Originally Posted by seanj4523

Hopefully ill be able to cop on release date if I cant find them early but hopefully my fellow jordanheads will keep a look out on a size 14 for me but if not thats okay ill still be stacking up my jays

anyone else catch this?
whats a good spray to get to keep the suede dark , because i dont get them sprays, but i think i might need it for these
There's nothing you can spray to make these darker.

These are junk.

Suede? I feel that JB didn't even make these suede to seperate these from the previous model, I feel that this is the cheapest route for JB to cash in.

Enjoy these people. I have 2 pairs of the real deal..
I would try this kiwi spray my friend used it heck if it worked for this guys face it should work well for you Retro 6s lol

^^^ big ups to you getting the jays today gottabdashoes that last size 11 now you gont have to camp out or worry about getting jacked on release date
the material looks cheap but oh well atleast we know where the inspiration came from."products inspired by the greatest player to ever play thegame"Im still going to cop no matter what

Originally Posted by seanj4523

^^^ big ups to you getting the jays today gottabdashoes that last size 11 now you gont have to camp out or worry about getting jacked on release date

Word, I'm prob still going to show up in the morning at the mall. Prob not as early as some of the other cats but, I'll be there to see if I can getanything else. I tend to see the same faces there so I doubt anyone will try to make a move on me. Plus I'm not an easy target. If you still need a 14 onrelease day, let me know.
everybody specuhatin just shut it.... feel them, try them on, wear them and then judge them. Otherwise just SHUT UP and keep your opinions to yourself alwaystryin to hate on something other people like.... Is it too much for you to just stop hating that some people like things you don't... P.S. I already gotthese and the quality is pretty good so for all the people sayin "oh i'm pretty sure the quality is going to be crap," just shut it untill yousee them. Then you can talk....
hopefully that wasnt intended towards me not bad mouthing these kicks im going to cop but do agree the material is cheap but thats my opinion guees niktalk isturning into shutyourtalk
^^^ I think cats are just expecting to see what they have been seeing for the past few years, which is sketchy quality retro products from Jordan Brand. Untilwe see a big improvement, im sure everyone will continue to question the quality.
im with you 9thwonder23kid its just people work to hard for their money for bs but im out the shoe game and have been for years just came back but people willcomplain about quality but nothing will ever change with jordan brand because people will by a piece of s8*&^^ if jordan brand put a nice box around itwith shoe trees until people stop buying jordand brand will never go back to the old times. Im going to get the 6s noo matter what the quality is but I justbelieve that all niketalkers should have the opportunity to voice their own opinions without people getting on the thread blasting people who are and sayingthey are hating. I also feel that some people on here forgot that we are supposed to be helping one another come across deals and kicks whenever they sell outor if they are hard to get. I said this time and time again if anyone needs help finding anything I have connects, but my size 14 is hard to come buy butmostly all the smaller sizes i can get on new releases because I have people that know people. If anyone needs help, just pm me and I will gladly help outanyway that I can. Im not on here to make enemies even though I have already, Im on here to help people and be helped because like it or not, I will need eachand everyone of you at some point because its cold out here in the H-town
Originally Posted by solesearchin

everybody specuhatin just shut it.... feel them, try them on, wear them and then judge them. Otherwise just SHUT UP and keep your opinions to yourself always tryin to hate on something other people like.... Is it too much for you to just stop hating that some people like things you don't... P.S. I already got these and the quality is pretty good so for all the people sayin "oh i'm pretty sure the quality is going to be crap," just shut it untill you see them. Then you can talk....

abernja wrote:
I don't see what the big deal is about these. The pairs my store got in look just fine.

Thats one thing I miss about working in a shoe store. I got to go through bad apples and keep the good ones for myself.

If my homie comes through again for me Ill be making sure my pairs are fresh.
i have no problem with these at all. alot of guys talkin like these are crap because they have 00 6's. while the guys with the 2000 6's are keepintheirs on ice worried about paint cracks and yellowing soles, i will be rockin the hell out of my 2010 6's. everyone who dislikes these, please sleep sothere will be more to go around for the dudes that are coppin.
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