Official: Lakers @ Blazers 3/9 7PM PST Game On KCAL 9

Originally Posted by 531

I hope Portland drops to the 8th seed so we can sweep yall in the playoffs.
I don't expect Phil to prepare the team well enough for tomorrow either.

Lakers can't win if Odom doesn't show up

If I was Phil I would start Morrison over Walton. He can not be in worse physical shape than Walton and I don't think he can do worse playing.
Dude had 0 rebounds and starts at forward. If he is not gonna spread the floor or score he should at least rebounds.
Originally Posted by Sole MAX

All of you Portland fans are hilarious with the sweeping in the playoffs and that nonsense. Wait til we get Bynum back. Don't respond with "wait til Oden gets back".

Maybe I missed it, but I havent seen ONE Portland fan say we're gonna sweep you in the playoffs.
Originally Posted by Sole MAX

All of you Portland fans are hilarious with the sweeping in the playoffs and that nonsense. Wait til we get Bynum back. Don't respond with "wait til Oden gets back".

Find me one Portland fan who has said that.

I think some of you Lakers fans are just making #%%# up at this point.
Originally Posted by mosk33toe

What I learned from today's game....

1) Portland Trailblazer announcers make Warrior announcers look like the gold standard!
2)It don't really matter I can't get how bad these announcers are,
GSW announcers arent even that bad anymore. In order: Boston, Portland, Denver.
its one thing for fans like us to say crazy and outlandish things or taunt the opponents but when it comes from commentators who are supposed to maintain somelevel of professionalism thats really sad and these commentators are a shame to their profession.
at these announcers...

seriously? getting at fans?

damn you blazers!!! we got pwned....
I wasn't able to tune in to the first half but from what I could tell their defensive/offensive execution was off. I was more interested in how this teamwould react in the 3rd and 4th quarters... if they would win it would be great but if not (most likely) - I wanted to see how this team would go out.

Without Fish, Pau, and Lamar playing most of this half I wanted to see how Sasha, Farmar, Ariza, and Powell fared on the road under these situations. We madea small run here and there but it just didn't pan out tonight. For what offensive cohesiveness we had which lacked twice as much defensivewise. Hope werebound during the next two.

As far as Ariza - dude didn't mean to hurt Hernandez... he was trying to make the play. I don't care if you play for "my team" if you'rea dirty player - I'll admit it. Ariza is not that. BRoy needs to rewatch that film and see that Ariza made a play on the ball and his dude had a hardfall. Go fight the floor and gravity.
Originally Posted by Chester McFloppy

Originally Posted by Sole MAX

All of you Portland fans are hilarious with the sweeping in the playoffs and that nonsense. Wait til we get Bynum back. Don't respond with "wait til Oden gets back".

Find me one Portland fan who has said that.

I think some of you Lakers fans are just making #%%# up at this point.
seriously man

u just gotta ignore quite a few of the laker fans here. stick with interacting with the ones that don't pull @**% out of their *#$.
Yada yada yada...."Wait til Drew comes back" talk is pretty mute until he actually does because we don't know how he's gonna recover from theknee injury and if he'll even be a factor when he does come back. In the meantime what's more pressing to me is why our bench (Sasha and Farmarspecifically) have played like such trash this year. At least provide with some energy or something. They have been a non-factor for a while. Anyway, nothingto panic over, just a horribly played game. If we beat Houston and San Antonio, I doubt anyone will care about this game at all.
I ain't mad at Ariza, either... he was going for the ball, bumped Rudy on the noggin, and Rudy hit the ground like a rock. I just hope Rudy is good togo... we need that wiry little Spaniard off the bench.
Overall you got to look at this as just another game. It sucks we got blown out, but we can't sulk about it. Lakers have a chance to revenge this losslater in the year against Portland at home. I hope Lakers blow them out and the Portland Announcers are broadcasting just to hear what they would say.
Blazer fans have every right to talk crap after a whopping like this.

I wouldn't want to see this team in the playoffs. Not because of this game because they are a wild card team. Some nights they look great some nights theylook like the young team they are.

As a Laker fan all I can do is delete this game out of my memory bank.....

We better hope we tie with the cavs...

But we have another L coming up. We do have to go back to portland april 10th.
What is it about Portland
Hope Rudy is okay

Lets hope they recover and play well in this texas two step

Kobe special on kcal now
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