
Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Originally Posted by bkmac

Nov. 17th cannot come soon enough. I've been waiting for some new John Mayer for the longest time. Safe to say I have a mancrush on the guy

I'm only listening to Who Says, and that's it. I mean it. I said I was going to do that with Relapse (not listen to any leaked tracks, but I did). I want to be surprised with greatness that should come off Battle Studies.

but you can be surprised when it leaks too...it's just earlier
This is true
, I'll see though.
I always thought dudes music was wack. I finally stopped to listen and I can say I am a fan. I've been sleepin. Forgive me NT
I'm not listening to any tracks. In all honesty, I think Continuum is the greatest album of the past decade. Battle Studies obviouslywon't be Continuum, seeing as he chose a whole new direction but I still want that initial shock and time to feel the flow of the album in its entirety.

P.S. I'm curious if anyone else has a John Mayer fitted. I got 3 and counting

Originally Posted by viiheaven

Battle Studies obviously won't be Continuum, seeing as he chose a whole new direction but I still want that initial shock and time to feel the flow of the album in its entirety.
Yea I check his battle studies blog and was saying he wanted to keep it in a different direction from his older albums and mentions howuntouchable Contiuum was

Who Say's has been getting nonstop plays in the past week
based off

who says
war of my life
half of my heart
friends lovers or nothing at all
heartbreak warfare
perfectly lonely
taking on water
heart so heavy

it should be a great album....its not continuum but its almost now my everyday youtube quick playlist...

Listening to Continuum and other live songs now...Man I cannot wait for this new LP...I will definitely purchase.
i was just in that tinychat. lol when he bounced the numbers went down hella quick.
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