Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

My man Haze making all these Lakers fans salty, just don't do us Cavs fans like this please. Why yall ain't jumping on Haze like yall do me.
cause haze's posts were *$*@!@* weak
Originally Posted by wttm

this should be 2-0 Denver easily.
billups had an off game in game 1 even tho he hit 2 big 3s.....he uncharacteristically missed 3 free throw.....that was huge. the AC inbound play shouldn't have happened but credit goes to Ariza for making such a play.
JR Swish havent blow up yet, hopefully that will change in Denver

The thing is, this could be 2-0 Laker easily as well. Lakers make their free throws in the 4th and its a wrap too? Too many hypotheticals.
Originally Posted by goukiteg

This game is upsetting. You can't blame the refs on this one even if they blew the jumpball situation. It should not of come down to ONE play.

-Missed free throws (5-14 in the 4th)
-Inability to stay in front of Billups on pick and rolls
-Gasol needs to stop playing like he's scared of the basketball. Our front line needs to grow a pair.
-Ariza is my dude, but sometime dude thinks he's Kobe out there

Kobe is going to be burnt out before the series is over. He's exerting a lot of energy guarding multiple players. Its critical that they involve their front line early on.

A heavy diet of pick and rolls with Pau & Kobe. Have Bynum flash middle so he can just catch and do a quick hook shot. He's still too robotic out there. You can clearly see he's picked a move before he even makes it and not making adjustments based on what the defense gives you.
I agree with most of everything you said but I disagree with the refs. In the fourth they just killed any momentum that the Lakers could possiblymuster. its hard to take the lead and take control of the game when you make a stop or play solid defense only to have the whistle blown. The problem is thatthe Lakers don't have the "reputation" of a tough defensive team and when they try and play that style defense, they get called for it as opposedto the Nuggets and Rockets, the series before, who are allowed more rope to play physical.
The problem was that %@*+ Bavetta and Mark Davis were in the conference finals. Only Steve Javie, Scott Foster, Joey Crawford (even though he's a jerk)Derrick Stafford, Greg Williard and Mark Wunderlich should be allowed to ref in the conference finals. Then in the finals make sure that both Javie andCrawford are involved in those games.
well that sucked to say the least. i just got back from the game.

carmelo and billups did their thing for denver and kenyon martin gave them an early spark. the final two minutes of the 2nd quarter is what sparked denver tothis win. that final two minutes got denver back in the game and in a position to have a chance to win.

the crowd in the section i was in was loud and rowdy though and everyone was on their feet all 48 minutes.

its easier said then done but the plan is to split in denver if not take both games. the lakers need to at least leave denver with 1 win though.

from what i saw after the game, it seemed like everyone got into panic mode but imo theres no need to worry. sometimes people act like the lakers are supposedto be perfect and not lose a game.

i coulda swore in 1988 when they won the championship they struggled in their last 3 series, in 2000 everyone was in panic mode when portland blew them out atstaples in game 2 of the wcf, in 2002 when sacramento went up 2-1 in the wcf everyone started to panic as well. every good team faces some adversity andstruggles but they respond right and correctly.

it's going to be a long wait until saturday but i'm excited and this series has officaly now became a best out of 5 series with denver having the homecourt advantage.

props to denver for hanging in there and getting the win.

saturday will be fun.
Originally Posted by LVJordan238

Originally Posted by TraSoul82

Originally Posted by LVJordan238

You're all so quick to forget the Nuggets weren't %$%@ before they got Billups. Where was Melo at then?
Actually, the Nuggets weren't %*%! when they had Billups, they became a playoff team once they got Melo, and they came full circle once they got a much more polished and experienced Billups back.
Please, what had they done in the Playoffs before Billups? Sure Melo was a great scorer, but since they got Billups Melo and EVERYONE else on the team has become a better all around player.
You're missing my point. Melo has been carrying the Nuggets. You're so quick to forget that the Nuggets were a lottery team year in andyear out before Melo arrived. Melo turned a lottery team into a playoff squad and Chauncey turned a playoff squad into a contender.
Billups made every single player on the Nuggets better. Hell, he made George Karl a better coach. He did the same with the Pistons. Look at the Pistons afterhe left. He understands the game in and out.
No offense, but it doesn't mean much to just get into the playoffs if you don't make any noise. Almost better to just miss and take the lottery pick,than get swept. And I haven't been trying to rag on Melo. I've just been saying Chauncey doesn't get enough credit for the success of the Nuggets.
Originally Posted by Sriracha Hot Sauce

Billups made every single player on the Nuggets better. Hell, he made George Karl a better coach. He did the same with the Pistons. Look at the Pistons after he left. He understands the game in and out.
I wonder how AI feels about the whole situation now that the Nuggets are competitive in the WCF.
Originally Posted by goukiteg

Originally Posted by Sriracha Hot Sauce

Billups made every single player on the Nuggets better. Hell, he made George Karl a better coach. He did the same with the Pistons. Look at the Pistons after he left. He understands the game in and out.
I wonder how AI feels about the whole situation now that the Nuggets are competitive in the WCF.

he don't care, he's in some detroit casino right now gambling and *****ing about practice.
The reason why this thread isnt 100+ is cause of the "Lakers Fans are the worst" post. Right after the game I hit my post limit
and I'm sureother laker haters did to
Originally Posted by Sriracha Hot Sauce

Hell, he made George Karl a better coach.
Nah George still sucks...Billups is making him look good though

he don't care, he's in some detroit casino right now gambling and *****ing about practice.

that wasn't all A.I.'s fault the situation didn't work out...

wait till next year
A.I will be back
Originally Posted by Executive76

Originally Posted by Sriracha Hot Sauce

Hell, he made George Karl a better coach.
Nah George still sucks...Billups is making him look good though

he don't care, he's in some detroit casino right now gambling and *****ing about practice.

that wasn't all A.I.'s fault the situation didn't work out...

wait till next year
A.I will be back

The thing is, no situation seems to every workout for AI.
Originally Posted by solefob

I still believe that the lakers are taking this in 6. One of the best attributes of Phil as a coach in the playoffs is his game to game adjustments. from
the 91 finals till now he's gone up against teams that presented tough matchups for his teams and he's been able to adjust enough so those matchups
don't lead to defeat.

I used to believe that was true during the Jordan & Shaq golden years. But his trackrecord in his last 2 finals have been [barkley] TURRIBLE [/barkley]

Ran through in 5 by Detroit in 2004 when the Lakers were heavily favored.

Ran through in 6 by Boston last year in which Doc clearly outcoached him.

What has he done when he didn't have the 2 most dominant players of the last 20 years on his team? Seems like a lot of his coaching moves since the lastLaker title haven't worked out for him so much. Before that, he was like King Midas, every move he made was pure gold
Originally Posted by PoeticJays

Originally Posted by solefob

I still believe that the lakers are taking this in 6. One of the best attributes of Phil as a coach in the playoffs is his game to game adjustments. from
the 91 finals till now he's gone up against teams that presented tough matchups for his teams and he's been able to adjust enough so those matchups
don't lead to defeat.

I used to believe that was true during the Jordan & Shaq golden years. But his trackrecord in his last 2 finals have been [barkley] TURRIBLE [/barkley]

Ran through in 5 by Detroit in 2004 when the Lakers were heavily favored.

Ran through in 6 by Boston last year in which Doc clearly outcoached him.

What has he done when he didn't have the 2 most dominant players of the last 20 years on his team? Seems like a lot of his coaching moves since the last Laker title haven't worked out for him so much. Before that, he was like King Midas, every move he made was pure gold

i agree with everything you just said, but right now it's 1-1 and it's still a season going on, so theres no choice but to have faith in phil andcompany to get the job done.
Originally Posted by PoeticJays

Originally Posted by solefob

I still believe that the lakers are taking this in 6. One of the best attributes of Phil as a coach in the playoffs is his game to game adjustments. from
the 91 finals till now he's gone up against teams that presented tough matchups for his teams and he's been able to adjust enough so those matchups
don't lead to defeat.

I used to believe that was true during the Jordan & Shaq golden years. But his trackrecord in his last 2 finals have been [barkley] TURRIBLE [/barkley]

Ran through in 5 by Detroit in 2004 when the Lakers were heavily favored.

Ran through in 6 by Boston last year in which Doc clearly outcoached him.

What has he done when he didn't have the 2 most dominant players of the last 20 years on his team? Seems like a lot of his coaching moves since the last Laker title haven't worked out for him so much. Before that, he was like King Midas, every move he made was pure gold
naw i dnt think he out coached him i think lakers juss werent tough enough weou post play was weaker than it is right now
Originally Posted by kobe8is

Originally Posted by PRETTYPLAYA

This is what I'd like to see more from the Nuggets.
who are you?

a guy that lives in malibu california, yet has a huge dislike for the los angeles lakers and a guy named kobe bryant. he does a good job getting underpeoples skin on here as well.

that being said prettyplaya why do you dislike kobe and the lakers so much? i'm just wondering
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Entertaining clowns...

No point in arguing with trolls.

My dude.....tell me you wasn't going in last night?

How quickly y'all Lakers fan flip the script
Whatever I may say, it is never outlandish and can be backed with either stats or a legit argument.

You're proud of your boy LeBron going to the Finals past a weak East and an aging Pistons team only to get swept by the Spurs. That, my friends, is nothing to use in your argument. More reason to not take you seriously.

Kobe didn't get MVP until Pau? Okay. LeBron didn't get MVP until Mo Williams...who even made ythe All-Star team unlike Pau did in Kobe's MVP year.

Your arguments are so flawed. No one has won chips by themselves and LeBron won't either.
Ok, so are you saying Mo Williams is a better player than Pau?
Making it to the Finals is nothing to use in your argument? That was LeBron's 4th season in the league. How were the Pistons aging? The playersfrom that Pistons team are still very good today (2-3 years later), and that included Billups, who might be the reason the Nuggets beat the Lakers in thisseries. Ok they got swept by the Spurs, but look at the team LeBron was surrounded with. That team consisted of Pavlovic and Snow and their second best scorermight've been Daniel Gibson
. Just cause Kobe can't win anythingwithout All-stars doesn't mean LeBron can't.
Let's see here.

No. I did not say Mo Williams was better than Pau. But...they were both All-Stars this year.
No. I could care less that LeBron ran through a wide open, weak Eastern Conference. Kobe won just as many Finals games as LeBron did that year.
And all this crap about doing it all himself...
. Okay...his squad wasn't deep but Larry Hughes had his moments, Z and Gooden were decent, and Gibsoncould hit off the bench. Gibson was NOT their 2nd option.

The Pistons were clearly a slower, aging squad. Ben Wallace was the anchor of that defense and bounced. Billups is too small. RIP is too small. Tayshaun is agood defender but LeBron could body preying mantis all day. Sheed isn't going to contribute to help side defense either. Who was going to guard LeBron? Oldman McDyess? C. Webb was the 6th man and could barely run down the court. Maxiell?
Stop it.

What superstar won without an All-Star? Don't worry...I'll wait.
Just cause Kobe can't win anything without All-stars doesn't mean LeBron can't.
Hilarity. If LeBron wins this year, that would mean that he needed an All-Star as well...wouldn't it? Try again.
Originally Posted by goukiteg

Originally Posted by Sriracha Hot Sauce

Billups made every single player on the Nuggets better. Hell, he made George Karl a better coach. He did the same with the Pistons. Look at the Pistons after he left. He understands the game in and out.
I wonder how AI feels about the whole situation now that the Nuggets are competitive in the WCF.


But I doubt he's very upset. We ALL know Detroit would have swept Cleveland if A.I.'s back was 100%.
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

MisterP0315 wrote:

abeautifulhaze wrote:

MisterP0315 wrote:

Entertaining clowns...

No point in arguing with trolls.

My dude.....tell me you wasn't going in last night?

How quickly y'all Lakers fan flip the script
Whatever I may say, it is never outlandish and can be backed with either stats or a legit argument.

You're proud of your boy LeBron going to the Finals past a weak East and an aging Pistons team only to get swept by the Spurs. That, my friends, is nothing to use in your argument. More reason to not take you seriously.

Kobe didn't get MVP until Pau? Okay. LeBron didn't get MVP until Mo Williams...who even made the All-Star team unlike Pau did in Kobe's MVP year.

Your arguments are so flawed. No one has won chips by themselves and LeBron won't either.

Not to mention leBRONZE couldn't carry USA to the gold medal until Kobe got there to carry the team on defense

he was barely entering his second season.. and let me know, how much playing time he got?
Check and see how Larry Brown's oversized ego hurt that 2004 Olympic team....the players had NOTHING to do with the outcome of thosegames...IMO, all the blame falls solely on the shoulders of Larry Brown.
All I wanna know is where is the Nene gif of him giving the your gonna get raped smile while Pau wilds out in the background after thekickball??????????????
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Let's see here.

No. I did not say Mo Williams was better than Pau. But...they were both All-Stars this year.
No. I could care less that LeBron ran through a wide open, weak Eastern Conference. Kobe won just as many Finals games as LeBron did that year.
And all this crap about doing it all himself...
. Okay...his squad wasn't deep but Larry Hughes had his moments, Z and Gooden were decent, and Gibson could hit off the bench. Gibson was NOT their 2nd option.

The Pistons were clearly a slower, aging squad. Ben Wallace was the anchor of that defense and bounced. Billups is too small. RIP is too small. Tayshaun is a good defender but LeBron could body preying mantis all day. Sheed isn't going to contribute to help side defense either. Who was going to guard LeBron? Old man McDyess? C. Webb was the 6th man and could barely run down the court. Maxiell?
Stop it.

What superstar won without an All-Star? Don't worry...I'll wait.
Just cause Kobe can't win anything without All-stars doesn't mean LeBron can't.
Hilarity. If LeBron wins this year, that would mean that he needed an All-Star as well...wouldn't it? Try again.

if kobe does not win this year his legacy will be questioned. im a big fan of both but what will be the excuse this year if lakers dont win? the refs?
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