Official: Lakers @ Blazers 3/9 7PM PST Game On KCAL 9

no perimeter defense tonight

its a long season, games like this happen.......i mean there are 82 games for christ sake

overall, we are a better team than portland and everyone else in the league and prove it in the playoffs
that was not a flagrant 2 on ariza and i believe that the league will change it
it was rudy's fault for jumping off of 1 leg knowing that he is going to get fouled but i hope he's okay
i really want the blazers in the playoffs now so that we can sweep them, and i will be waiting for our next game in portland
by that time, bynum might be back and even if he isnt back by then, the lakers will destroy them
Originally Posted by PRETTYPLAYA

You only seem to come out when the Lakers lose or if Kobe Bryant has a subpar(in your eyes) performance.

Thats three bad losses in a row for the Lakers. They need to expect that the home team and crowd is gonna be super-amped cuz its the Lakers in town and raisetheir level of play.
. Lakers got bullied by the baby blazers in every which wayimaginable. You can tell that the Blazers have no fear and zero respect for those clowns who don the purple and gold. They folded like lawn chairs when thingsgot " rough" int he first quarter. Nate should've of played the starters till the final buzzer sounded,. it's not like the soft @%$ lakerswere gonna do anything anyway, they will just sit there with a sad look on their faces like they did in Game 6. Soft teams will never win a title. A team withLame Odom and Gasoft will never win a title...........NEVER. And so it begins................ The annual lakers March Meltdown, next gamethey play Houston, then the Spurs, then the Mavericks, can you say 4 losses in a row?
I can see it. Gonna be hella funny to see the Lakers sweep the Cavs and Celticsthis season and still not having home court advantage if they somehow make it out the west.
--Good ol'fashion butt whoopin. Wow. Blazers balled us up tonight.
--If the Blazers had homecourt over us in a 7 game series...we would be going fishing. Rose Garden FTL...
Originally Posted by 3PLEDOUBLE

. Lakers got bullied by the baby blazers in every which way imaginable. You can tell that the Blazers have no fear and zero respect for those clowns who don the purple and gold. They folded like lawn chairs when things got " rough" int he first quarter. Nate should've of played the starters till the final buzzer sounded,. it's not like the soft @%$ lakers were gonna do anything anyway, they will just sit there with a sad look on their faces like they did in Game 6. Soft teams will never win a title. A team with Lame Odom and Gasoft will never win a title...........NEVER. And so it begins................ The annual lakers March Meltdown, next game they play Houston, then the Spurs, then the Mavericks, can you say 4 losses in a row?
I can see it. Gonna be hella funny to see the Lakers sweep the Cavs and Celtics this season and still not having home court advantage if they somehow make it out the west.

we beat the jailblazer twice already this season, so they were super hyped to FINALLY beat us this season. No matter what you say, Blazers ain't winningthe title, or getting out of the first round. Too yound and too perimeter oriented.
The Lakers are built for the playoffs and when it comes to the elite teams like Boston and Cleveland, they are 4-0 and have proven they can beat those teams.
Enjoy your meaningless regular season home victory, that must be all you guys in Portland play for.
Just got back from the game! By far the best blazers game i ever been to
(This is my 1st year in portland)
if rudy jumps off with 2 feet, none of this happens
did he expect to get a wide open dunk? he should've been smart and realized that he would have gotten fouled, so why jump off of 1 foot trying to impressthe crowd with a player right behind you?
that was not a flagrant 2
Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

Originally Posted by 3PLEDOUBLE

. Lakers got bullied by the baby blazers in every which way imaginable. You can tell that the Blazers have no fear and zero respect for those clowns who don the purple and gold. They folded like lawn chairs when things got " rough" int he first quarter. Nate should've of played the starters till the final buzzer sounded,. it's not like the soft @%$ lakers were gonna do anything anyway, they will just sit there with a sad look on their faces like they did in Game 6. Soft teams will never win a title. A team with Lame Odom and Gasoft will never win a title...........NEVER. And so it begins................ The annual lakers March Meltdown, next game they play Houston, then the Spurs, then the Mavericks, can you say 4 losses in a row?
I can see it. Gonna be hella funny to see the Lakers sweep the Cavs and Celtics this season and still not having home court advantage if they somehow make it out the west.

we beat the jailblazer twice already this season, so they were super hyped to FINALLY beat us this season. No matter what you say, Blazers ain't winning the title, or getting out of the first round. Too yound and too perimeter oriented.
The Lakers are built for the playoffs and when it comes to the elite teams like Boston and Cleveland, they are 4-0 and have proven they can beat those teams.
Enjoy your meaningless regular season home victory, that must be all you guys in Portland play for.
You guys beat the Cavs and Celtics in aregular season game and that means you have proven you can beat them? And when Portland woops you guys, it's a'meaningless' regular season victory? riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Too perimeter oriented is Kobe when he played the Celtics in the Finals
and when his team is down 25 to Portland and he's just launchingthree after three with a hand in his face. Typical Kobe.
The refs need to stop jumping the gun and giving guys Flagrant 2's.

Ariza shouldn't have been ejected.
Originally Posted by enrique23

if rudy jumps off with 2 feet, none of this happens
did he expect to get a wide open dunk? he should've been smart and realized that he would have gotten fouled, so why jump off of 1 foot trying to impress the crowd with a player right behind you?
that was not a flagrant 2
also, afterwards why did it seem like the blazers players were walking up to laker players and trying to act hard by just barking at them. if youwatch the replay you can see outlaw go up to powell, for no reason and bump chests with him and start talking. seriously, if you are gonna go up to someonelike that, hit him or dont go up at all. it was so dumb. and its ONE game, seriously, this was the highlight of the blazers young lives... for the lakeshow,it was just another game against a team they dont have to sweat. (brushes Ariza's shoulder off from hundreds of miles away.)

ps, im in seattle right now till the end of march, and for you northwesterers, you guys are the most ODD, eccentric, strangest people i have ever met... i needto get back to socal and get some damn sunshine before i start looking like you guys. just picture a bunch of Robert Swift looking people everywhere. and btwUwashington has like no hot girls anywhere, every girl looks like a mountain girl from the woods... no make up, same northface jackets and coke can figures...i need to get back to LA. ps BLAZERS SUCK.
Originally Posted by 3PLEDOUBLE

. Lakers got bullied by the baby blazers in every which way imaginable. You can tell that the Blazers have no fear and zero respect for those clowns who don the purple and gold. They folded like lawn chairs when things got " rough" int he first quarter. Nate should've of played the starters till the final buzzer sounded,. it's not like the soft @%$ lakers were gonna do anything anyway, they will just sit there with a sad look on their faces like they did in Game 6. Soft teams will never win a title. A team with Lame Odom and Gasoft will never win a title...........NEVER. And so it begins................ The annual lakers March Meltdown, next game they play Houston, then the Spurs, then the Mavericks, can you say 4 losses in a row?
I can see it. Gonna be hella funny to see the Lakers sweep the Cavs and Celtics this season and still not having home court advantage if they somehow make it out the west.

Is that the season high for most trolling in game post by 3PLEDOUBLE? And whats with all his posts talking about "soft" when the guy is trolling ona message board using rolling smilley faces...aint exactly hard hitting. And again whats with him laying low for a month (last posting on Feb 20) and thenshowing up throwing out the same "soft" stuff and trying to regain his E-fame as a troll (which makes him even softer)?
Originally Posted by enrique23

if rudy jumps off with 2 feet, none of this happens
did he expect to get a wide open dunk? he should've been smart and realized that he would have gotten fouled, so why jump off of 1 foot trying to impress the crowd with a player right behind you?
that was not a flagrant 2

exactly. dude thinks he still doing the slam dunks. anyways hope he getting better. portland played the +#$+ out of them, like there is no tomorrow. give themcredits, we played like +#$+, deserved to lose. moving forward to next game, let's go lakerssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Originally Posted by enrique23

if rudy jumps off with 2 feet, none of this happens
did he expect to get a wide open dunk? he should've been smart and realized that he would have gotten fouled, so why jump off of 1 foot trying to impress the crowd with a player right behind you?
that was not a flagrant 2

Enrique, I know you're not very familiar with the game of basketball, but why on earth would anybody expect to get fouled on a fastbreak during a blowout?Also, you do realize had rudy jumped off two feet he probably wouldn't have even gotten a shot off because of how close ariza was behind him. It's notlike he was going up for a sports center top 10 dunk, ariza was just going for the highlight block; if you want to make that arguement. Edit: guy above me, whythe hell would you not go for a dunk, if you were 6'6 and athletic a dunk would be a much higher percentage shot than a lay up that could be easily blockedby a high flyer like ariza. I have no idea why you guys are blaming rudy, heck I don't think anybody is even blaming rudy. I don't even like fernandezand I'm defending him haha
Originally Posted by enrique23

that was not a flagrant 2 on ariza and i believe that the league will change it
it was rudy's fault for jumping off of 1 leg knowing that he is going to get fouled but i hope he's okay
i really want the blazers in the playoffs now so that we can sweep them, and i will be waiting for our next game in portland
by that time, bynum might be back and even if he isnt back by then, the lakers will destroy them
as far as the game i did not see it and just saw the highlights from the news, anyway i think ariza mad a play for the ball and that wouldprobably be reversed to a flagrant 1, regarding odom, he clearly left the bench area from the replay and should be suspended because its the rule just likewhen the league suspended amare during the playoffs. regarding you saying it was rudy's fault, i jsut had to at that statement. basketball is a contactsport and freak accidents happen whether the intention is to hurt someone or not, good think you wished rudy was okay other wise i would have gone on and onabout you saying it was his fault. it was nobody's fault imo, just part of the game just like injury's, accidents and such. on that note, i also hopethat rudy is ok.
Originally Posted by tmoney85

Originally Posted by enrique23

if rudy jumps off with 2 feet, none of this happens
did he expect to get a wide open dunk? he should've been smart and realized that he would have gotten fouled, so why jump off of 1 foot trying to impress the crowd with a player right behind you?
that was not a flagrant 2
also, afterwards why did it seem like the blazers players were walking up to laker players and trying to act hard by just barking at them. if you watch the replay you can see outlaw go up to powell, for no reason and bump chests with him and start talking. seriously, if you are gonna go up to someone like that, hit him or dont go up at all. it was so dumb. and its ONE game, seriously, this was the highlight of the blazers young lives... for the lakeshow, it was just another game against a team they dont have to sweat. (brushes Ariza's shoulder off from hundreds of miles away.)

ps, im in seattle right now till the end of march, and for you northwesterers, you guys are the most ODD, eccentric, strangest people i have ever met... i need to get back to socal and get some damn sunshine before i start looking like you guys. just picture a bunch of Robert Swift looking people everywhere. and btw Uwashington has like no hot girls anywhere, every girl looks like a mountain girl from the woods... no make up, same northface jackets and coke can figures... i need to get back to LA. ps BLAZERS SUCK.

salty? and generalizing everybody from the northwest too, smh,
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