Official: Jordan Retro IV Oreo Thread 2/21/2015 (UPDATES ON PG 1)

struck out on all europe stores..this hasnt happened before. maybe numbers are just limited in europe..
cant check out on jd to ship internationally for some reason. keeps taking me back to the same ship page.
damn I've been doing that ever since
Should be an easy cop. Finishline will be the easiest if you can get past the payment system. Seems they flag certain accts. Its not a billing/shipping issue. If you get the dreaded payment processed but no email issue with them just give up on that card/acct and make a new one. That's how I've bypassed it on FNL Also, they count infant and adult Jordans as 2 pairson a 1 pair limit if they are in the same cart. That will cause the immediate cancellation/authorization issue too.
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